Hot off breaking certain corners of the gay internet after being interviewed by her ex-girlfriend Shannon Beveridge releasing her new album Antidote, Fletcher is back this morning to cause more quivers in her ever-expanding gay fandom of dramatic LA queers and the people who love them. The music video for her song “Pretending” has been released and it has the Fletcher signatures: girls kissing and lots and lots of gay yearning.
“This is a very real, really personal record and this is a really personal song too,” she told Entertainment Tonight. She says it’s about “that one person that you have in the back of your mind where you’re like, is it gonna be us? Are we gonna be the ones that end up together? And are we just kind of playing, you know, pretending in life until that moment?”
In this video, playing the part of Fletcher’s roommate and maybe soulmate is Isabella Lalonde, the founder of the New York-based label Beepy Bella. I respect a popstar who — rather than limit her options to actresses or models — just looks around the gay internet and says who would I like to make out with? That person! And that ask has paid off because these two definitely have chemistry!
The video begins with Fletcher and Lalonde making their morning coffee side-by-side in complementary white tank tops — Fletcher’s with very visible nipples (congrats fans) and Lalonde’s saying “Kitten.”
As if the song itself hadn’t captured the feeling enough, the music video is a perfect tribute to anyone who has ever been in love with a roommate. Getting ready in the morning, sitting on a couch watching a movie together, lying in bed looking at each other as friends. Thankfully the music video fulfills the longing. Each mundane action concludes with with an eruption of lust and the two women making out.
Watch the Fletcher “Pretending” music video below: