Guessing Game: Give Your Reasons

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Sally lives in the UK. Her work has been featured in a Korean magazine about queer people and their pets, and a book about haunted prisons. She never intended for any of this to happen.

Sally has written 81 articles for us.


  1. My startling inability to come up with any real 10 letter words makes this look much more efficient that it actually was !

    Give Your Reasons

  2. Woo! Finally one I don´t do this o_O with
    Give Your Reasons

  3. Give Your Reasons

  4. Give Your Reasons

    I loved this one!!!!! My little sister helped me and a great time was had :)

  5. 🟢🟢🟢🟢–️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪–️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪

    i can’t believe how many times i read the headline out loud and didn’t IMMEDIATELY get it

  6. Once I thought of the right ten letter word, everything fell into place lmao

    Give Your Reasons

  7. Give Your Reasons

  8. Give Your Reasons

    Pure chance but the first one I’ve got this quickly!

  9. 14 seconds



  10. Sally, thank you, these puzzles are so fun!

    The headline took me in a different direction — I was thinking of a different queer thing with a single reason. Hehe. Loved the answer when I worked it out! :)

  11. I guess I haven’t had one in way too long !

    Give Your Reasons

  12. Give Your Reasons
    I had already made two guesses on the first word before my brain finally clicked where I know the phrase “give your reasons” from…

  13. 2 minutes 8 seconds after which time i was like oh god now i get the headline

    Give Your Reasons

  14. 5 Minutes 26 seconds and I feel like the first 2 words took me way too long!

    Give Your Reasons

  15. Hehe i looked at the header after and chuckled

    Give Your Reasons

  16. Give Your Reasons

    Well this is embarrassing… I was singing the song the whole time.

  17. ha! love it

    Give Your Reasons

  18. Give Your Reasons

    I just revisited the thing the clue was referencing the other day – perfect timing to prime my brain!!

  19. 2 min 1 sec. Why it took me so long to think of a ten letter word

    Give Your Reasons

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