There’s something about seemingly random opinions on things that don’t affect other people’s lives in any way that get folks riled up like no other. Say for example, not liking avocados. It’s for this reason that I’ve taken time out of my life to find friends and make foes regarding what foods should no longer be combined with other foods for the rest of time on Planet Brittani. I hope this list finds you and your preferences well.
1. Mint and Food or Drink
“Would you like an after dinner mint?” You’ve heard that before, right? “Would you like a during dinner mint?” YOU’VE NEVER HEARD THAT. So why do we accept mint flavor in food? Oh yeah, let me freshen my mouth while I’m doing the thing that makes my mouth not fresh? No thank you. You wanna be refreshed while you slurp liquid? Drink some water dude. Then they have the audacity to do things like put mint flavored cremes in stuff like I want to imagine a liquified Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle hanging out all in my food.
2. Pretzel and Anything
I eat pretzels because I want my mouth to be dry and crackly. Wait. NO I DON’T. I truly don’t know why I eat pretzels. Because they’re there probably. I do know that I want it to be a pure experience when it happen. Chocolate covered pretzels? Just give me the chocolate. Pretzel M&Ms? What a terrible surprise lies inside. Pretzel buns? GET OUTTA HERE! I know for sure my lip is going to get stuck to that dry ass bun.
3. Oatmeal in All Cookies
Oatmeal is one of those foods that 150 years ago we were like man, we have a shit ton of these oats, guess we better figure out how to make them not disgusting. And we did. But then someone was like what if we took them in their grossest form and ruined something everyone loves! And that’s how oatmeal cookies were invented. We already know how I feel about walnuts and such in baked goods so it should be no surprise that I think chocolate chip cookies with oatmeal and walnuts have two too many ingredients. Do you people not see the beauty in simplicity?
4. Marshmallows and Hot Cocoa
What do I want in my beautiful steaming cup of hot chocolate? Sad floaty pillows of nasty. Oh, jk that’s the last thing I want. Just bring me one cup of hot cocoa and a half a can of whipped cream and leave me be, you crazy troll people.
5. Bacon and Anything
Wanna know the best way to have bacon. Step 1. Prepare bacon. Step 2. Put bacon on an empty plate. Step 3. Eat bacon. Leave bacon alone. Stop acting like bacon isn’t good enough by itself. Do you know what you’re doing to bacon’s confidence?!
…These are a few of my favourite things… :)
Yo what?! All these things are DELICIOUS. Albeit, some greatly overused, but still!
I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE! Whateves Felicia that’s mo’ for me!
Whenever someone is like “UGH GROSS NO” to a food I love, I just think “yesssss, more for meeeee.”
I’ll give you the mint, but only as long as we can agree that it makes for a good drink addition.

However, everything else? Ignorant.
…This was supposed to attach. and it was important.

And just in case it doesn’t:
That is my point. Pretzel buns are amazing. EOS.
Mint gets a pass in drinks for mojitos alone!
I realized the trick with oatmeal cookies is to drop the pretense that they are cookies at all and pretend they are round granola bars and then they taste a lot better
Mint and chocolate is DISGUSTING. That combo makes my mouth feel like I took a swig of orange juice after brushing my teeth. I absolutely adore both mint and chocolate (and orange juice), but any of these things together is garbage and I wish the rest of the world would wise up and stop poisoning my chocolate with sneak-mints.
Mint chocolate chip ice cream forever.
While I know you are an intelligent woman who I respect, I am sorry to say that we are doomed to forever disagree on this important issue.
Goddamnit, whom.
thin mints though
I don’t really like cheese, and it turns out that’s a pretty unpopular stance with most people. about 97% of people decide I’m the most awful person ever. that remaining 3% though; they’re like OMG I’M NOT ALONE!
also, I’m totally with you on the whole marshmallow + hot chocolate thing, except I like the weird dried out mini ones that come already in the cocoa pouches.
OMG I’M NOT ALONE! I really dislike cheese.
vegans everywhere are excited that a conversation in your presence will never include the phrase “but I could just NEVER give up cheese”.
yeah, i could probably be vegan. i could easily be obnoxious and say i could never give up ice cream, though. i’d probably be kidding? maybe?
as a vegan i’ve gotta say that there are some really bomb vegan ice creams, like, i can think of at least 8 that i wish were in my mouth RIGHT NOW (generally smaller/local creameries who do non-dairy ice creams are better than the big brands if you’re gonna sample).
*part of that 3%*
*waves timidly*
*waves excitedly* hallo fellow club member!
Hello I am here for the Anti-Cheese Club. Most of it seriously grosses me out and people put it on EVERYTHING.
I met someone who didn’t like bread and that to me is way worse
You know, I feel like I can deal with a lot of things. I can deal with comment sections of YouTube, I can deal with the Twitter Machine being insufferable, I can even deal with bizzare Taylor Swift hate. But this? This is a bridge to far. THIS is unacceptable!
I recall being a young girl and having one just as it came out of the oven and the joy I felt as it melted in my mouth. They’ve been a constant, a joy of joys that never fail, let me down, or tell me that my dream of a intergalactic empire is a fools dream.
Oatmeal cookies are cookies, and the most kind and loyal of them all. And pretzels make good friends as well.
So a pox of your house, for all of this.
With Love,
-Empress Sunil
PS. Anyone that doesn’t like their hot chocolate with marshmallows is a communist.
Not just a communist, but a damn dirty one at that.
I’m with you on everything, but oatmeal cookies. It’s the only way I can enjoy a cookie and pretend to be healthy.
I’m with you on one and five. If I want mint I’ll brush my teeth or chew gum, and bacon is… ugh.
I think you’re just objectively wrong about all of these things
For real. What do you have against bacon maple donuts, B?
Because you’re ruining the bacon and the donut. Just give me donuts and bacon separately. I wanna lead a simple, good, life.
god that felt good. thank you b!
I prefer my hot chocolate with potato chips. I know, I’m gross.
Also I do believe I’m the worst Jew in the world because bacon+milk chocolate is my favorite thing in the world.
Other than that, you are spot on. Pretzels are only good if they’re the tiny thin kind and if they come with some kind of cheesy dip and if someone else buys them because I would never willingly buy them.
How did chips and hot chocolate even come to you? Was it in a dream?
“Because they’re there” is literally the only reason I’ve ever eaten a pretzel.
And I had chocolate with bacon in it the other day, just to see if it was worth it. It was NOT.
But… But… Mint makes everything better…
If I could figure out how to reasonably incorporate pretzel buns into every meal I eat I would do it in a heartbeat.
pretzel buns are actually not new- they’re a traditional roll & when I lived in Switzerland I ate them all the time! so scrumptious! was excited to see them appear on these shores tho unfortunately they’re rarely as good…
try: pretzel roll with a few slices of salami, a thin slice of pickle, thin tomato slice & mayo & mustard… super old school & so good!
i used to get the kids meal at bennigans because the cheeseburger was on a pretzel roll even though i am an adult
What about caramel smoked bacon(well in my case the bacon would have been turkey, but now it’s vegan)?
I like mint in my alcohol, and a light amount in my ice cream(like a thin mint chocolate chip); but then there is stuff like mint hummus, or mint veggie burgers. No, I am sorry you just ruined two things I like.
I have to say that I disagree with everything except for the bacon. Don’t get me wrong I do love me some bacon but I like it straight up. :)
Welp. I’m an awful person, then, because I commit at least three out of these five crimes on a regular basis.
I like combining sweet things with pretzels (my uncle has a sort of cheater’s turtle candy where you lay out a bunch of mini twists on a parchment-lined baking sheet, plop a Rolo on top of each of them, and then stick it in a low oven for just a couple minutes to get the Rolos squishy enough that you can press a pecan half on top), oatmeal-chocolate-chip-walnut cookies were one of the things I chose to do for my pastry proficiency exam (I passed!), and mint picked fresh from the garden is great for tea, garnishes, and infusing in things (once my catnip’s gotten big and bushy enough to harvest lots of leaves, I’m going to use it in the ganache for truffles).
Things like this used to make me so sad and irrationally angry, but then I realized – I can eat all of these things so that you don’t have to. And all shall be right with the world.
Guess I’m having a pretzel burger with bacon and some mint hot chocolate with marshmallows for dinner (or more realistically a cup full of marshmallows with just a little bit of mint hot chocolate poured into it, c’mon now).
Number 1- Just so much agreeing.
Number 5- As a Kosher Jew, eating has become a constant guessing game of “where is the bacon hiding?” Oh, in my latte and muffins? GREAT!
Also, this article reminded me of this:
Oatmeal cookies are delicious! White chocolate chips and dried cranberries in an oatmeal cookie, heavenly.
is that an island getaway
Having pretty much been a lifelong lover of chocolate-covered pretzels, I am of the opinion that pretzel M&Ms are gift from some loving deity to this earth.
I love Oatmeal! I would eat that cookie if it doesn’t have raisins in it
Have you never had hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps in it? That drink combo is like one of the reasons that winter exists.
I can understand all of these (even though I adore all of these combinations) except for bacon. If you like bacon itself, how can you not enjoy it mixed in with other things? Bacon on burgers, BLTs, Bacon wrapped chicken/steak/pork tenderloin/literally any meat ever, bacon in your caesar salad, bacon with your perogies, bacon with your baked potato, bacon on your pizza? Like man, bacon is just one of those things that if you add it to a dish,
Oh, I like it in stuff! Like when it maintains its baconness. I mean more of the situations in which you couldn’t, if you wanted to, extract the bacon untainted. Such as that picture where it is covered with chocolate or nuts or some weird glaze and when it’s cooked into maple doughnuts and stuff like that.
I disagree on all of these. Gotta have my mint tea, pretzel burgers, chocolate covered pretzels, marshmallows in hot cocoa, oatmeal raisin cookies, and bacon cheeseburgers.
But we can agree to disagree. :)
I disagree on everything but mint. God, I hate mint with food. The only time I want to taste mint is when I’m brushing my teeth, ta
OATMEAL COOKIES WITH RAISINS. Best cookies in the world.
You have clearly not had those in your mouth!

oh my god those look so appalling to me
Agree with cb. That looks absolutely horrifying. D:
that looks illegal
… but I love all of these things.
Is this satire? Who doesn’t love a good burger (meat or vegetarian) on a pretzel bun.
Maybe a bacon cheeseburger on a pretzel bun…
You know, that reminds me of the time I had 2 all dressed burgers, 6 boston cream doughnuts, 1 huge chunk of pot brownies and a shitload of sprite + sourpuss drinks.
Through the high, the drunkness and the gastric pain, I managed to cry-ask my friend : “Can food poisoning be lethal?”
What about chocolate chip, male oatmeal cookies?
You have insulted my very person, my favourite things! I challenge you to a duel! XD
Fight me. I’m like 99.9% ready to fight someone over an oatmeal cookie.
I’m only partly serious.
but…but 1-4 I adore. mint is my all-time favorite flavor. mint chocolate chip, thin mints, andersons mints, pillow mints, mint licorice, candy canes…
Eat Like A Horse – OATS4EVA
I have never seen pretzel buns before and was pretty well convinced that those tiny burgers were served on plums sliced in half, with an X cut in the top.
(Whoa, are the burgers even tiny, or is that the plum-illusion talking?)
This was a weird experience, reading the normal things you don’t like and expecting plumburgers to be one of them. Sort of a Roald Dahl moment. You’re right about pretzels though, terrible invention, should never be eaten.
Nah fam, oatmeal raisin cookies, fresh out of the oven are a religious experience. I’m tired of people slandering them.
Maple bacon sprinkled over chocolate brownie piece ice cream is everything.
Sadly. I don’t agree with a single one of these. If I was to have my own list it’d be one thing and one thing only….
Cayenne and chocolate.
Chocolate should never be spicy. Spicy food should never be chocolatey.
Amen to that.
Most of these are my favorite things. But, I really only like mint of it’s fresh – like in chutneys and beverages. Mint-flavored things – blech. That includes toothpaste and especially gum. And I really hate the second-hand mint from other people chewing gum. No, I would really not like to breathe in the sweaty smell of that thing you’ve been chomping on for hours, thank you.
Cookie Monster is my spirit animal, and you… you have angered him. Beware his furry blue wrath.
(Marshmallows though, those things can all burn in confectionery hell. What kind of person wants to eat something that’s the exact consistency of an earplug, tell me)
hey how bout you erase spirit animal from your vocab. that’s like appropriation 101
The concept of a spirit animal doesn’t belong to any one religion, though… ? It is found all over the world, in faiths including paganism, shamanism, animism, druidism, etc.
While I don’t follow any particular faith, I didn’t think of it as any different than saying “Cookie Monster is my god”. Though I suppose that phrasing could be offensive to religious people too. In any case, I apologize if I came across as belittling someone’s religious beliefs. That wasn’t my intention.
I’ve only seen Cookie Monster eat chocolate chip cookies tho
My mom makes the best almond butter chocolate chip cookies… THEY ARE AMAZING.
I eat oatmeal raisin cookies for breakfast; it’s like eating a bowl of cereal and fruit. I feel so healthy after eating them, I celebrate with a real cookie.
I can agree with all of these EXCEPT pretzels. 1. Soft pretzels with nacho cheese, 2. Sarris chocolate covered pretzels. Everyone needs Sarris chocolate in their life and it’s perf with salty stuff.
pretty sure oats are not the problem, pretty sure it’s the raisins that want to ruin my life
You’re so right. When I make oatmeal cookies I make them with chocolate chips. Raisins don’t go in food unless it’s a weird salad or trail mix.
Yeah fuck off pretzel buns, glad we are acknowledging that they are out to ruin everything.
I can definitely understand the mint thing! Also I enjoy these posts of yours, very unique. And I love the good-nature of the comments. Y’all rock.
I don’t know about pretzels, I’ve never tried them. They’re not a thing here in Oz.
Marshmallow anything though is just the end, chewy,powdery,super sweet,absolutely nasty.
Fresh mint is a gift from the food goddess, especially chopped with Thai veggies and pumped with fresh lime juice.
Bacon. I could wright odes to bacon but only with savory stuff.
Oh this has been fun!! Just love talking food.
Salted sweet things. This is supposed to taste good??? If I want salty, I’ll eat salty. If I want sweet, I’ll eat sweet. But together? Disgusting! Spoils both.
I’m gonna leave this here:

My friend bought this last weekend while we were hanging out. Upon opening the bag, I said “they smell like McDonalds.” (which to me, is not a good thing.)
wait seriously? those look appalling.
seriously. Like, for real:
I should note that my friend tried them and said, “they are actually not bad” but then quickly put the bag down and changed the subject.
I disagree with that last one. You’re missing the point. I didn’t wrap a slice of sweet potato pie in bacon because the bacon is lacking without pie. I did it because pie is lacking wihout bacon.
Wow… I can’t think of an AS article that I’ve ever disagreed with more fervently in my life! lol
I’m fairly certain you listed every single one of my favourite food combinations!
My only mantra when it comes to oatmeal cookies … or anything really is “RAISINS ARE RUINERS”! Don’t take something perfectly delicious, like an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, then try to pull one over on me by hiding raisins in it! Awful….
Everything else mentioned above… delicious….
Finally another American who will strongly admit putting bacon in everything is wrong, but at least you have cred because you like bacon. From the bottom of my pork hating but sensible heart, thank you.