Foolish Child is a biweekly comic series by Dickens!

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I am a queer coparenting mama to Dickens Jr. Doodler by day, 911 dispatcher by night. All my favorite shows look better on Tumblr. I am two years and 450K words deep into constructing a fanfic called Ages and I'm never giving up on it. Bering & Wells.
Alana has written 123 articles for us.
I love love love these comics! Thank you for bringing a smile to my face on a cold gloomy day. Even if the topic is a little depressing, it expresses what a lot of us are feeling at the moment.
Trying to keep it on topic but light because lord knows we all need to come up for air every once in a while.
Yes! Thank you for this!
A democratic election is not fascism
What about when, despite the popular vote going to someone else, that democratic election elects…a fascist?
electoral college and he by no means meets the definition of fascist, calling him one does not make it so.
Constantly using the word fascist to brand those you disagree with politically dilutes the word and does a disservice to the memory of those who died at the hands of Nazi Germany.
A poster from the US Holocaust Museum pour vous
because remembering and noting how shit starts is not a disservice to the murdered Jews, Romani, Slavs, Poles,gays, mentally ill, intellectually disabled.
But I don’t quite think you care about them. You most likely just want us to STFU.
I do understand not wanting words to be diluted. So I give you a bit of benefit of doubt you might actually care.
I am one of you and I care. I also care that the side that lost the election has become unhinged, imaging that there is a threat to their liberties, calling for and resorting to violence.
Oh fuck off with your bullshit. No one is buying it. You know damn well the threat is real and is consistently being acted on. Go troll somewhere else.
The electoral college is not a democratic system. In a democracy, each vote counts the same amount. This is not true of the electoral college. Trump was elected, but he was not democratically elected.
And he fires people for disagreeing with him and runs a government filled with businessmen in a position to govern in their own self-interest, so if he doesn’t meet the definition yet, he is well on his way.
Both Hitler and Mussolini were democratically elected.
being voted in does not make him a fascist, Hitler liked dogs so are all dog lovers fascists?
Oh wah. You refuse to provide anything approaching a reasonable counterargument to the generously provided facts and deeply personal stories-just like a proper white supremist. Go cry your white, cis tears; and call us back when you are denied vital health care because of “religious beliefs”, your house of worship is firebombed, you’re denied the right to use the bathroom you feel comfortable in, and your 12-year-old child is murdered by a cop.
Dear K, please keep it civil, you know nothing about me
You’re a big fan of the Vichy regime, eh Di?
My need to defend this comic is sitting at a smooth 0%.
You’re the QB, make your beautiful passes gurl.
We’ll hold the line.
Dear J, what is your point about Vichy France?