No Filter: Find One Single Item of Clothing Tessa Thompson Does Not Rock Effortlessly, I Dare You

Hello and welcome back to No Filter! This is the place where I find fun Instagrams of celesbians and their friends to share with you! Let’s goooooo!

Cruella De Vil
If she doesn’t scare* you
No evil** thing will
To see her is to
Take a sudden chill***
Cruella, Cruella De Vil

*turn you on
**super hot
***pass out

Dear Evan Hansen :(
Hearts on nipples :) :) :)

Do I usually think TikTok dances are kind of… meh? Yes. Did this almost single-handedly change my mind? Also yes.

Janet I SWEAR to God I would leave everything I ever loved at home if you asked, Jeeeeesus.

Find one single item of clothing Tessa does not rock effortlessly, I dare you.

I want— nay— NEED this shirt.

I am torn betwixt how well Tommy is pulling this off and the visceral flashback to 2002 I just had.

For the foreseeable future I will be thinking about this top. Honestly, I might never stop? It’s… perfect??

Okay LOEWE said we are doing high fashion and we have your exact number Christina.

No, like, they really came directly for my throat. Mods??



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Christina Tucker

Christina Tucker is writer and podcaster living in Philadelphia. Find her on Twitter or Instagram!

Christina has written 335 articles for us.


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