Listen, I know all you can think about right now is Orange Is The New Black, but remember how other (albeit inferior) TV shows exist? TV shows like MTV’s Faking It, a show that’s about, like, you know that thing that happens to lesbians in high school? How we strike up a really intense best-friendship with a straight girl who’s really into it? And we convince ourselves that friends is good, right? Until she gets a boyfriend. That’s what Faking It is about, basically. Kind of.

Basically. Kind of.
ANYWAY GUESS WHAT, Faking It has been renewed for another season! QUEER PEOPLE ON THE TV FOREVER. MTV has ordered 10 more episodes just in time for tomorrow’s season one finale, which is good because there was no way they were going to be able to wrap up the current storyline in a way that wasn’t going to make me want to cry. As it turns out, though, Faking It is crushing it, ratings-wise! This is great news for queer television in general. According to an interview with Deadline:
“‘Faking It’ has proved to be the perfect companion show to ‘Awkward,'” said Susanne Daniels, President of MTV Programming. “We’re excited about Carter Covington’s delicious plans for season two.”
Did you hear that? It’s going to be delicious. Hmm. I’m gonna level with you: I have pretty mixed feelings about this show in general. For as many problems as Faking It has, it’s fun to watch and seems to be at least somewhat aware of itself, so I’m interested to see where they decide to take Karma and Amy’s relationship before passing tooooo much judgement, I reckon. It’s nice to have a show on television that’s about queer women. Mostly I’m excited to make more ridiculous but somehow relevant graphics, ala…
So BRING IT ON, MTV! Do your worst! And by “worst,” I mean “best.” We’re already coping with Glee, we don’t need another show doing its worst.
having already seen the finale i am just really excited that the story isn’t going to end where the story ended
I’m glad I wasn’t alone in feeling all of the feelings for Jasmine…
well, this comment ruins all of my hopes and dreams that karma will realize (out loud and to amy’s face) that she’s madly and passionately in love with amy in the next episode. thanks, riese.
Yeah, I saw spoilers laying out what happens and there would be hell to pay if that was how it really ended without a season 2
I have mixed feelings about this show too, but hopefully if it’s continuing then Amy can move on from Karma, meet Ellen Page, or fall in love with someone available at Whole Foods or something! Yay! I’m bummed it’s ending since I just finished OITNB too. Where are my lez shows? Pretty Little Liars better be gay as hell this season!
I actually like faking it a lot more than Orange is the new Black. Not that I don’t like the latter, as I do, but this show just does a lot more for me. I’m very excited for this! I’d love it if they could make the episodes longer!
It’s fun and pretty funny. I like how the *concept* of lesbians is depicted favorably, and the conservative girl is shown to be wrong.
BUT, the “faking” being lesbian thing bothers me. This trope exists enough, and lesbian/bi girls get mocked for it. Or used for titillation to kiss at parties. etc. So, my verdict is like with reservations.
If two queer lady besties pretended to date in order to win homecoming couple so they didn’t have to run against each other and then discovered their feelings for each other, I’d be behind the show. Any variation of them already being queer, and faking some other aspect of their lives would be okay with me. I’m too tired of the troupe.
I also hate Shane with a passion.
A “fake” romance where one party really is secretly in love with the other party is a common trope, too, though, and it’s usually done with hetero pairings. I mean, it’s half the premise of The Hunger Games.
Can’t wait to see this tv show use lesbians as a joke for a whole new season.
I continue to be astounded by how invested I am in this show. When I saw this post I jumped out of my chair and did a happy dance.

And if she has time I’d love to see Riese will keep doing recaps for the second season, which, as always, are often funnier than the actual show.