Foolish Child #45: Bury Your Gays

I am a queer coparenting mama to Dickens Jr. Doodler by day, 911 dispatcher by night. All my favorite shows look better on Tumblr. I am two years and 450K words deep into constructing a fanfic called Ages and I'm never giving up on it. Bering & Wells.
Alana has written 123 articles for us.
*laugh cries*
Ugh I know right
How will destroying one’s property advance proper rep in entertainment?
More time to create queer entertainment (like this comic)
As queer Carter-fan (+Root +Shaw) POI trash, I feel personally validated and like a steamroller has mown me down and run back and forth over me about 1000 times.
Not to mention all the others this comic so ably calls out.
Time to do MUCH better.