by rory midhani
Welcome, welcome to another round of Fan Fiction Friday, the place where we celebrate femslash fandom. When I was a little lesbipup, writing my very first things on the gay lady internet about gay lady visibility on TV, I never imagined a world where fandom would have power. In fact, most people didn’t even know the word “fandom,” and “shipping” is not a thing you would ever hear a writer or actor or showrunner say. Queer women who wanted to read/write fan fiction had to dig around and unearth very small corners of the internet, and mostly we just hid there, enjoying the company of a dozen other women who also wanted to explore identity stuff and sex stuff and wordsmithing stuff through fictional characters we loved. Also, we just wanted to take a break from real life to swoon sometimes.
But the future is now and fandom is mainstream and queer women who love pop culture are changing the shape of the world! Part of it is writing/reading fan fiction, which smashes the patriarchy in so many exciting and accessible ways. And the other part of it is being empowered by fandom communities to advocate for changes to the stuff we actually see on television. Faking It is kind of like Glee and South of Nowhere‘s baby when you really think about it, which is fun for a lot of reasons, including how the collective power of femslash fandom is what caused Glee and South of Nowhere to buck the fauxmosexual sweeps weeks tropes of yore (thanks, The O.C.!) and really delve into lady-loving relationships on-screen. And that’s obviously what happened with Faking It, too.
So! Take a break from the holiday mania and let me honor you, Karmy fandom, with 7 sexy-sweet fics to light your yule log.
She’s Got A Boyfriend Anyway by amyraudenfelds
Pairing: Karma/Amy
Plot: Amy’s got feelings in her heart and in her pants for her best friend’s girlfriend.
Hotness level: Honey BBQ
Karma stopped tickling and stared down at Amy. “You recognize I am the strongest out of the both of us, buttface?”
“I do.” Amy agreed while she wiped the tears running down her face.
Suddenly, she was very aware that Karma was on top of her, almost straddling her. One leg planted on the side of Amy’s legs and the other resting on the floor. She took in the image of Karma, smiling down at her with a malicious smile, her hair falling in curls on one side of her shoulder, exposing her bare neck. Amy suddenly understood the very serious situation that Karma was in fact, topping her, and she almost died a series of little happy deaths. Karma’s face was getting closer and closer by the minute, and Amy’s eyes began to flutter shut. But Karma stopped, inches away from Amy’s lips. A moment passed through them, but they still didn’t move. And Amy was getting even more conscious of Karma’s weight on top of her, not ever wanting to leave this position.
“Great.” Karma said, and Amy felt her hot, sweet breathe tickling the skin of Amy’s face. “We’re agreed.” Karma chuckled by Amy’s ear, and the girl shivered. And all of a sudden, Karma wasn’t there anymore. She got off Amy and sat down on the cushion. Amy grimaced, but sat up as well.
Karma was a bit flushed but not as much as Amy was. Anyway, Karma’s flush had to do with the effort she made propping herself on only one arm, but Amy’s flush had nothing to do with… Something else.
The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most by Lazarus Girl
Pairing: Karma/Amy
Plot: Amy’s mom tries to keep Karma and Amy apart after the infamous homecoming dance. (Spoiler alert, it doesn’t work.)
Hotness level: Mango Habanero
“And I’ll be right there with you. Always.” Karma finishes, resting her hand right over Amy’s heart.
That heart feels like it’s going to fly right out of her chest. Before she realises what she’s doing, she surges forward, pressing her lips roughly to Karma’s. It lingers longer than it should, and Karma’s kissing back, her hand resting on Amy’s cheek, thumb stroking against it absently. It takes all of Amy’s will to pull away.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Nothing about that was fake.
Her mouth opens and closes, gaping like a fish, because she’s imagined this moment, dreamt of it night after night for weeks now, and it’s never ever turned out like this. She has too many questions in her head and too few ways to say them, so she’s just reduced to a stuttering mess all over again.
Karma’s fingertips press lightly against her lips make her stop just as quickly as last time.
“You kiss by th’ book,” Karma whispers, with a knowing smile.
Then, before she can even think of answering, Karma’s lips are on hers and they’re kissing again; slow, soft and careful, like Karma is terrified she’ll break.
Maybe she will. Maybe she already has. Maybe she’s in the process.
burn a hole into your apprehensiveness by Orphan Account
Pairing: Karma/Amy
Plot: Amy and Karma are happily dating and can’t keep their hands off each other, even at school.
Hotness level: Blazin’ Buffalo
“Yes,” Karma replies primly, pulling a set of keys out from the pocket of her shorts and sliding on of them into the lock. “I was thinking a few weeks ago, that we’re in high school, right? The years we always fantasized over, having wild adventures and shit like that, and if having — totally awesome — sex in a janitor’s closet –” she cuts off for a moment, grunting as she shoves the door open, reaching out for Amy’s wrist again and pulling her inside, “– then so be it, am I right?”
“I’m not sure,” Amy admits, watching Karma close and lock the door behind them. She gasps when Karma turns around and pushes her up against one of the walls, and then they’re close enough that Amy can smell the herry of Karma’s lip gloss, can feel the heat of her body against hers, and decides to fuck it, because yeah, she’s in high school and these are the years, and catches Karma’s mouth with her lips.
It starts out as a slow, sweet kiss, just testing the waters, and then Karma’s warm hands slide down Amy’s hips, reaching out to cop a cheeky squeeze from her bum through the skirt, and that’s when the floodgates break and Amy pushes her tongue past Karma’s teeth, reveling in the soft moan she gets in return.
Truth or Dare I Say It by WaterBendin
Pairing: Karma/Amy
Plot: Karma and Amy shrug off their friends to play a two-person game of truth or dare.
Hotness level: Blistering Burn
Much to my surprise, and liking, she leaned back and pulled her shirt up over her head. She tossed it to the floor, hastily reclaiming my lips with her own as if the seconds they’d been apart had been excruciatingly long. The unashamed desire pouring out of her sparked something deep within me. With a new level of confidence, I flipped us so that I was the one hovering above her. She giggled at the turn of events, refusing to let our lips separate despite her amusement.
“You’re so beautiful.” I mumbled, trailing kisses down her jawline and finding her neck. Her head rolled to the side, exposing more of her neck for me. I lowered myself on to her more, fully pressing our fronts together. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, our hips slowly moving against each other. I swear, I found Heaven.
I started grinding gently, sensually against her. Taking my time kissing along her collar bone, I could sense her every reaction to my movements. I kissed across her chest, stopping just as I reached her cleavage to pull back and slip my own top off. She stared up at me in a way that I can only describe in the cheesiest of ways: hungrily.
While I was there, I reached back and undid my bra. When it slipped off my shoulders, her eyes grew wide and her cheeks turned a bright rosy red. I would have laughed if I wasn’t so insanely turned on by the way the she was staring me up and down.
you got me (beyond excited) by Kendarrr
Pairing: Karma/Amy
Plot: While Karma’s parents are away, Karma and Amy play.
Hotness level: Sweet Chili Pepper
They fell on Karma’s bed a giggling mess, the floral cream-coloured sheets a delectable contrast to the girl’s gorgeous auburn locks. Amy smiled, helping herself to a taste of her soft, pliant lips. Humming, Karma cupped the back of Amy’s neck and tugged her closer while the blonde straddled her. She dragged her fingers along Karma’s smooth thighs, hiking her dress up higher as she licked the shape of her lips. Amy felt brazen, knowing that they were completely alone, no one to bother them for forty eight hours. And with the sounds Karma was making, a girl could only take so much.
Amy kissed along Karma’s jaw, kissing every inch until she reached her ear. She could smell her perfume on her skin. She smelled sweet, and it just so happened that Amy was still in a snacky mood. Karma’s soft, uneven breathing shook her chest, and Amy couldn’t look away. She stared. Karma was too beautiful, and her chest ached.
“What?” Karma smiled and craned her neck to give Amy’s nose a peck. “You’re staring again, you know?”
“You know why.” Amy scooted them higher up on the bed so Karma could rest her head on some pillows. She planted kisses along Karma’s cheeks, her neck, the sliver of skin that peeked out of her shirt. Karma released a shuddery gasp, her legs hooking around Amy’s hips. She squeezed her tight and tugged at her top. The blonde, knowing what her best friend wanted with no need for words, removed her shirt. “Better?”
Next week: Orange Is the New Black! Give me your Taystee, your Poussey, your Piper and Alex, yearning for half an hour of privacy!
In any of them, does anybody set Liam’s face on fire, and put it out with an icepick? I’d definitely read that.
Is it dumb that I get excited when my friend’s fic is rec’d in this column? Because almost every week so far it’s happened. I have some damn talented friends.
PS – You should all read “The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most.” And LazarusGirl’s other fics.
I have a new favourite word!
Also I’m sad because I’m still working inside my toy store and sexy lesbian sex is a no-no when Winnie the Pooh plush toys are looking at you creepily.
Just tell him that you’re getting yourself a smackerel of honey.
Omg, there is a fanfic column?! I have gone back to immersing myself in reading COUNTLESS lesbian fanfics the past month and a half, thanks to my hermit state in life. Valkubus, Kahlan/Cara and Karmy are my current preferred ships for fanfiction and I do believe I have read all of the multi-chap fics on FF and AOOO for those 3 pairings. But am always looking for more and I miss some sometimes, so thanks for this!
Suggestion/request when you post about the fics (pairing, plot, hotness level): Could you also give some indication of the length (even if it is just something like one-shot vs multi-chap)?
I personally prefer the multi-chapter fics and was getting all psyched about some fics you posted above, esp when I didn’t recognize the plot, only to see that they were only one chapter long. Still, thanks for the recs because I trust your judgment and it gets me reading a few more one-chapter fics :).
Heehee. Did you steal the ratings from the Buffalo Wild Wings menu?
YES! I am so glad you got it!
YES! FakingIt Fanfic. This is my favourite column ever.
O_O All the good things.