Hello, Autostraddle! Welcome to this week’s Friday Open Thread! Did you know that from now on there will be a Friday Open Thread every Friday, kind of like how there is a Thirsty Thursday every Thursday? It’s the new rest of the week! Only not really, because the rest of the week exists. But let’s live in the now.
I’ve had a really amazing week because my long-distance total babe of a girlfriend Geneva is in town (!), but she’s been really upset because of a recent discovery that I’ve been living under a rock and never saw any of the formative lesbian movies of her youth. And probably yours.
This is what we look like, by the way.
I’m attempting to bridge this huge gap of understanding in my very serious adult relationship by ordering a pizza, throwing back some beer, and watching a marathon of awful, no-good, can’t-look-away, car-crash-of-a-movie lesbian cinema. It’ll be like the time Autostraddle watched a horrible lesbian movie with The Toast, only probably with more Stella Artois and making out. Our selections will include The Craft, But I’m a Cheerleader, and All Over Me. [Which my editors would like to note are: A) not a lesbian movie but also really good, B) a really good lesbian movie and C) also a really good lesbian movie.]
NOTE: The reason we’re not watching D.E.B.S. or Lost and Delirious is because I’ve already seen them and have them burned into my brain permanently. Also, did you know Lost and Delirious is, in fact, about how two dykes totally ruin poor Mischa Barton’s childhood? My roommates and I used to fight about this all the time: they would be all, the lesbians are the lead characters and I would be like no it’s Mischa Barton and then I’d think, but what if the main character is actually the bird of prey from the weird witch voodoo scenes?
But enough about me. I am but one person in this magnificent Staddleverse and I want to talk about YOU!
What are you doing tonight? What are you drinking? What are you watching? Who are you with? What are you wearing? Sorry, am I getting carried away. Anyway, you should tell me! Seriously. I’ll be here all night keeping you posted on my adventures through my non-existent lesbian past in the comments, and you should keep me posted on your night, too! You can even post photos. Show me yours and I’ll show you mine! By this I mean I will show you pictures of my dog if you show me pictures of your girlfriend. I’ve done this with countless strangers before and it always worked out.
How To Post a Photo In The Comments:
1. Find a photo! This is the easy part. Find a photo on the web, right click (on a Mac, control+click), hit “Copy Image URL,” and then…
2. Code it in to your comment! Use the following code:
<img src=”http://imageurlgoeshere.jpg”>
If you need to upload the photo you love from your computer, try using imgur.
So this is very exciting, I’m going to my first school dance (the college semi-formal, I’m a junior) with a date-ish person! We’re not actually calling it a date, but we haven’t called anything else a date (save for one brunch excursion). So I’m gonna go dance (and probably make out with) a cute girl all night and it’s going to be wonderful and amazing.
you are gonna have such a good friday! and the best part is, it will have nothing to do with the religious holiday of the same name. GODSPEED AND GOOD LUCK!
i hope you report backkkkk
Reporting back! The dancing was fantastic, and we got pictures in a photo booth where we were both being super cute, and there was definite making out, and yay. (I’d post a picture but IDK if she’d be okay with that?)
I missed out on that one too, but my boyfriend made me watch it recently. So glad Netflix had the presence of mind to include that on instant watch.
i plan to like all of these movies because i have generally poor taste anyway. sooooo! let me know if there are any other gems i should get into while i am in the abyss!
I had no idea The Craft was considered a lesbian movie. This new knowledge makes me love that movie even more than I already do. I’m pretty sure Nancy started my attraction to girls in goth attire. >.>
i am excited to learn about you via watching this film with this in mind. it’s like we’re sharing our stories, only the story is fictional and neither of us presumably practices witchcraft. if you do, let me know so i can enlist you as my teacher.
i think the craft is more girl-gang cult classic and lesbians just love their girl gangs.
yes god I loved Foxfire for the Angelina Jolie and “Maddy” character um, dynamic. I must have watched this about 6 times trying to be discreet and became progressively gayer and drunk on Angelina every time I watched it. This movie turned me gay, it did. Girl Gangs are great. I just wish Jenny Shimizu had a greater part and spent more on screen time with Angelina. This is where they hooked up.
I re-watched The Craft recently. So much lesbian subtext in the first half of the movie! How did I miss that the first time?! (Or am I just reading too much into things and seeing subtext because I want it to be there?)
It’s totally a lesbian movie! Proof: the Autostraddle London group had a group screening of The Craft on Halloween night and all collectively lusted after / got weirded out by Nancy.
Between Robin Tunney in The Craft and Robin Tunney in Empire Records (Deb!) she is pretty much my 90’s dream girl.
I’m just drinking vodka by myself and telling everyone that I’m writing but instead am here on Autostraddle.
But now I’m thinking I should continue drinking and also watch But I’m A Cheerleader because that movie is SO GREAT, CARMEN. SO GREAT.
MY BODY IS ALMOST READY. maybe after one more beer.
i have done that exact same thing so many times before, re: vodka and lying. it’s a flawless plan.
I’m in NYU country (aka all of Greenwich Village) sipping some tea and listening to soul on the cafe’s radio. Really nice ambience. Tonight is my last night, unfortunately, but I have nothing planned. I wanted to go to Metropolitan for the first time ever, but with a phone that likes to die every four hours, that’s not gonna happen. Womp womp. Maybe in the summer when I come back.
I’m hanging out with this adorable guy because my lovely girlfriend has to close tonight. But yay puppy cuddles!
omgomgomgomgomg. imma dress eli up for you. in the words of drake: you deserve it.
omg are you serious
i owe you one
OH. MAH. GAWD! I wish that Eli and Joss could be bffs. They could wear adorable clothes together all of the times.
He is a bit bigger though.
…picture? We could make a collage of all of the adorable dogs in Boba Fett sweaters!
Your dog is a Mandalorian? Dang, girl. Dang.
I am hanging out on Tumblr and listening to music while my sister plays Minecraft with our cousin. I’ve been debating watching But I’m A Cheerleader for a couple weeks now, maybe I should do that.. although I should probably do some homework first since I didn’t go to school today.. but then again I have all weekend for that.. Now I’m rambling..
My girlfriend made a humorous comic about weird questions we get when we are out in public. I can’t post the image here because it is NSFW but I will put in a link
Other then that, we are going to go home and plays some vigiagarms. We just beat Tales of Xillia, which was really fun but the story was pretty meh. We can’t decided between lego Harry Potter and this western two player rpg I picked up called Fallen Angel or something else really generic. Does anybody know of any other good couch co-op games? We only have a PS3, PS2 and a Wii.
I do not have co-op games recs (I don’t play well with others) but I like how you said you “only” have three consoles.
I loved the comic, thanks
Portal is pretty good! However. It made me realize that both my girlfriend and I are two independent leaders who don’t know how follow. Also we’re not that good at puzzle solving. :p
We play alot…and by that I mean all the Lego titles co-op. Plus little big planet 1& 2… we also only have the 3 but it’s xbox 360, PS3 and wii. Borderlands is also excellent if you want some humour and more mature content, along with Army of 2…all of them and the Gears series. I feel a gf co-op team column series would be awesome. With reviews and such. (BTW missus and I would be well up for making that)
I have gotten to a point in House of Cards when there are FINALLY girls making out, praise lesbian Cthulu.
Lesbians in House of Cards? DAMN IT. I was trying to avoid getting addicted to another series… but how could I resist… ?
They JUST made out while in bed and feelingsy (which is coincidentally also how practically every relationship I’ve ever had started), so I don’t know where this is going or if anyone is going to die, so DON’T GET YOUR HOPES UP JUST YET.
I had the SAME REACTION! But lesbians being in a show basically makes it required watching.
Wait, for real? Do I need to start watching this show? It’s been sitting in my netfliz queue for a while now.
When the characters first met, I had this weird feeling it may turn out lesbian, because there was this tension between them that felt a bit queer. When it occurred, I was like about time!
I definitely knew immediately, so now I just feel super smug about it. I mean, who just randomly taps a stranger on the shoulder on the train and chats them up and asks to listen to their music if you’re NOT flirting???
Seriously? I just started season 2 but kind of gave up on it- now I’ll keep watching!
Fikri I just got to that part too!
I didn’t have any plans, other than drinking some whiskey, but NOW I think I’m gonna drink some whiskey and make my girlfriend watch Tipping the Velvet with me (again), which you should watch, Carmen, because it’s truly amazing.
consider it added to the list. no sleep til i earn my lesbian cred via cinematic experiences. NO SLEEP. JUST LESBIANS.
Well, if you’re not sleeping, also add Fingersmith, and When Night is Falling (which is Canadian and features a strange circus).
Here in Hattiesburg, MS (queer lady population: 3), I’m about to go out with fellow grad students but would 100% rather be home watching ‘Imagine Me & You’ for the five hundred millionth time.
aw as a fellow grad student in a town with a queer lady population of 3 i salute you!
I saw Imagine Me & You for the first time like a month ago and then watched it the again the next day! And the next….
Ohhai. I’m hanging out with a big group of franzzzz. We’re gonna do some movies (so far we’ve picked Pitch Perfect as a start) and make dinner.
But mostly right now I’m trying to find motivation to put on pants for this adventure…
Oh Pitch Perfect. I love it so much. It’s worth putting on pants.
That movie hit me pretty hard as a queer Jew. Spoiler, I cried for a good while after it ended.
my bad wrong person. they really need a delete button for like the first 1mitue.
I’m really glad you corrected that, bc I was going to be honestly concerned for your emotional state if you were that invested in/heartbroken by Pitch Perfect.
Aimee and Jaguar is still my favorite lesbian movie, yet I never hear anybody talking about it. Maybe because it’s German, IDK. It’s based on a true story though and while it is a tragic period piece it is still awesome and well-acted. That’s more than I can say for a lot of other lesbian-themed movies.
P.S. Speaking of movies, the Bomb Girls movie airs March 27 in Canada. Canadians need to hook me up.
I LOVE AIMÉE AND JAGUAR. I agree that it is the most underrated lesbian movie ever.
I finally gave in and watched that movie! I cried a lot. Ugh. It was wonderful.
omg that fucking movie is so much
wait isn’t that movie hella sad? like make you depressed for the whole weekend/month sad?
Made me sad for a few hours after watching it, thankfully it was later at night so I just went to sleep after an hour of being sad and drinking wine. I am queer Jew so it hit kind of close to me.
It’s really sad but worth being depressed about for the rest of the weekend if you ask me. Phenomenal movie. You will not regret seeing it. I had such a crush on Felice, one of the saddest most complicated characters in film history.
Oh that’s been on my Netflix queue forever! But I’m scared of too sad movies, arg…
yeah nothing like the typical perfect happy ending that happens in every single lesbian movie, paired with a cheery backdrop like the holocaust.
just here at 4am to reiterate that that movie is so good and sad
OH and Carmen, for like crazy, awesome, twisted, period-film, Dickens-esque lesbians check out Fingersmith! I’m also a deep worshipper of I Can’t Think Straight (which is nothing like Fingersmith, still awesome, and totes available to stream on Netflix!)
Those are my suggestions for you. (:
Fingersmith is great. I never read the book. I’ve only seen the movie and it has one of the best twists ever in it. I about fell on the floor at the half-way point when we got to that scene.
I just purchased the book a couple of weeks ago, but I haven’t started reading. But I love the movie. I had the same reaction as you! (:
OMG I HAVE SEEN FINGERSMITH I FORGOT TO MENTION IT! how. fucking. crazy. is that shit.
So messed up. I loved watching the first time because that twist was brutally epic. Fan-fucking-tastic. Also Affinity and Tipping the Velvet are pretty great, too. All hail Sarah Waters.
But I’m A Cheerleader brings back so many memories of making out with my high school girlfriend in my parents’ basement.
Tonight I am hanging out in my room because there are not a lot of queer ladies in central New Jersey. I will probably watch Pretty Little Liars. I’m also going to drink some Champagne because my former boss passed away this week and she was all about not waiting for special occasions to drink the bubbly. So basically I’m going to get drunk and watch bad TV.
aw that is a nice way to remember/honor her! i mean that, i’m not being snide.
Thank you. She was the wine buyer at the wine store where I worked for several years, so I know it’s probably what she’d be doing right now if she could :-)
I plan to drink Port wine with my family, and be in the closet about my trans feelings. I plan to watch the beloved Lakers probably loose another game, and then wish there was cute lady to lay in bed with me.
i am here loving your not hidden feelings and affirming your truths. just so you know.
OH heyyyy! I just spilled my feels about about experiences in being Asian in America (Baltimore specifically) and am about to go embark on an OITNB marathon with the Queer group on campus. You can never get too much of OITNB.
By the way, if you haven’t seen Saving Face it’s pretty awesome. Highly recommend!
I love Saving Face! It was totally on my list of recommended movies for mental health providers in a presentation I gave today. SUCH a good movie.
I think Saving Face is my favorite lesbian movie. I love how everyone grows.
If you want a good foreign lesbian movie that will pull at your heart strings and make you cry, Amiee and Jaguar is on Netflix. In between the crying there is few scenes of hot passion in German language.
oops didn’t noticed someone mentioned that movie already.
So far this evening I helped lift a car and then put so much goddamn sandwich in my mouth.
wait i want sandwich in my mouth
who was in the car? was anyone in the car? were they ok? are you ok?
I’m going to try a new recipe (veggie chili), make some comfort food (brown sugar brownies), do laundry, and look forward to sleep.
Oooh! Also planning my post-A-Camp road trip.
But mostly the looking forward to sleep part.
tell me about this road trip bc i really dig road trips and always am looking for new ways to ride shotgun.
Okay! :)
I’m from Manitoba, Canada, and I have some time off work this summer, so I decided to drive to A-Camp. And then when A-Camp is done, I’m going to slowly work my way north, mostly along the coast, until I get to British Columbia.
I’m camping the whole time, stopping at a bunch of state and national parks along the way, and trying to see EVERYTHING. (I’m a nature nut.) I’m super-excited! It’ll take me about four weeks to get back to the Canadian border after camp.
Company from A-Campers would be totally cool at any point along the way, although unfortunately my schedule won’t be too flexible. Campgrounds fill up FAST, especially in California, so I’ve had to make all my campsite reservations already.
oooh recipes for both pls!
The veggie chili has been tasted. It’s nothing special, but not bad. The recipe is very easy and can be adapted to whatever you have on hand.
-Dice about 2 cups of mixed veggies. I used celery, carrots, and red peppers. I probably would use less-crunchy veggies next time.
-Heat 1 T olive oil in a medium-sized saucepan. Add the veggies and about 1 tsp chili powder and 1 pinch cumin (you can adjust those for your preferences). Saute over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes.
-Add one 14 oz can of diced tomatoes, preferably chili-flavoured. If not chili-flavoured, use more seasoning.
-Drain and rinse one 14 oz can of red kidney beans, and add to the pot. Stir.
-Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer until the veggies are softened to your liking and the flavours have mixed. Stir occasionally.
-Serves 2 to 3.
Brown Sugar Brownies (these are awesome, I’ve made them before)
2/3 cup butter, melted
2 and 1/4 cups firmly packed brown sugar
4 eggs
2 and 2/3 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (I use pecans, or leave them out)
1 6-oz package chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350F and grease a 9X13 inch pan. Using an electric mixer, beat the melted butter and brown sugar until combined. Beat in the eggs, one at a time until combined. In a second bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt; stir into the brown sugar mixture. Fold in the nuts and chocolate chips until combined.
Spread batter in pan. Bake 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted 1 inch from the edge of the pan comes out clean. Cool and cut into squares.
Dinner is done, now for baking! :)
My long distance boyfriend will be arriving soon hopefully!! We’ll probably order food and watch something on Netflix while covered in cats.
pics to come eventually!
Lost and Delirious is the worst lesbian movie of all time! I can’t beleive you’ve got that one burned into your brain but you haven’t seen But I’m a Cheerleader yet. GET ON IT CARMEN
just take my lesbian card away, it’s for my own good
the day that happens, there is going to be a lot of sad women.
omg <3
I second the motion for you to watch But I’m a Cheerleader. RuPaul is in it; do you really need any other reason?
I’m just drinking beer and reading Autostraddle and debating if I should text a lady I had a fun first date with last weekend but haven’t contacted all week, but then she didn’t contact me either so maybe she wasn’t into me at all… I’m a dating newb who’s been single her whole life and the date last week was via Tinder. Aka I don’t know what I’m doing and should probably just save my heart for Ellen Page. Lol, this has been lots of information about me. I think I’ll go watch But I’m a Cheerleader and pretend I’m dating Clea Duvall!! Yes
Not that I know anything about your life, but I’m gonna vote for text her. Fun dates are always worth following up on.
I second texting the lady. Worst-case scenario, she doesn’t want to go out on another date and you end up the exact same place you’d be if you never texted at all.
I’m watching Blue is the Warmest Color, drinking tea, and packing for spring break! Also, everyone’s pets are SUPER CUTE so here are mine:
Petco! She’s very old and gets cold easily so we got her a vest to keep her warm in the winter.
i believe i have to raise you one.
I will add to this magic…
I am at work eating ramen. wah waaah. I have been working for close to 12 hours now! I am determined to get enough done that I can feel good taking a weekend off, dammit. I got so backlogged on everything that needs to be done because I shoved everything to the side the past week and a half as my organization took part in holding Pittsburgh’s largest employer accountable. See: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mary-kay-henry/a-city-unites-to-demand-b_b_4889413.html .
Here is a photo of me doing a sit-in risking arrest on Tuesday:
It was intense, it was big, it was colorful, it was loud, it was stressful, it was frustrating, it was inspiring. Monday was like this- out in the cold dancing, chanting, marching, rushing about supporting my organization’s role, being the local liasion for a group in from Philly, as I’m doing all this, planning and leading an action on the fly, take the streets on multiple occasions, taking an intersection, having amazing conversations.
Most people I know are still sore for all the dancing and marching and hoarse from all the chanting and shouting outside in the cold. I worked the last two weeks straight, but I also care about all this other organizing that got put on the back-burner, so… I’m still at work. (tomorrow will feel glorious)
this work looks really amazing! i’m sorry you can’t get home yet, but i hope your weekend is super restful once you do!
most badass person in this open thread is an award i just created for you
wooo! This was the biggest thing of its kind that I’ve been part of. The most exciting part was the collaboration across the city among labor, community, faith, environmental, anarchist, socialist, and liberal groups.
Now I am home painting my nails and watching But I’m a Cheerleader. I love that movie.
So inspired by your story! Labor organizing is a cause close to my heart. Keep fighting the good fight. And btw, painting your nails and watching movies is totally part of the good fight :-)
psh, I thought the photo wouldn’t work. Ah well.
I am having a great day. I got a letter from my beautiful penpal friend that I met at A-Camp in October, and yesterday I got a different letter from a different beautiful penpal friend that I also met at A-Camp. Cabinmates make the best penpals <3
<3 Pen pals are the best thing ever and you're super great!
I am hanging out in my room with my baby gay self, working on a midterm, and trying not to freak out too much about getting into a grad school that’s possibly too good for me.
Reading that back makes me think I need a drink.
This thread has totally derailed my productivity. Def not getting anything done tonight. Perhaps I’ll do my dishes. My excessive number of roommates would probably like that.
Ha. I did dishes and washed my boxing wraps. Who’s being unproductive now?
hint: It’s still me
I spent most of yesterday freezing at a demonstration to get my university to add gender confirmation surgery to our student insurance plans. And we WON!
Here’s me looking cute, cold, and happy after they announced the trustees voted in our favor:

Tonight is “unofficial” St. Patrick’s day so the streets are filled with roving packs of wild bros, so I’m celebrating the victory with some friends safely indoors eating deviled potatoes and cookie dough balls, drinking vegan white russians, and watching the muppet show.
Those mittens!
My monster mittens are probably the best things I’ve ever made.
This is my first Friday officially cohabiting with my person. It’s so weird because I’ve always, always been actively anti-cohabitation but it just sort of happened. We’ve been together for a year so it’s not *too* u-haul-y but it’s still going to take some getting used to. I know a lesbian couple in my town who are legally married that have been together less than my person and I have, so that’s what I keep reassuring myself with.
Actively, desperately, looking for new music to obsess over. Anybody have any suggestions? I like the sad kind (think Grey’s Anatomy soundtrack), rappers (Angel Haze, Yeezus, Biggy, Iggy Azalea), and all things Latino.
I wish I knew some sad Latino rappers for you.
Chance the Rapper is really rad and reminds me a little of what you listed soundwise. I also recommend Shabazz Palaces because they are spacey sounding and their lyrics make me think a lot. happy hunting.
Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim.
Fuck grad school.
This is going to be my comment for every single Friday Open thread, so help me god…
I’m playing Skyrim for the 500th time right now as well.
And now you’re making me want to play Skyrim. I started a new character this week so everything feels all shiny again.
I was feeling sad to be stuck at work on Fri nite *but then* the rull rull cute new girl found me in my office and asked me to help her find some supplies. :^D
Yes. I chose Skyrim (and Halo) over grad school, every time. It’s a wonder I actually finished my thesis passed my defense.
I justify my horrible habit by pointing out that I’ve never failed with this method. My discovery of Skyrim coincided with when I was finishing up my analysis and writing for my MA thesis, and I still managed to be the 3rd person in my cohort to defend.
Skyrim forever. Huge parts of me would play it over ad over, but I can’t give up my character…just like I can’t replay mass effect because I don’t want to lose my secretary lovin’ femshep.
When the elder scrolls online comes out we should make an autostraddle guild/team/league thing, whatever they decide to call it.
Yes yes yes I made a Khajiit Templar for the ESO Beta last week and I loved playing as a cat! I am all over this idea for a Straddler Guild.
I am debating whether to actually do thesis stuff or just lie around and eat chocolate and miss my cats. :/
In slightly less depressing news, I made some tea and grabbed a scone from the random basket of pastries set out by one of my roommates, and I’m going to watch some British murder mysteries. YAY.
I’m waiting for Lydia O to get off work so we can make pizza and watch old TV on the internet because there are NO movies in theatres that I want to see.
I have 10 free movies passes and there is still NOTHING that I’m willing to use them on.
Any suggestions? (I’ve already seen Gravity, and I’m not willing to watch 12 Years a Slave)
I really enjoyed Philomena and The Monuments Men. And I heard that The Lego Movie was actually pretty awesome.
Seconding the Lego Movie!
Laying in bed wasting time I should be using to find a job and waiting for the girlfriend to get off from work and come snuggle.
tonight i am ostensibly doing All the Homework so that i can maybe graduate in may instead of december, but i am seriously considering Fucking Right Off and watching hunger games instead.
tomorrow though! tomorrow i am going with a bunch of You Fabulous People to see the vagina monologues and then drink things. it will be very queerish. i am excited.
PS- Dear autostraddle for somehow creating a group of 15 magical friends, with hopefully more to come!
yes thank you autostraddle! and the cinci folks for planning some things and getting stuff started!
Oh my god wait you guys I just saw this and hai I love you
The show was so good
The drinks were so good
The Straddler friends were epic
fan. tastic.
Well it sounds like my Friday night will be me debating whether or not I should drop hints to my family about me being super gay by watching ALL the lesbian movies on the family Netflix account…
i hope you went with yes
Tattle Tale – Glass Vase Cello Case slays me because of But I’m a Cheerleader… though I’d have to say that I have super strong feelings for Imagine Me & You since I really like the way the “side” characters seem to be more fleshed out than you’d usually expect in a movie. Also, “What does the lily mean?” “The lily means… I dare you to love me” UMF MY HEARTSTRINGS~
Actually with my girlfriend this week for the first time since New Year’s(!!) and we’re watching gay anime since we’ve already boozed and ate pizza to OITNB and Orphan Black marathons.
(Although we did watch Itty Bitty Titty Committee for the first time while at the laundromat last Saturday, which was an experience)
But since I’m with my boo and not with my cat, here’s a picture of the latter

have fun with yr girlfriend!
I cannot get over how magical and adorable your dog is.
So….if you aren’t with your cat, where is it? I’m concerned that maybe someone should check on it.
And maybe that someone should be me.
And maybe I should really just bring the kitteh home with me for safe keeping. I have tuna.
Haha I go to school in Boston and she’s at UC Davis so I’m enjoying the warm temperature while I can on spring break
Currently sipping my Sam Adams and staring at my clock…I have T-minus 30 minutes to convince myself to go work out. Yet I have pizza in my freezer and people keep posting cute photos of their cats…must look away…ah who am I kidding. Let’s face it I’m not going to work out and that pizza is going to be demolished. ‘MERICA!
Thumbs up for the Sammy Adams
It’s now 2am here and I’m supposed to be writing a lab report for Monday but I’m too busy wasting time reading Autostraddle and probably not going to bed before starting work at 7am. (Just to clarify Autostraddle is never a waste of time in my eyes but probably in the eyes of my professor who’s looking for a CV and a 20 page E. coli report). In other news, I’m loving this new Friday open thread.
I’ve just found out that Girltrash: All Night Long exists. Staying in tonight: best. decision. ever.
Beer, origami, and writing letters. Living the dream.
oh! has everybody read this yet??
i know everyone says jlaw is their best friend but this appears to be written by her ACTUAL best friend. who wants to have kerry washington’s babies.
So that’s the chick JLaw fell on. Hilarious read. Thanks for the link!
yep! questions answered. (i just hope it’s real.)
I don’t know if she’s legit or not. I hope so. She has a tumblr as well and it is just as entertaining.
This is really fun!! Also, further evidence that Bill Murray is the greatest human alive. I love that man.
This is amazing! It’s super well written and I feel like the weirdness of the whole event is really captured. Like how they’re all starving the whole night
It’s 02.25 am here so my Friday is essentially over – I made vegan chocolate cheesecake (with the help of my best friend) for the girl I’m dating today and it was my first time utilising (hell, even seeing) tofu … That was certainly an experience!
I have to spend most of tomorrow studying because I have exams next week buuuuut I also get to possibly go out and see my not-girlfriend, so, that’s good! And it’s supposed to be 18 degrees (Celsius, not Fahrenheit) tomorrow, which is basically London summer, so I’m excited about that.
I just had a lateish dinner with my roomie after having gone bridesmaids dress shopping with my BFF whose wedding is next fall. I found a dress, which is très excitant. Now I’m digesting dinner and wondering what to do with my remaining wakeful hours this fine Friday night.
I don’t have a girlfriend or a pet to send you photos of, though I do have photos of the girl I wish was my girlfriend and her cat which I wish was my cat…
I just got home from school…ok what I actually mean is that class ended at 4:30 and then we went out for drinks….
I haven’t seen it in a while but I really like Circumstance – think its Iranian.
also. also. also. Love my Life is probably the cutest movie ever made. ever.
I really enjoyed Circumstance. It was terrifying and brilliant.
I don’t know what I am going to do tonight: I’ve just had a beautiful massage and now I am in a mmmm mmmm must relax let’s do something that involves doing nothing but food reading and sitting. So that’s what I’ll do. I am loving everyone’s inspired pet pictures. Carmen your dog has a great smile.
Lesbian must watch movies:
The dogdy unhappy ending ones are Heavenly Creatures and Aimee and Jaguar
The I can’t remember how it ended ones: Desert Hearts (mmm mmm Patricia Charbonneau) Fire (indian dyke director maybe?), Go Fish (Rose Troche and Guinevere Turner), When Night is Falling, and Portrait of a Marriage (about real life lesbians Vita Sackville-West and Violet Trefusis, Janet McTeer is hot in it as “Vita”)
May have to have food now.
All these animal pictures are making me miss my little dog who is being fostered by my mother since I can’t have pets in my apartment. boo. Here’s a picture from Christmas. Sadly no cute outfit, she never has time for those.

Taking a break from packing and catching up on some tv shows… Scrolling through this thread… and staring at this adorable puppy as she sleeps, she’s melting my heart. :)
Oh my goodness. Does your dog think she is a people? Because mine totally does. As evidenced by this picture of him sleeping on my pillow.
So cute!! And yes, she thinks she’s a person, and I sort of think she might be. :)
I just came in from the gym where I stayed an hour longer than I planned to because this suuuupper cute woman (7 years older than me) asked me to spot her. Then we started talking and competing against each other at heavy lunges. I can’t feel my legs, I’m hungry and I kinda want to vomit but sweet Jesus she is cute and bi!!!! And I don’t drink so I have to feel it all.
Netflix on my iPad is being a jerk and so I’ve decided to spend my night working on my launch campaign for the website I created (currently http://www.doyouknowellen.webs.com) which I think you should all check out because it would make me so happy. Sign up if you like, get in touch if you wanna contribute and definitely start using the hashtag whenever you get a chance :)
Happy movie watching folks!
Totally just signed up! I already have a lovely lady of my own, but it seems like it might be an awesome way to find some new queer lady friends, because I could use some of those.
You are basically my new favourite person! Also, FYI, I am super new to running a website and so bare with me :)
Well from what I saw it looks super fancy already! So go you!
Just hanging out, doing what I do most every night. Watching House of Cards and hanging with this dude.
is he a model or what
Already ate paella with mah bitches. Now I am full. Enjoying solitude. Considering a bath. Friday night… check.
I clearly can’t read because I read “considering a bath” as in “considering giving birth”, and I thought, ‘well, that’s a big decision for a Friday night…’
Ah. The miracle of birth.
Some late happy hour with IPAs and complimentary food followed by a long train ride and some bed ;) mmm Friday night
I closed at work, poured my day’s pay back into my truck’s gas tank, and went home. So now I’m sitting in my sweatpants eating reheated Hungarian goulash my mom made me and watching Tina Turner music videos obsessively.
So just my typical Friday night, tbh.
Earlier tonight a cat trapped me in a furniture store.
Now I’m about to trim my fingernails…my city’s monthly queer dance party is tomorrow night, and I want to be prepared ;)
You are so considerate :) hope your manicure gets some action!
This is currently how I’m feeling about my situation and just life in general. Take that as you will.
In other news, I’m currently watching The L Word, because I’m a masochist and adding wedding dresses to my Pinterest board because I’m delusional. It’s mostly due to the fact that the latest episode of Reign, a show you should be watching just for the hilariously historical inaccuracies and typical CW drama, featured Mary Queen of Scots getting married. Her dress was gorgeous and I’ve been on the hunt for one that looks similar.
Does anyone here watch Reign? And if so, why aren’t we talking about it?!
Here’s a picture of my cat, Oliver to fulfill the cat quota for this thread:
Also, is it kosher to add your tumblr url in these threads? I want to follow y’all over there, too!
But I’m a Cheerleader was the first lesbian movie I ever watched, and I highly recommend it. ^.^
Being the only lesbian I know that doesn’t like cats or dogs (am I the only such monster? Anyone else out there?), in lieu of a picture of pets I present this stock photo of my pet box of wine.
It’s a rescue. Poor thing was homeless after my roommate decided to give it up for Lent.
hopefully you’ll give it a good home.
I’m pretty much allergic to anything with fur, (cats, dogs, horses) which makes me a tad sad, because I’d love to be a cat lady if it weren’t for my asthma and eyes going berserk. But even if I weren’t allergic I don’t think I’d want a pet because of the time commitment and mess. It’s hard because my boo had cats in her prior relationship and really wants one again. Tonight she’s off flying planes. I can’t wait to see her tomorrow as it’s been a week since I last saw her.
I’m glad the wine has found a good home too. :)
But I’m A Cheerleader is pretty great!
I tried watching Blue Is The Warmest Color…key word is “tried”. I gave up 2/3 through. I may pick it up some other night but it is sooooo longgg. Why must they eat & ramble so much?
The sex scene(s) was just laughable.
I can’t help but wonder is Adele can drink water without spitting it all over herself, the girl was always slackjawed…
Anywho, time for House of Cards.
Here’s a question: Does this Open Thread thing happen every Friday? Cause I think that’s super neat.
I’m smoking a bowl and watching Pretty Little Liars which SO CONFUSING when ur high…srsly, I don’t even understand this world right now.
WORK WORK WORK. Evade water being thrown by patient. WORK WORK WORK. Evade urinal filled with icky stuff being thrown by another patient. DRIVE DRIVE DRIVE. GYM. GYM. BREATHE. GYM. SLEEP.
Why am I missing beer? =(
I spent the night trying to figure out if the thing I went on was a date or not. I still haven’t figured it out. Why is lesbian dating so hard?
I’m working. Which pretty much translates to watching TV (they have every fucking channel except, you know, actual news, which is actually pretty infuriating), occasionally running out and getting some pieces of rock to look at, and being incredibly, incredibly jealous of all you who are drinking delicious beer/wine/cocktails because I’ve been out on a rig for 16 days and that’s a long time to go without a drink. For me.
YOU GUYS. We watched 1408 (for some unknown reason) after Pitch Perfect and now I’ll never sleep againnnn. =\ Because I’m am the biggest pansy and I went home to my empty terrifying apartment. HOLD ME.
how timely! last night my person and i went to a pulp cinema in a warehouse and saw ‘the twilight girls’, a 1957 ‘Sexy… Secretive… Seductive…’ piece of hilarity involving a boarding school and girl crushes and sleeping topless and no resolution to any of the several plot lines, and a creepy old man who made kissing noises at the screen whenever breasts were bared.
we also got lost on the way to the cinema and went on an impromptu architectural tour i.e. house dreamz, and got gelato afterwards. best night ever
omg that sounds like the most perfect date
Every time I comment on an open thread I’m at my parents’ house in the middle of nowhere and missing out on something, it seems. This time it’s March 8th demonstrations I was invited to! I should make a blanket fort in my old bedroom and watch But I’m a Cheerleader.
It’s not Friday anymore, but Imma still post anyway.
My long distance GF is in town as well this weekend! We had a lovely Friday night of going to BJ’s brewhouse for dinner and yummy beer. Followed by a very gay night of cuddles and watching Behind the Candelabra!
Today we are going on an adventure to Yellow Springs and meeting up with some Straddlers in Cinci to go to The Vagina Monologues.
It’s the perfect weekend basically!
I too am posting late because I’m visiting my ld gf this weekend and just saw this! We just drank beer and cuddled and watched sitcoms but today it’s about bike riding next to a lake, grilling tonight, and either watching Philomena or Lost and Delirious. Hope everyone has a magical weekend!
I’ve been listening to this song on repeat for the last few days:
Somehow, it makes me feel really gay :-)
My ld boyfriend is visiting and last night we drank beer and ate wings and watched the Europa Report.
It’s just me and Netflix tonight because I am unemployed and single. My pals are all going to a sweet concert. Balls.
Yah pepe <3! He's such an ass though
I’ve also loved the chessy D.E.B.S
I also had no idea that The Craft was considered a lez movie. However, it did evoke some very lesbian emotions and bodily sensations in me as a teen… so, gay.
Tonight I am riding the bus home from work in order to love on and then spoon the f out of my girlfriend and probably later eat a lot of chili in bed and fill the blankets with farts while watching Millionaire Matchmaker.
To some, this all may sound extremely unromantic and gross, but (farting aside) I couldn’t ask for a better Saturday night.
Watching the movie Drool with the babe. I highly recommend it. Anyone who likes But I’m a cheerleader will love it. The 411-An abused wife’s plan to escape her husband goes awry when she accidentally kills him, causing her to split on a cross-country drive with her best friend/new female lover,her kids, and his corpse in tow. It’s a dark comedy and actually has some sad parts.
Finally watched Blue is the Warmest Color; I liked Sharknado a lot better.
sharknado was incredible
watching this:
Iris and onion, so cute!
guys i know it’s only barely still the weekend but i JUST figured out how to get a link to this picture of my cat
What a gorgeous cat. He looks happy in the sink.
Has anyone seen a documentary about gay ladies called
“Paris is? was? a woman?”
Is it about Djuna Barnes, Anais Nin, and other literary and artistic lesbians?
I would love to see this but maybe I have to pay for it or rent it. I love this sort of thing and I’ve got a thing for flapper gay ladies.