Apocalypse 2012: Ahmadinejad Blames Gays, Gays Blame Sarah Palin

2012: Firstly, there is no truth to the rumor that the world is going to end in 2012, which is why this is defo Sunday Funday material. I mean, Adam Lambert wrote the theme song for the movie or whatever, so the movie is defo not real because today the President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad voiced his opinions about gays & lesbians. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, “We think homosexuality is against nature. If homosexuality spreads out I think mankind is going to cease.” Basically, considering A-Jad’s vision of the existing world is nothing like our own, we can’t consider him to be a reliable visionary for the end of the world, either.

Anyhow, we all know there’s only one way the world will end in 2012, and Saturday Night Live has assembled that vision for us. B/c the gays run Hollywood, this is more or less from the gays thus our clever headline. We present The 2012 Trailer Re-Mixed with Sarah Palin:

HEALTHCARE: The Senate unveiled its own version of the healthcare reform bill yesterday, with fairly major differences on the issues of abortion and undocumented immigrants. (@nytimes)

LIFE OF PRINT: Window Media’s Washington Blade will live on as The DC Agenda, as will the South Florida Blade + 411. Dan Renzi, who you may recall from The Real Word: Miami, is back at work for his as-yet-untitled biweekly paper, reports: “Now those Vice Presidents are lamenting the loss of the company, sending out wailing press releases saying Gay Press Is Dead. Well, no, it’s not. Corporate excess is dead. I’m in my new office, with my sparkling new computer, proofreading editorials and dealing with my bizniss.”

TEGAN & SARA: A new web series from Tegan & Sara called “Reflections” will make you reflect on your love for Tegan & Sara.

Reflections – Episode 1 from Tegan and Sara on Vimeo.

ADAM LAMBERT: “There it was, in all its glory: Adam’s cocked head, the fingerless lambskin gloved hand grazing his buttery cheek, the gaze that says (whispered) “Put me in your CD player and listen to me gurl.” And so I did.” Michelle Collins over at Best Week Ever liveblogs For Your Entertainment. There may or may not be an animated .gif of Willie Ninja from Paris Is Burning. Just saying. (@bestweekever)

PALIN: Apparently Sarah Palin’s tour bus was swarmed and/or attacked when upset fans didn’t get the chance to meet her at a book signing as they had hoped. I’m glad, if only for the chance to use the word “palienated.” (@joemygod)

GSAs: Jesse James went back to her old high school to meet the new GSA. Get ready to laugh a little and cry a little and be glad you’re out of high school. (Unless you’re not, in which case I’m sorry, we believe in you, you can do it!) (@justlikejessejames)

SAME-SEX MARRIAGE: New York’s top court has okayed the state’s recognition of out-of-state same-sex marriages. (@wnyc)

TWILIGHT: Did you go see New Moon this weekend? This professor of medieval literature did! “Last night I was introduced to the concept of Team Edward vs. Team Jacob. One young woman near me was wearing fake blood and a homemade “I Love Jacob” t-shirt, and was drinking a forty.” (@nerve)

BARBIES: Mattel has released Barbie versions of Cyndi Lauper, Joan Jett, and Debbie Harry. This may be the most incongruous toy idea since the Antonin Scalia Teddy Bear. (@bitch)

VENICE THE SERIES: Lastly, we are super mega duper excited about Venice: The Series, which will premiere December 4th and features Guiding Light costars Chappell and Jessica Leccia:

Venice The Series – Season One – Teaser from Venice The Series on Vimeo.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


  1. I’d just like to say that I saw Twilight this weekend and I am on Team Jacob. You know, in case any of you were wondering. If someone gave me a Team Jacob tshirt and it was free then I would probably also wear it.

  2. Am I the only one that sees a uterus and ovaries in the swirly graphic at the end of the Venice promo…? It may or may not have made me want to watch it even more.

    • LOL. At first I saw swirls and then when you said that I saw a uterus and ovaries. Which made me think about vagina, which made me think about sex. Which makes me want to watch too! haha Oh subliminal messages! My friend is so obsessed with Crystal Chappell. She told me told me about this show

    • !!! So glad I’m not the only person who noticed that! I was thinking..”yea I’m probably a sicko for thinking that”.

  3. Reflections did make me reflect on my TnS love. It also gave me another reason to love Tegan and Sara. I really believe Riese’s theory that there is crack in Tegan and Sara. it’s like almost obvious.If they keep at it they just may eclipse my Angelina love/obsession, maybe.

    • there defo is crack in Tegan and Sara! I went to their gig last weekend and now can’t stop listening to them slash watching clips when i’m on youtube. its getting ridiculous, but they are just too awesome.

  4. If the other side had more concrete arguments it would be easier to sympathize with them but “mankind is going to cease” just sounds so ridiculous and impossible to not laugh at.

  5. omg, Reflections makes me so happy to be alive. Sara Quin is effing adorable.
    The Adam Lambert liveblog is pretty accurate. I think Music Again sounds like the cast of It’s Always Sunny wrote a new theme for A Goofy Movie.

  6. New Moon was quite a spectacle on opening night…those crazy outfits! It took me half an hour to realize what all the “Vegetarian” shirts meant. All I could think was “Ok, you’re a vegetarian? What’s the big deal?” Kristen Stewart, do you see the lengths I go for you? It was madness. (I still think the books are better)
    P.S. Ahh, Reflections. Nuff said.

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