Happy Birthday, Everybody!

This is the week of truly perfect events, so you should drop everything and celebrate! And if anyone asks why you’re wearing that feather boa, you can tell them it’s Epic Birthweek, which is what I just named it because so many people we love were born this week!


Who’s At the Door?


It’s Natalie, Worldwide Social Justice Crusader and Condiment Enthusiast!

January 16


It’s Katrina Casino, Writer of Mighty Words!
Jan 18



It’s Brandy “Fist or Fingers” Howard, Executive Lesbian Realness at Its Sexiest!
Jan 19


It’s Haviland Stillwell, Intergallactic Shimmering Blazing Star and The Harmonizer of Unicorn Plan-It!
Jan 19


Oh hey it’s Janis Joplin, Singer/Songwriter Who Cannot Be With Us Today, Except in Our Hearts
Jan 19


Look, it’s Jodie Sweetin, America’s Middle Sister
Jan 19



Of course, it’s Crystal Silvester, Master Music Muser and Infinitely Kind Soul
Jan 20



Happy birthday, lovers and friends! What a fantastic addition to the world you’ve been! We love you to the moon.


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  1. I LOVE ALL OF THESE PEOPLE SO MUCH OH LORDY. i think my favorite thing might be how janis joplin is like not even pretending to take whitney seriously tho

  2. ohhhh happy birthday everyone! if we all lived in the same city, we could have such a great party! and by ‘party’ i mean like, ‘sitting in the floor and talking, sharing ideas.’

  3. You probably don’t have a picture of me just laying around, but my birthday is in Epic Birthweek as well. Not a big thing, but ya know, for next year. . .

  4. Epic birthweek indeed. On a personal note, the 14th was my father’s birthday, the 18th was my late maternal grandfather’s birthday. Tomorrow, friday the 20th, my brother’s second child will see light of the world will he or won’t he.

  5. Happy Birthday everybody!
    I just want to add for Brandy: sexo sexo pharmacia! I love your humor, your style, your not-giving-a-fuck attitude. Happy Birthday and the Nicest Thing 2012!

  6. Happy Birthday ladies! I adore you all. Btw I was reading about Janis Joplin in Patti Smith’s “Just Kids” a while ago. IT’S A SIGN!

  7. Imagine all these people having like a collective birthday party. Would.be.EPIC. Happy birthday everyone!

  8. Everyone on my facebook has a birthday this week too. Normally my email says like 3 friends have a birthday this week. This week it’s more like 1923712938.38381/2

  9. ME TOO ME TOO ME TOO!!!! I’m a 26 year old on the 21st. :) So thank you, Autostraddle, for this early birthday smile! xo You guys make my life.

  10. These birthday wishes are way better than the corny things people come up with on facebook. Happy birthday y’all. I hope Whitney showed you a good time.

  11. happy birthday y’all.
    i love how crystal’s like, “um no whitney, i just needed to borrow a cup of sugar.”

  12. My birthday is Saturday, so I can be involved in this epic birth week too yay. Also happy birthday every lady.

  13. Ha, my birthday was the 16th. It was awesome cause the office was closed for MLK day and there was a Betty White 90th birthday special on.

  14. guise my birthday is next wednesday can intern grace photoshop me into something too? pretty please?

  15. i dont know you all personally, but i know u r all awesome! so have some very awesome birthdays!!!!!

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