No Filter: Gillian Anderson, At This Point? Like, Madam Just Be My Wife Already!

Welcome to No Filter! This is the place where I find the best celesbian Instagrams and add my own witty commentary, all for you own viewing pleasure!

A note! We know that some of you haven’t been able to see the embedded images in these posts and we are looking into it! We here for you!

Here’s the thing: I have seen every single episode of Sex and The City multiple times, I am mostly off book on the… entire fourth season, I have a fondness for it that cannot erased, and YET! I have such doubt! But getting Sara back on TV is actually so important to me that like, maybe it will be good??? Let us hope!

Someone get me this ENTIRE outfit, post haste!

Look at these cuties! Look at Janet’s sweater!

Frankly I may never again wear a heel so Hayley’s bravery here really cannot be overstated!

Generation Q is approaching! Are you prepared? Are you ready? Are you excited? Are you nervous! Are you all of the above?

Purple glasses and a purple smoothie? Incredible work!

Somehow I did not know Stacy London was a Gemini? We love to learn info!

I love the bold no caption approach here, so mysterious, so withholding!

What is there to say about Gillian Anderson at this point? Like… madam just be my wife already!

Of course I am leaving you with these, are you kidding, all of these images are absolute perfection, I love these two so MUCH!

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Christina Tucker

Christina Tucker is writer and podcaster living in Philadelphia. Find her on Twitter or Instagram!

Christina has written 325 articles for us.


  1. It’s so clear how happy and in love Niecy and Jessica are in all those photos, you love to see it

  2. I am looking respectfully at Niecy. 🔥 But seriously, I love seeing their relationship featured!

    Also, I might just have to buy Vanity Fair for Gillian Anderson.

  3. Thank you for looking into the embedding thing! <3 In the meantime I will do the important work of clicking through to each post so that I can also practice my respectfully-looking skills.

    Also TIL I share a birthday with Stacy London, though unfortunately not a unitard.

    • i wasn’t be able to see the insta images for a while, but can now though i’ve changed nothing. but also, i can now see posts on their site again, where for a while i was blocked for not logging in. (for nothing, i’m not doing anything zuckerberg wants and he can f/o). so maybe u.s. changed back but canada didn’t?

      also, i’m not sure whether to congratulate you for learning that you are not sharing a leotard, so hopefully happy birthday will do :)

      • I have discovered that I can see them from my phone but not my laptop, so who knows. Thanks for the bday wishes!

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