Get Baked Mother’s Day Special: Dutch Baby

Do you have a mom or momish person in your life who likes breakfast? You should make her a dutch baby for breakfast out of bed! Out of bed because a) no one likes getting crumbs all over their sheets and b) because this breakfast is too impressive to pass up for a few extra minutes of sleep.

This giant pancake is all you need to make your momling smile on Mother’s Day. It’s a cross between a traditional pancake and a crepe and it’s at least seven times cooler than a bowl of cheerios. All you need is some basic ingredient stuff and about 30 minutes and you’re as golden as the top of the baby you’re about to make.


2 eggs
½ cup flour
½ cup milk
1 teaspoon sugar
a pinch of salt
2 tablespoons of butter
toppings (e.g. powdered sugar, lemon wedges, yogurt, fruit, syrup, nuts, ice cream)

Beat the eggs, hard! Then stir in the flour so that you have a paste. If you’re wondering why or if you just need an extra dose of cute, watch this video.

Grab a whisk and mix in the milk, sugar, and salt and let the batter sit for half an hour. While you’re waiting, preheat the oven and then throw the butter in a cast iron skillet (or really any oven-safe pan) and cook it until the butter melts.

Pour the batter into your now-well-buttered pan and let it cook for 12-15 minutes. Get your toppings all ready in little bowls so that your mom can decorate her dutch baby slice(s) to her liking.

When it comes out of the oven, yell really loud so that you mom wakes up and comes down to see what’s wrong. When she comes downstairs, yell “surprise” and make her look at the pancake before it deflates. Hopefully any lingering irritation at being unceremoniously ripped out of bed will be overshadowed by just how novel and delicious her breakfast is.

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Laura is a tiny girl who wishes she were a superhero. She likes talking to her grandma on the phone and making things with her hands. Strengths include an impressive knowledge of Harry Potter, the ability to apply sociology to everything under the sun, and a knack for haggling for groceries in Spanish. Weaknesses: Chick-fil-a, her triceps, girls in glasses, and the subjunctive mood. Follow the vagabond adventures of Laura and her bike on twitter [@laurrrrita].

Laura has written 308 articles for us.


    • How did you even manage to be the first commenter on this? Do you have some kind of internal pedophagist alarm that alerts you when the word ‘baby’ is mentioned in relation to food?

  1. Is that your mom? Cute!
    She looks
    1 wary
    2 deep in food-thought
    3 guardedly approving
    4 embarrassed that this is about to go on the internet

  2. I’m pretty sure this is like how you make Yorkshire Pudding, but minus the sugar, and usully with gravy and meat rather than sugar. Regardless, I want to make one.

    • the idea of putting meat in a pancake terrifies me, but i’ve heard you guys feel similarly about peanut butter and jelly, so.

      • Yorkies usually don’t have anything sweet added to them, and are eaten with a roast dinner: roast meat (or quorn or nut roast) with roast potatoes and roast veggies. Absolutely delicious!

  3. oh oh oh I love these. I just know them in a small version called Poffertje…I guess if these are babies then they’re dutch fetuses.and they are quite tasty.

    • this is such a weird comment. all I wanted to say is I like this and your Mom is cute.

      • oh jeez, I totally forgot the ‘s’ at the end of poffertjes so I lost all my confidence re my dutch speaking abilities…. but I’d say it something along the lines of P-ou-fert(as in fertility)-yes…eww does this make sense?no,I didn’t think so. hm maybe this /pɔfərtyɛs/

          • oh no, I can’t! this is the only thing keeping me motivated to study for an upcoming exam. I’ll practice with transcribing pick up lines now…
            bebi, ɪf ju wər wərdz ɑn ə pedʒ, jud bi wət ðe kɒl fajn prɪnt

    • I love Poffertjes!!! Our county fair is in the dutch town of the area and I wait for them every year

  4. Man I want to make this but I suck at making anything with more than two ingredients.

    • 2 ingredients is pretty limiting. If I lived like that all I would eat is milk and cereal lol

  5. yorkshire pudding? you could double this recipe up and have it for breakfast and then make a sunday roast in the afternoon, with trifle for afters.

    • Seriously, I could eat Yorkshire puddings all. day. long. And the idea that you can eat them topped with sweet stuff too has just blown my mind.

  6. I’m so glad this is the Mothers’ Day Get Baked– they’re the special breakfast my mom used to always make for me when i had friends over for my birthday parties :)

    Usually for mother’s day my dad and I cook her Eggs Benedict and drink mimosas! delicious

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