by rory midhani
Today is the day lesbian fandom has been waiting for since the very first season of Glee — Brittany and Santana are getting married! To honor the beautiful brides and get you in the mood to swoon, I’ve assembled a collection of eight femslash wedding fics. They’re syrupy and sweet and just what you need to prepare for Brittana’s Big Night!
Old, Borrowed, Blue by EverShadow
Pairing: Brittany/Santana, Glee
Plot: A fluffy Brittana wedding one-shot
Length: 3,000 words
Santana was the nervous one and Quinn found that absolutely hilarious. The girl paced back and forth, her shiny new shoes squeaking on the carpet. Quinn sat calmly in a lounge chair and watched as Santana glanced outside to where everyone gathered
“You’re making me dizzy.” Quinn commented sharply. Santana flipped a half-hearted middle finger in her direction and looked outside again. Rows and rows of white chairs were being rapidly occupied. Some faces she recognized, some she didn’t.
“Holy shit that’s a lot of people.” Santana muttered. There had to be at least fifty people there and more were coming every second. Santana didn’t even realize that they knew that many people. Most of them were family, coming from all over the US and some from out of the country. They shared the same friends though so that number was kept to a minimum.
“Stage fright?” Quinn teased.
“You are the worst maid of honor, best man, whatever.” Santana said angrily, drawing the curtains closed a tiny bit.
A Wedding of Errors by TheArcher
Pairing: Allison/Lydia, Teen Wolf
Plot: Dr. Lydia hires a famous wedding planner named Allison to plan her big day, and then she falls in love with her.
Length: 19,000 words
But going out with Allison on this highly inadvisable date made her wonder if maybe her life only seemed great because it was so constant. Her life now wasn’t that different from when she was in medical school. She had grown comfortable with it and now Allison came in and she was comfortable in an entirely different way.
Then again she could be blowing it completely out of proportion. Her schedule was always very busy and she couldn’t get out much. She didn’t have any friends outside of work. This could very well just be a longing for female companionship and not some sort of life-altering romance.
She stopped the car in front of her house and looked at the lights already on in the living room.
The last thing Lydia needed was a life-altering anything.
Your People Will Be My People by NancyBrown
Pairing: Vastra/Jenny, Doctor Who
Plot: It’s Vastra and Jenny’s first night as a married couple.
Length: 450 words
Jenny wasn’t one much for the Bible any more, not after the cruel lessons she’d picked up in the orphanage, the beatings she’d been given in God’s name. But she was passing fond of the story of Ruth and Naomi.
Her lady, her love, spoke her vows in the tongue of her own people: you are mine and I am yours and we are for and of each other. Jenny found a tattered old leatherbound book and gave the pledge she’d already made: where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Strax made a poor preacher and a poorer judge, but he was no fool, and he mumbled something appropriately pious to someone’s god and only made two or three attempts to start a war.
Femslash February 2015 Challenge by WelshCakes68
Pairing: Sansa/Margery, Game of Thrones
Plot: A whole month of Sansa/Margery ficlets, including a wedding one! (It’s Chapter 10.)
Length: 27,000
“The Faith will not allow two women to wed.” Sansa argued to distract herself from Margaery’s closeness and tempting words.
“The Faith has wed woman to woman before, Sansa; countless of Targaryens for hundreds of years and they were sisters! This is far less unseemly.” Margaery argued with excited calm, the cover from sight and all of the pieces now in place giving her a manic sort of confidence, the emotion rushing over her face in waves.
“How will we…bed each other?” Sansa asked, flushing terribly. “It will all be for naught if they say the marriage is not consummated.”
“We…that will be a discussion for later, My Lady. I must have your answer for we are running out of time.” Margaery implored, beginning to get agitated again, whether due to timing, as she said, or the topic of conversation, Sansa was not sure.
Flu Love’s Kiss by PrincessCharming
Pairing: Regina/Emma, Once Upon a Time
Plot: The Love Flu makes its way around Storybrooke causing Emma to propose in the process.
Length: 7,000 words
“Please Emma, don’t,” said Regina worriedly, realising what was about to happen.
Emma just nodded like she expected that reaction and frowned a little. “You don’t even know what I’m gonna say yet.”
“You’re going to ask me to marry you.”
“You’re spoiling the ending.” Emma whined softly.
Regina bit her lips before whispering painfully. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Then don’t. Say yes.” Emma cradled Regina’s face with both hands and ran her thumbs across her cheekbones. They were pressed close, thigh-to-thigh and hip-to-hip.
Will you still love me tomorrow? by alterocentrist
Pairing: Laura/Carmilla, Carmilla
Plot: Promising someone “forever” is even more complicated when one of you is a vampire.
Length: 9,000 words
Never in her wildest dreams did Carmilla imagine that her Sunday evenings would be spent watching old seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, cuddled up to her girlfriend on the couch in their one-bedroom apartment in Berlin. Strangers might say that it was unusual, yet heartening, to see a couple in a state of security that was basically impossible at the age of twenty-three.
But Carmilla wasn’t twenty-three; she had been eighteen for almost three hundred and forty years, with the cynicism and smarts of a survivor to prove it. And Laura? Well, she was… Laura. Even four years later, she still refused to let the world chip away at her stubborn idealism.
Anything by clarias
Pairing: Korra/Asami, Legend of Korra
Plot: Korra and Asami try to work out their familial differences as their wedding approaches.
Length: 1,200 words
Asami fiddles with the pendant of her betrothal necklace, rubbing the carved circle of shell mindlessly between her finger and thumb. Korra watches her apprehensively. They’ve been engaged for long enough that she knows her fiancée has something on her mind.
Korra had actually only made the necklace after Asami proposed to her. She etched the Future Industries logo with painstaking care, going through three different attempts before it was properly balanced and geometric. Then with sweating hands she added the curls of cresting waves to its centre.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, kicking her foot gently under the table. “Place settings too much for your amazing brain?”
two and a double by sssammich
Pairing: Gail/Holly, Rookie Blue
Plot: Gail and Holly get married!
Length: 1,000 words
“How romantic,” Holly says as she brushes a lock of hair that’s fallen from its pin back behind her ear, “ditching your own wedding reception.”
“It’s not you, it’s me.”
“Well, of course it’s not me. I had to come looking for you, remember?”
“They’re just all so happy,” she comments with disdain. “It’s a giant room full of happy people. 90% of whom, may I add, I don’t particularly care for.”
“That’s like a prerequisite for weddings.”
Do you have any favorite wedding fics?
If you ever do South of Nowhere, let me know. I’ve waded through some doozies, but have found one that is just everything.
Holy crap, I do want that.
Breathing In Lightning » Spencer Carlin & Ashley Davies have been inseparable since diapers, so how did life tear them apart? Can they grow up without each other to lean on? They both know you can’t hide from someone you’ve known forever.
A WEDDING OF ERRORS IS ON HERE. YES. I’m so glad this list exists and I cannot wait for the Brittana Wedding Of Our Dreams to actually happen on television. Thank you, o goddess of femslash fanfic, for doing this column. It makes my Fridays all that much better!
I used to recap Teen Wolf for gay men. I never realized there was such an enormous Allison/Lydia fan base until I started doing this column. I love it so much.
HOO BOY so it was just Sterek Central I assume? and yes I feel like the actual number of Allison/Lydia fans is misrepresented based on the saturation of m/m fic written for Teen Wolf on AO3. I feel like there should be some sort secret Allison/Lydia handshake–we’re secret but mighty.
Hmmmm…Surprising results. I didn’t expect a SwanQueen one. Or a Vastra/Jenny (although I suppose I should have). I did expect a Rizzles, and a Bering & Wells one.
I’ve never seen a Bering and Wells one!
So the first link keeps taking me to Lilies of the Bowery… which, I mean, is an amazing fic but not exactly the one I was expecting :)
Again with the underage ships? Am I really the only person who thinks this is fucked up?
I don’t think there is anything wrong with shipping an age appropriate relationship between teens, but are you sure any of the characters in these stories are even underage? I know many of them are adults, and given that these are wedding fics I suspect that even the characters who are younger on tv are adults in these stories.
I know that Sansa Stark is canonically 16. Many of the others are canonically underage for much of their plotlines. In the Valentine’s Day fanfic article, one of the stories involved several incest pairings. There were several sexually graphic ones about underage characters. It’s pedophilia.