Rachel’s Team Pick: GOGO Festival Looks F*cking Fantastic, You Should Go

January is a good time to be a lesbian, it seems! Emily might get laid on Pretty Little Liars, you can now buy red-and-green candy really cheap at CVS, and there are parties left and right for some reason! (At least, parties that actually happen in June that you can buy tickets for now.) For instance, the GOGO Festival in London. I mean, listen, guys. I’m not saying you have to go to this. I’m just saying that if you don’t, you might REGRET IT FOREVER. There are HOT AIR BALLOON RIDES. Oh, and lesbian stuff too!

+ Heather Peace, aka cop D.I Sam from hit British lesbian series ‘Lip Service’ will be hanging up her uniform and picking up her guitar to perform a set on Sunday the 19th, having enjoyed sell-out success on her solo tour since starring in the BBC3 show.

She will also be doing a signing and meet and greet with her fans.

+ Uh Huh Her (featuring Leisha Hailey from the L Word) alongside lesbian-anthem-‘L Word Theme’-singers BETTY will be headlining the event, along with other top performers from around the world.

+ Terry Poison, the “Tarantino of Pop,” are flying in from Tel Aviv, Israel, to chuck out their unique brand of contagious Rocktronica, along with all-lesbian band Greymatter, electro-pop tarts Heads.Hearts, sweet-voiced Jill Jackson and Emma Payn, indie rockers Neon Choir and JOANovARC (who were finalists in Live and Unsigned and performed at the O2 in London in 2010), Christina Novelli, Miri, Pink Hearse and Alexia Chellun.


+ International food fair and shopping village




+ Also I think possibly HELICOPTER RIDES?!?

Basically, this is the event that grown-up-lesbian-you could take eight-year-old-you to and both of you would have the time of your lives. Or, you know, your girlfriend. Whatever.

The GOGO Festival is the weekend of June 17th, and tickets are available at www.gogofestival.com, and as of right now early bird specials and VIP tickets are still available. Get on it, girl! And let us know if you’re going – the AS team can’t necessarily make it, but that doesn’t mean we don’t want to hear all about it. Go forth and party, lesbians of the UK.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


  1. If only I didn’t have a fear of travelling alone and a lack of money. Otherwise I would totally go!!!

  2. It sounds like Disney world. And I wish I could be there. If only to see Heather Peace with a guitar. Yummy.

  3. If only to see Heather Peace…ooh yeah ^
    She’s so charming/sexy, a great singer and actress. love her

  4. I love Uh Huh Her, but Betty makes me want to remove my ear drums with a rusty nail.

    Whenever I rewatch the L Word, season one seems like a sanctuary because it doesn’t have THAT SONG in the intro.

    • “Whenever I rewatch the L Word, season one seems like a sanctuary because it doesn’t have THAT SONG in the intro.”

      lol, I totally felt the same way rewatching the series recently.

  5. Hmm, that sounds suspiciously similar to the lesbian music fest that Oz & I shelled out big bucks & flew 8,000 miles to attend. Only it was canceled at the last minute and we instead spent a looooong cold, wet weekend in London with no lesbians, no lesbian music, and press passes that got us nowhere. #lesbianmusicfestfail

    I’m sure this one will go off without a hitch, though. ;-)

  6. I was looking at their website the other day, wondering if I could pluck up the courage to go on my own, then I saw the Autostraddle logo at the bottom and I thought woohoo Autostraddle is on tour-where’s my tent! This could be like a UK version of Dinah, well sort of-ish….but then realised you guys are media partners, and may not actually be there in person :( So no Autostraddle meet up?

  7. We could totally organise an Autostraddle readers meetup, if sadly without the actual AS. I’m a bit nervous about going on my own, and like Azzy and Grace_B, pretty much broke so I can only afford a day ticket – I was planning to go on Sunday 19th, and I’ll be coming from London, so maybe we could all meet at the train station. Would be great for me as well because I’m seventeen and so need a *cough* accompanying adult *cough*. Any takers?

    • Well, i would so accompany you, but sadly I’m located in Canada, so I can’t afford to go AT ALL :( Unless she means London, Ontario but I doubt it.

  8. I’m heading to GOGO by myself and would LOVE to meet with with fellow autostraddler-readin’ ladies :-)

    shoot me an e-mail if you fancy meeting up! katemkintyre [at] gmail [dot] com

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