Let me tell you something about me: I love soup. I eat soup almost every night in the Winter. I especially love beer cheese soup and broccoli cheddar. The last time I was making broccoli cheddar soup, I was drinking a smoked lager and thought, “Why the fuck not?” I poured it in, and out came this genius creation.
Broccoli Cheddar Beer Soup
Serves: Six
4 cups of broccoli / 2 medium-large heads of broccoli
1 onion, diced
2/3/4 minced garlic cloves, depending on your personal feelings about garlic
1 cup carrots, grated or diced
1 1/2 cup potatoes (optional, but worth it)
1 can cream of chicken*
1 bottle of beer, preferably a smoked lager but really any amber-colored and medium-bodied beer will work**
Salt and Pepper
Optional: Spices, whatever you’d like. I’d recommend paprika, sage, thyme, basil, or whatever you have in your pantry, to be honest.
8 oz sharp cheddar***
1. Bring the water to boil, add the broccoli and cook until it’s tender. Drain the broccoli and set it aside to cool.
2. Toss the onions, garlic, carrots, and potatoes into a stock pot and saute until the onions are translucent.
3. Add the cream of chicken and the entire bottle of beer. Add whatever spices you’d like, including salt and pepper. I added paprika and basil this time for kicks but sometimes I toss in sage or thyme, depending what I have on hand. It is going to look like the least appetizing thing ever at this point but hold your horses, it’s getting there.
4. Turn heat down to low and simmer for at least a half hour and up to an hour. Stir it occassionally.
5. Chop up the broccoli into small pieces, then toss into the soup. If your soup looks way too thick, add in up to a cup of water. Simmer it for 10-20 more minutes.
6. Grate the cheese and add it slowly to the soup, making sure it doesn’t touch the sides or bottom. If the cheese burns, your soup will be so gross. Don’t let that happen. Here’s the trick: Just leave it on top of the soup until it gets super melty, then stir it in right before you are ready to serve.
7. Serve with a dash of extra cheese on top. Tah dah!

I’m going to be honest and say that this isn’t even my soup because I forgot to take a picture of the finished product because I was starving. But doesn’t this look so good? via efoods.com
* Vegetarian soup: substitute Cream of Chicken for Cream of any vegetable, especially asparagus and mushroom
** I used Z Lager from Fort Collins Brewery and it has this smoked bacon aftertaste and yummmmmmm.
*** Tillamook is my favorite. My mom uses Velveeta and it melts really well and has a smooth taste but I don’t know what Velveeta is exactly, so I try not to use it.
Holy drool, Batman!
I am a fellow soup-addict – I can’t wait to try this!
Oh my goodness that looks delicious. Accidental recipes are the best.
I was just thinking about soup and how winter is the perfect opportunity to eat more of it! I cannot wait to make this.
This just sounds super fabulous and perfect for winter!
This post makes me want to try to veganize: http://micahludeke.blogspot.com/2011/10/vegan-beer-cheese-soup.html. It could be good or it could be terrible.
(Also, side note: spell checker didn’t like the word “veganize” and said that I should change it to “vaginas.” Hmmmm.)
Hana, you should proooooobably vaginas all of your recipes from now on.
WHAT?! You are the best! I was just looking at this recipe and thinking how sad it was that I couldn’t eat it…but I now stand corrected.
my phone spell check changes “hmmm” to “homo”. You could have had 2 in one comment there.
‘Why the fuck not’ is the best reason to put something in food.
Just make sure you don’t use about a hundred times as much as you intended by dropping the container of ‘why the fuck not’ thing into the food.
Cough. Vanilla. Cough.
Whenever I’m looking to booze up a dish I have to ask if I’m willing to do a salvage operation. If I completely bomb will I drink cheese flavoured beer? Yes? OKAY THIS RECIPE IS A GO.
I’ve been making a variation of this for years. It was originally just a beer cheese soup, but I started adding broccoli or cauliflower so I could say it was healthy.
i screwed this one up tonight by putting too much broccoli (and then overcompensating with too much cheese), but it still came out alright, just too thick! and today i learned that campbells cream of mushroom soup costs 3 euros in spain. ouch! :)
This soup is AMAZING!!!! MY new favorite– thank you for sharing the recipe! I usually double the recipe so that I have extra for lunches too. I find it’s best with a cream of mushroom soup and 1 “good” beer and 1 run of the mill beer.