Header by Rory Midhani
Hey everyone! In case you hadn’t noticed, it’s a whole shiny hopeful brand new year in, ooh, two days’ time?
One resolution I often make is to get back to a more rigorous ‘daily draw’ routine with my tarot cards. As in, drawing a card each morning (or evening) and spending a reflective moment with it. I’m always harping on about the benefits of doing daily cards… as a way of checking in with yourself, as a way of learning more about your cards, as a journalling exercise, a practice in observation, a way of developing an understanding of how tarot cards can mirror our day-to-day lives. It’s a lovely simple tarot practice that anyone can do.
But this isn’t about being dogmatic. Sometimes I do daily cards, sometimes I don’t — just like remembering to exercise or calling my mum I slip in and out of these little routines. It depends on where I’m at, but the thing is I always feel better when I do. If you’d like to try out, or get back into, this daily practice in the new year, here are a few ideas to inspire you!
Firstly, actually drawing your card. Everyone has their own way of doing it — mine ranges from a completely slap-dash ‘oh look there are some tarot cards, let’s just pick one’ as I’m heading out the door to a first thing in the morning meditative moment holding and studying my card in silence and solitude. You can make as much or as little of a ritual of this as you like, but know that whatever you do, this is a ritual.
Use a timer. Set a timer for three/five/ten minutes and free-write about your card. Whatever comes out of your pen is fine, don’t overthink it or control it.
Make it routine. Try doing this in the same place at the same time each day. Maybe when you get into your car in the morning. Or while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil for your first cuppa. Maybe when you climb into bed each night, or when you get home from work and have that brief moment of solitude before others arrive. Maybe in a quiet seat on the train, or outside the coffee-shop with your latte.
Meditate with your card. Are you a person who meditates? How about meditating on a central idea or lesson within a tarot card? Other folks take this idea further, ‘entering’ the world of the card and spending time in its world. Here’s some information about ‘entering a tarot card’.
Take a photo of your card and make it your phone background, so you see all day long!
Journal your card. A few simple prompts to get you started…
- How does this card create a bridge between yesterday and today/today and tomorrow?
- How can I best use the energy of this card in my current situation?
- Who does this card make me think of?
- What happened today that is reflected in this card?
- Which symbol most jumps out at me?
- Who would I most like to give this card to right now?
- This card makes me feel…
Use an app. Y’know, you don’t even need a deck of cards for this one. Many apps offer a ‘card of the day’ feature which will give you a card and a meaning to ponder. Perfect for commutes, cig breaks, waiting for the bus… Here are a few suggestions!
Draw your card. As in, sketch it, with a pen and paper. This is a great way to practice looking deeply at a card, and also seeing what symbols jump out at you the strongest.

Don’t laugh…
Look at the sequence. Pull out the cards that come sequentially before and after your card (e.g. if you draw the Nine of Swords, pull out the Eight and the Ten.) Can you see a progression, a story, links between the cards?
Make it social. Blog, Tweet, Instagram or Facebook your card with a one-line interpretation (or, y’know, an essay.) For inspiration, I love Marianne’s daily weather report.
Join social media challenges. Lots of tarot folks run daily tarot games that you can join in with. On Twitter, Theresa Reed posts a card twice a day, inviting your interpretations, using #AMtarot and #PMtarot. Another of my favourites is #TarotToo, where you’re given two cards and asked to interpret them in combination. You’ll find loads of other tarot games and challenges on Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram etc.
Make a chain. Write each card with a brief reflection on a post-it and stick it on your wall. As the days go by, keep adding to your chain. Look for patterns, repetitions, sequences,
Make it a two-card reading. The two-card cross is a brilliant, quick, versatile spread that’s perfect for a daily draw.
Take a course! Did you know I created a really fun (and affordable) online class for folks who want to get to know their tarot cards better? The Alternative Tarot Course is an eight-week course in developing your own approach to tarot, filled with original, fun and thought-provoking exercises to get you thinking about tarot in your own way. Daily cards are part of the structure, along with weekly readings, and a menu of topical exercises which you can complete as you work through each chapter.
For the holiday my wife got me Thea’s Tarot cards along with the book by Oliver Pickle about the deck. Reading these posts on Autostraddle about tarot cards I had been looking into getting a deck of my own, as I really enjoy when my wife does readings for me from her deck. I looked at several decks on amazon that were okay but not exactly my taste. The deck by Ruth looked lovely but seemed difficult to find. Then my wife told me she wanted to get me a surprise and we talked price points, because practicality. The gift was perfect! I drew a card yesterday and like the idea of a daily card as a way of learning about tarot and my deck. My life is a bit less structured this year, and maybe journalling along with the card would be nice.
Thank you Beth for all of your information on and enthusiasm for tarot!
Oh wow @shewasnice – that is such a perfect gift. I really, really love Thea’s Tarot – it’s become my go-to deck for personal readings lately. I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying it and finding it helpful.
@littleredtarot I absolutely love this post. These are some really great ideas, and I’m definitely going to use them. Just like with my daily walk, my daily draw really helps me to feel better and in touch with myself and the world (and they both are really magical experiences). But when I started my new job recently, I’ve gotten out of my good habits. Now that I’ve warmed up to my new routines, I’m ready to implement my practices back into my life.
I also wanted to let you know that I met 2 new witchy queers this week, and they’re both into tarot. One of them I met though my friend who is also into tarot, and the other girl I met on OKCupid and we REALLY hit it off and we already have seen each other everyday this week! (Our first date was to see Star Wars. We were both ecstatic.)
Also, I forgot to mention that your picture of the Collective Tarot with your beautiful handmade case and the rose is absolutely beautiful and I could stare at it for hours. Also, it made me think of the song “Ring of Keys” from Fun Home, and that was pretty awesome.
Ahh, I’m so glad you made this post! You have really inspired me to get so much deeper into my tarot practice this year, Beth, thank you so much. <3
@cherryfeather Awesome! I hope it’s going well Liz :)
Thank you for this post. I think drawing a card will help me do some self healing work.