Queer Dance Crew “Vogue Evolution” Does Beyonce FTW


I wonder who the Top Ten Lesbian Fashion & Style Icons are! Oh! Look, it’s a top ten of the most fashionably lesbian superstars of the universe! Hey did you hear about that Kaki King art show? It was so good, Katrina went and now she’s gonna tell you all about it.


+Arts & Culture

AMERICA’S BEST DANCE CREW: Vogue Evolution brought it on this week in MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew, doing “Deja Vu” for the Beyoncè challenge and sealing a spot for next week’s showdown. – “It took a transgender woman to bring out the feminine side of Beyonce tonight,” said Lil’ Mama. Lil’ Mama also complemented Leiomy for swinging her hair, Shane Sparks said everyone is talkin’ about Leiomy, and the guy from N’Sync was like “WOW!” and then Maggie Gallagher threw herself off a bridge.

REALITY TV: Someone got word that The Real Housewives of Atlanta are casting a The Gay Househusbands Show in New York. I think this is sexist! RAWR! (@gawker)Lesbian-Vampire-Killers-c-001

ANNIE LEBOWITZ: How Could Annie Lebowitz be on the Verge of Financial Collapse? Friends say Leibovitz has begun to think of herself less as a celebrity artist leading a charmed life and more as a single mother of three fighting to keep a roof over her head and food on her family’s table. (@nymag)

MOVIES: They are changing the name of Lesbian Vampire Killers to Vampire Killers, which is stupid, because Vampire Killers is a really stupid name for a movie. (@the guardian uk)

LADY GAGA: Lady Gaga is famous, and therefore people will say crazy things about her: Lady GaGa ‘eats up and spits out’ men. “The wacky singer’s record producer Rob Fusari compares her to the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz – who doesn’t have a heart.” (@thesun) (“My ex-boyfriend said that to me once, Lady GaGa is my soulsister, and maybe yours too!” – Riese)

WATCH: Brad Pitt Loves Marijuana & Gay People, Hates Religion. (@latimes)

OUR FAVORITE EXCUSE FOR NOT WATCHING MAD MEN, VIA GAWKER: It’s boring. madmenIt’s not like 24, or one of those shows were shit actually happens. Dude gets drunk on martinis at lunch. Dude gets undercut by younger dude. Chick gets pregnant and maybe goes crazy. Dude smokes. Dude gets drunk. Dude cheats on wife. It’s like the 37 hour-long version of Revolutionary Road without Michael Shannon going all batshit in it. The era Mad Men was set in was boooorrrrring. They didn’t have the internet or really good drugs, or people to write like 12 year-olds on the internet on really good drugs for you to read. Also, only boring people get bored, and these people are bored all the fucking time.

And WE COULD JUST POSSIBLY NOT AGREE MORE: Perhaps, In The End, Everyone Should Just Stop Talking About Everyone Else’s Bodies (@jezebel)

LESBIAN UNTIL BOX OFFICE GOLD: Amanda Seyfried and Megan Fox made out, are well aware that little bit will be used to promote Jennifer’s Body like WHOA.

+News & Politics

GAYS KISSING EN MASSE: Images of from The Great National Kiss-In! (@pamshouseblend)

BILL CLINTON: Blogger calls out Bill Clinton: “your defense of why you signed [DADT and DOMA] was unnecessary because we all understand the politics of how it came to be. I wasn’t seeking an explanation. I was hoping that you would take the opportunity to strongly express your support or repealing both of those laws to help make it a reality.” (@metro weekly)

MONEY HONEY: This is how people who made a ton of money are living with less than a ton of money. (@washingtontimes)

IRAQ: Human Rights Watch will urge in a report to be released Monday that the Iraqi government do more to protect gay men, saying militiamen have killed and tortured scores in recent months as part of a social cleansing campaign. (@wapo)

craigslist-mondayStraight Up Now Tell Me Award: Chicago, w4w$Generous$?? College Cutey for u! – ”My time is precious and if you want to spend it with me doing whatever I need to be compensated…”

The Bristol Are You Out There Award” Alaska, w4w, missed connections – Hotness in the red jeep – “I saw you get into a red jeep at Chili’s in Wasilla yesterday. You are HOOOTTT!!!! Hit me back if you are single and interested.”

This Should Be a Poem Award” goes to J Smith of Montreal for this w4w –  chicoutimi

i want your creamy blond hair all over me. to cover all my greys. to make me feel young again. ps i went to your work and they said you don’t work there anymore. that place will always be special to me. that’s where we met.

The “Why the Fuck Don’t I Live in Philadelphia Award” to Philadelphia w4wMale seeking to submit to Lesbian Couple – Philadelphia w4w – “attractive submissive male seeking to submit to Lesbian Couple. Areas of submission are: Domestic servitude, house cleaning, cooking, Loved to be used orally, lots of long full weight facesitting. Use and abuse at ur desire!”

The “Straight Up Now Tell Me Part Duex Award” to New York, w4wISO of insincere, dishonest, lesbians ONLY – “…I don’t like to lick ashtrays, so smokers need not apply. Same with women who use drugs … I want you to be mentally present while I’m droning on and on about myself. If you’re persistant enough, you might just soften this old battered heart, and we can enjoy getting to know each other. Thanks for reading my ad, I think.”

Auto-Straddler of the Day

velvet blue


green-iconfrom Laneia:

The Nonist has a lovely post titled Hot Library Smut where you can ogle a bunch of pictures from the book Libraries by Candida Höfer, whom I’d never heard of until now. See more of Höfer’s photography on ArtNet! Um, I kind of want to kiss her. Is that weird?
alex-iconfrom Alex:
If you’re on a twitter and you love foods as much as I do, you’ll probably enjoy this list of over 55 foodies on twitter for you to follow!
hot-laura-icon2from Intern Laura: Commercial ostrich farming in Britan has failed because ostriches become so attracted to humans that they fail to mate with their own kind: “The more the ostriches were interested in humans, the more hopeless they were at sex with other ostriches. Some males tried to mount females the wrong way round, and could have broken their legs.”

Laneia: That’s kind of sad and reminds me of high school? For some reason.
Laura: Oh baybay. How emu/emo of you.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. swooning over the library smut. my first job was as a library page, libraries hold a special place in my heart.

    • My mom is a librarian and tells me about all the pages who work with her. They’re her little children at work.

  2. That Maher interview further proved why Brad Pitt is the shit. Truly. Period. Undisputed.

    He has Angelina, beautiful kids, a successful career, Angelina Jolie, money out the ass, open beliefs, philantropy, and he falls asleep and wakes up next to ANGELINA JOLIE!!

  3. name correction: The dancers name in Vogue Evolution is Leiomy Maldonado (not Naomi). The two sound the same so it probably sounded like the judges said Naomi on the show last night. :)

  4. We used to go on family outings to an ostrich farm when I was little; one time took an ostrich egg home to eat. Its possible I had an odd childhood.
    Also love the library photos – sad that the book costs a fortune though!

  5. whoever is responsible for the ragging on MAD MEN, please see me immediately in the principal’s office.

  6. Mad Men is a great show and although it does seem like on the surface that it is boring, there is soo much going on. Also a show where the women have curves, its good for eye candy if you can’t get into the story. However, the story IS good, interesting and full of twists. The writing is great, the cast is excellent for an ensemble show that is neither reality or sitcom it is hard to keep viewers and this show gets high marks. If you cant appreciate it for the above reasons then at least appreciate the curves. http://tinyurl.com/mszkpz

    *end of rant*

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