HBO Max’s Genera+ion Should Be Every Gay Middle Schooler’s New Obsession

When I was in 6th grade, my friend Matt and I used to talk on the phone for hours about The OC. We knew our enthusiasm for the teen soap opera was not socially acceptable for two boys. We knew that we were not supposed to have the same favorite show as our sisters. And since we were the last subgeneration to be reliant on our family’s landlines, we used code names. We used our friends’ names. Something told us that it was better for our moms to think our friends were rebellious than to admit our investment in the show where Marissa Cooper was French kissing the future director of Booksmart.

Matt is, of course, gay. I’m gay too. But we didn’t realize that’s what we were really hiding. Hell, I didn’t even know my type of gay was an option. There wasn’t a lot on the show — or any show — to reveal ourselves to ourselves. Just Ryan Atwood’s angsty tanks for Matt, that all too brief subplot for me, and whatever gay archetype you want to project onto Adam Brody.

This weekend, as I caught up on HBO Max’s latest teen soap Genera+ion, I kept thinking about those phone calls. I kept thinking about watching The OC and the kids watching this show now. Because if Euphoria is a teen show for teens, then Genera+ion feels like a teen show for middle schoolers. And I think that’s great.

HBO Max Generation actually features a cast of teenagers playing teenagers.

The pilot of HBO Max’s Genera+ion introduces us to our main cast of characters in intersecting vignettes. First we meet Chester (Justice Smith), a flamboyant gay boy wise beyond his years. He cares for his grandma who he lives with but at school he puts on a show of DGAF confidence. He’s a Scorpio. He’s lonely. Next there’s Greta (Haley Sanchez), a semi-closeted lesbian filled with anxiety and self-doubt. Her mother was recently deported and she feels isolated despite her supportive aunt. And, finally, there’s Nathan (Uly Schlesinger), a closeted bisexual exhausted by his WASPy parents. He’s very close to his twin sister — and even closer to her boyfriend.

The rest of the ensemble consists of Nathan’s sister Naomi (Chloe East), Nathan’s friend and Greta’s crush Riley (Chase Sui Wonders), Greta’s trans aunt Ana (Nava Mau — watch Nava’s excellent short!), the self-identified edgelord with two gay dads Ariana (Nathanya Alexander), the group’s young activist Delilah (Lukita Maxwell), and Sam (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett), the school’s new guidance counselor who Chester develops an immediate crush on. It’s a real who’s who cross-section of Gen Z where almost everyone is gay and literally everyone could be.

HBO Max Genera+ion actors Nathanya Alexander and Haley Sanchez

If the show is good it’s because of the cast. They have a shared charisma and an easy chemistry with one another. Even when the dialogue misses or the story follows some unnecessary plot contrivances, the cast is still enjoyable to watch. Justice Smith is especially excellent which should be no surprise to anyone who watched the unfortunately short-lived Netflix show The Get Down. He feels like an authentic queer teen with all the angst, false confidence, and deep thoughts that aren’t that deep. He’s relatable and aspirational and easy to root for even as he elicits eye rolls.

But not every gay teen has such bravado. The balance of our three leads — Chester being Chester, Greta unable to string a sentence together under gay pressure, Nathan’s anxious over-talking — results in a portrait of queer youth that feels authentic and varied all at once. Gen Z might be super gay, but one needs only to read the news to realize queerness — especially genderqueerness — is far from universally acceptable for young people to explore.

The show’s authenticity might be in part a result that the show was co-created by Zelda Barnes who is only 19-years-old. Of course, a 19-year-old whose dad is TV creator offers a very narrow perspective, but I think a lot of shows and movies could learn from this example. Coming-of-age references are often a decade late, technology represented far too crudely, and young characters treated with a cloying condescension. There’s none of that here.

Only the first three episodes of HBO Max’s Genera+ion have been released — two more drop tomorrow — and I’m not sure I’d say it’s great. There are characters and storylines that could be redeemed as they deepen or they may continue to bother me throughout the show. There is writing that may continue to feel forced or settle as the show trusts its talented cast. But regardless of where the show goes there’s plenty here to entertain — especially for a couple of gay 6th graders to gossip about via Snapchat. RIP landlines.

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Drew Burnett Gregory

Drew is a Brooklyn-based writer, filmmaker, and theatremaker. She is a Senior Editor at Autostraddle with a focus in film and television, sex and dating, and politics. Her writing can also be found at Bright Wall/Dark Room, Cosmopolitan UK, Refinery29, Into, them, and Knock LA. She was a 2022 Outfest Screenwriting Lab Notable Writer and a 2023 Lambda Literary Screenwriting Fellow. She is currently working on a million film and TV projects mostly about queer trans women. Find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Drew Burnett has written 682 articles for us.


  1. I’m definitely getting to the age (30+) where I watch teen TV shows and I’m like, “are the kids like this?? what do they think of this??” Lol. But I’m enjoying this series so far! I do wonder if the teen dialogue might be a little too cynical? Like are queer teens really so cynical/sarcastic about everything? I remember being such an earnest queer teen….but who knows. I also loved The OC when it was on, and that was a totally absurd show. I have to remind myself that TV isn’t a reflection of reality!

  2. As a former The O.C fan and a +30 adult I will give this one a try just because you wrote about it. Still waiting on your piece about “Todo sobre mi madre”. ♥

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