Get Baked: Carrot Soup

Some people like to detox or cleanse or eat healthy after the holidays, either to make up for everything you’ve ingested that you feel you shouldn’t or because it’s a new year, etc. Some people come home after traveling to see family and have only carrots and onions and a tub of miso that they’ve had since late 2009 in their fridge because they’re the only things that didn’t go bad. Whichever one you are, this soup is a great fit!

Carrot Soup with Miso and Sesame

originally from Smitten Kitchen


2 tablespoons olive oil
2 pounds carrots, peeled, thinly sliced
1 large onion, finely chopped
4 regular or 6 small garlic cloves, peeled and smashed
1-2 tablespoons finely chopped or grated ginger, to taste
4 cups vegetable broth
1/4 cup white miso paste, or more to taste
Little bit of toasted sesame oil

1. Peel and chop the carrots (sort of roughly, let’s not get carried away with the details) and dice the onion.

2. Heat the olive oil in a 4-qt or larger pot, and throw the onion and carrot in there, along with the ginger. (Here is my secret: I actually just use ginger-garlic paste from my friendly Indian grocery for all recipes that call for both ginger and garlic. For this recipe, I put in like four heaping tablespoons, because if I could count or figure out amounts I wouldn’t be a writer. But if you are not doing this, and are following the recipe like a normal human being, put the ginger in now.)

3. Once the onions are translucent, add the broth and the garlic. Simmer, covered, for about 30 minutes, or until the carrots are cooked through.

4. Now it is time to BLEND. If you have an immersion blender, this part is awesome and easy. If you don’t, you will need to use a regular blender in batches. That will suck. Lesson: get an immersion blender.

5. Is it blended? Wasn’t that fun? Great job. Now get your miso happening — start with a smaller amount if you’re not sure how you feel about it, as miso is pretty hardcore. Measure your miso into a container, and then pour a half cup or so of soup in there with it, and mix until the miso is dissolved. Then add the miso-soup mixture back into the pot and taste. Is it not salty/miso-y enough? Repeat. Is it too salty/miso-y? Well, I guess you should have added less.

6. Lastly, pour into a bowl and garnish! The original recipe recommends scallions, which I think would have been baller. I also think some little seared (maybe marinated???) tofu cubes on top would be really good. I did not have any scallions or tofu; see first paragraph. I did have some toasted sesame oil though, and that was a great idea. Drizzle that right on there; don’t hold back. Enjoy!

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


  1. OMG!! Ginger-garlic paste!! You’re an effing genius! Do you have any idea how many recipes you’ve just simplified for me?? Of course you don’t…But trust me..I love you for it!

  2. I wouldn’t have thought about garlic+ginger, I must try it next time! I just make my carrot soup by boiling them then blending with a bit of water and 1-2 teaspoons of curry powder. Great in winter, cheap and 0 cooking skill required.


    I love carrot soup, but I usually just buy the pre-made stuff from Trader Joes.

    Why don’t I have any of the things? I want to make this right now.

    I don’t even have an immersion blender. Actually I’m not sure I have a regular blender. What a travesty.

  4. Carrot soooup! I would try this but: no kitchen and also I’m fucking lazy. Like I would probably just juice the carrots and then heat it in the microwave.

  5. I LOVE soup and had it tonight even though it is the middle of summer. Also, it is the only thing I can reliably make without burning someone (me).

  6. god this looks so good i can’t even get over the fact that i don’t have an immersion blender OR a regular fucking blender. would a food processor work? RACHEL TELL ME A FOOD PROCESSOR WOULD WORK.

  7. I love soup! and this sound really good. but one time I tried to make a really good tomato and Gorgonzola soup that requiring blending and well… it did not go so well. Hopefully someone will help me make this!

  8. As someone who only knows how to cook anything microwaveable, I thank you! I am gonna try to make it tomorrow for lunch, wish me luck!

  9. Made this tonight and garnished with scallions and sriracha sauce, as well as a side of toasted french bread. It was so delicious and I am stuffed. Thank you, Rachel.

  10. allow me to suggest a variation for people who don’t like or have miso, or want more gingery oomph, or just want to mix it up a little. i guarantee that this is one of the most delicious soups you can possibly make for like, three dollars a batch. i never even liked carrots much before i made this soup and now it’s one of my favourite cheap meals.

    preheat your oven to 400. wash ~ 2 lbs carrots, throw them on a baking sheet or two, toss with olive oil to coat, and season generously with salt and pepper. stick these in the oven and roast for 45mn-1hour, shaking the baking sheets every 15-20 minutes to rotate the carrots. when they’re getting nice and caramelized on the outside, take them out, and let them cool for a minute while you chop an onion and throw it into a pot over medium heat with some olive oil. let that cook until it gets soft, then add a healthy tablespoon of ginger paste (or minced fresh ginger) and let that cook together until the onions are starting to get golden. meanwhile, chop the carrots into chunks and throw them into the pot; once they’re all in, add about 4 cups veggie broth, bring to a boil, and then simmer until the carrots break up when you press them against the side of the pot with your spoon (about 20 minutes). blend, serve, enjoy with some toasted baguette for dipping.

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