Back at the School of Wayward Hours, Liam’s digging in to old yearbooks to figure out if Xander is his father while Shane stresses out about how Duke said he’d be training but appears to be training ON STUBBLE. C’mon, Duke, you’re too famous to risk spending that much time on a gay hookup app!

Well, if she is a vampire, that definitely explains why she looks exactly the same in the Glee Club 1975 picture and the Glee Club 1985 picture.
Liam’s convinced that Xander is his father ’cause there’s a photograph of a club that includes both Xander and his mother.
Shane: I’ve been in plenty of pictures with people I haven’t impregnated.
Liam: It all makes sense now! Being an artist is in my blood and now my Dad has come back to build some kind of relationship with me. I’ve dreamt about this moment.
Shane: Maaaan..
Liam: When I dreamt about it there was no talking.
Cut to Amy’s room of romance, where Reagan is squealing and bouncing on the bed with excitement because of Pussy Explosion! No, not an actual pussy explosion, but the band “Pussy Explosion,” of which Reagan is a member, are going on tour this summer and they want Reagan to come with! Plus, the bass player just dumped her girlfriend and there’s room in the van if Amy wants to come!

Amy says she can’t, because that would be ridiculous and her mother would never approve and look what happened on Freaks and Geeks JUST KIDDING, Amy says she can’t ’cause she’s gotta do impressive college resume things this summer. Reagan suggests that Amy make a documentary about her tour.
Reagan: We’ll stay out all night, stay in bed all day, live on donuts —
Amy: I do love donuts…

You better get a nice long last look in at this perfect face because everybody knows I won’t last the season
This sounds like a really good documentary so far, I can’t wait for the kickstarter. The phone rings — it’s Karma — and Reagan completely loses her shit. WHY ARE YOU TALKING TO HER IF YOU WANT A FUTURE WITH ME? Karma wants to talk about the summer program but Amy blows her off, ’cause Amy’s got a bad habit of siding with whomever’s closest to her physical body at that time.
Amy: That summer program? Uh, I say, let’s just forget about it, it’s not worth the stress.
Karma: What? Amy!
Amy: You always said you wanted to be a lifeguard, maybe you should just do that!
Karma: But you refuse to get a job that requires a bathing suit…

Of course not, I would NEVER plagarize your Sparia fan-fic!
Amy says that’s still true but it’s okay, ’cause she’s instead gonna be going on tour with Reagan! Reagan is so excited she starts gnawing on Amy’s neck and Amy tells Karma that maybe you know, college just isn’t for her! What is happening.
We return to the Neverending College Fair at Hysteria High! Liam, bursting with Are You My Father Energy, rushes Xander to tell him he knows everything and totally understands why Xander’s been so hot on his jock.

Oooooohhhh you thought I was Xander from Buffy, huh? Nope, I’m totally playing a different character on this show.
After a few seconds of One Dialogue, Two Conversations, the truth comes out: Xander’s not Liam’s father, he just wanted an intro to Liam’s father ’cause he heard they’re seeking a muralist for the new Squirtkle Headquarters. Consequentially, Liam’s hopeful heart crumples back in on itself.
Back at the chaotic campus lawn, Lauren is at the Clement booth doing a really interesting baton-twirling routine while talking about her positive personality traits!

Bet you didn’t know a double-headed dildo could do this, did you?
Then one flaming baton flip too far and the whole mess lands blazing in the grass — and dear ‘ol Theo, ever-so-committed to his wanton princess, is on it, extinguishing that fire with the weight of a fire extinguisher. Then he quickly apologizes and flees. Regardless, Ms. Clement isn’t concerned about Lauren’s twirling talents. She’s far more concerned with Lauren’s gender status at birth!

Here! Try it! It’s fun for solo use or partner sex!
Ms. Clement: It’s come to my attention that you are Hester’s first out intersex student, and we value that kind of diversity at Clement. I can’t promise anything, but I would be very surprised if you didn’t win a spot this summer.
Lauren: Because of my body?
Ms. Clement: No! No because of your… uniqueness.
Lauren: Well then, I withdraw my application.
YOU GO GIRL. Okay, time for Lauren to get back together with Theo!
Amy’s lying on her bed wondering why Miley Cyrus is so bad at instagram when Karma shows up with a video that she says Amy HAS to watch. I bet it’s the one Ellen made about being in the Republican debates, that was so funny! Nope, it’s a childhood video.

So THIS is my root
They’re playing Barbies and obviously Amy is very focused on the two ladies getting their diploma, while Karma keeps trying to weasel the Prince back into the narrative. Baby Amy would rather the “prince” be recast as the “professor.” Sidenote: Karma would totally date the professor. Amy insists that it’s cool for her to skip college ’cause Reagan didn’t go to college and she’s fine! Okay, it’s totally true that it’s cool to skip college, but Amy’s specific logic here is pretty thin. Then again, so is Karma’s way of shifting the conversation:
Karma: She’s also a lesbian, something we both know you’re not.
Amy: Well, tell that to my wardrobe.
Karma: I saw the way you blushed around Felix!
Amy: Not again with that! I’m not into Felix! And why are you so against me being a lesbian?
Karma: I’m not! I’m against you changing who you are to make someone else happy. Amy, the one thing you’ve always said is that you can’t wait to get to college.
Amy: You’re just upset that I’m not gonna be here this summer.

You promised me we’d go to our first strip club TOGETHER!
Sure, Karma admits, she does wanna spend the summer with her best gal pal, doing gal pal things like “trying to get into college.” What does Amy want, though? Amy doesn’t want to lose Reagan. Karma says Amy shouldn’t have to lose herself to keep Reagan, and while y’all know how I feel about this not-a-lesbian business, the college stuff is valid: beware a girl who feels okay about making you change your life-long plan from college to a Pussy Explosion Summer lickity-split, without any debate or contemplation. Reagan just wants Amy all to herself, all the time, at any cost, even if the cost is Amy’s future — and maybe this comes from Reagan knowing how quickly Amy changes her mind whenever she’s out of Reagan’s sight, or maybe it’s Reagan being possessive. Regardless, it’s not working.
Lauren’s trapped Theo in the art room, where she is demanding information regarding his affections for her. Does he have any of those sweet little figs, etc.

So, hot cop, tell me where you hid the meat and cheese!
Theo’s got lots of reasons at the ready:
Theo: You’re gorgeous, but you’re also a tenacious badass. You know what you want and you own’t stop until you get it. You’ve been through some shit but you refuse to see yourself as a victim.
She kisses him! Love is in the air! Something I want to happen on this show is happening on this show! Lauren says that if he wants more kisses, he has to give her more complements! My girlfriend plays this game with me ALL THE TIME.

Now let us transition from heterosexual love to homosexual depravity and shift our minds and bodies to the Basement Slacker Apartment set, home to Austin’s most tapestry-committed individuals. Reagan’s gushing about all the barbecue they’re gonna consume on the road and Amy’s like, oh by the way, I can’t go on the road.

Yeah yeah that’s a really cute instagram picture of a deer cool
Reagan flips out — DID KARMA TALK YOU OUT OF THIS? It’s hard to know if Reagan is being wildly possessive or if this is what happens to a girl dating a girl with a bad habit of lying, making shit up, and agreeing to things she doesn’t really want to do.

It’s not like I’m totally AGAINST Emison, it’s just that Pailey makes so much more sense to me —

So all that fan-fic we wrote together was a lie?

I prefer Sparia.
Maybe she’s just not the right girl for Reagan right now, you know? But who is Amy, anyway, Reagan wants to know:
Amy: A sexually confused girl who wants to go to college.
Reagan: So you’re not a lesbian, either?
Amy: I don’t know! The best answer I can give you is maybe? Look, I don’t have everything figured out like you do —
Reagan: Hardly? I don’t have everything figured out… like I have no idea how I’m gonna get over you.
Amy: Does this have to be the end?
Reagan: We’re just in different places, Amy. As much as I wish we weren’t.
Amy: Me too.
Reagan and Amy are both crying, which somehow also makes me cry? I think I’m mourning the death of yet another lesbian storyline. You know how it goes: far too often, straight couples can vacillate between “are they” and “aren’t they” through multiple seasons and episodes, but the lesbians are in and then they’re out. See also: Pretty Little Liars. Amy asks for one last kiss (thanks, Amy!) and so they kiss. And thus Yvette Monreal and her perfect face exits our lives forevermore.
Thus we swoop over to Shane’s bedroom, where Duke shows up and throws his boyfriend on the bed but before they can get into some really heavy petting, Shane wants to know how many guys Duke already hooked up with today.

It really doesn’t seem fair to me that we get to make out with our shirts off all the time but the lesbians never do, you know?
Duke says there have been multiple lovers, and Shane explodes: I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE. So Duke fesses up: he only goes on Stubble to see if Shane is on Stubble. He doesn’t hook up with anybody besides Shane.
Duke: When i got outed and lost my sponsorship, it was the worst day of my life. You were the only one there for me. I Love you, I’m not going anywhere.
Shane: I love you too.
Thus we swing on back to Amy’s room, where our heartbroken maybe-lesbian heroine is being soothed by the soft touch of her not-lover’s embrace. Amy just can’t believe it’s over! Karma says maybe it’s just not the right time and they’ll have another shot at love some other time and Amy says she hopes so.

What if you just scratched the small of my back for like five minutes
Amy asks Karma is she can spend the night and Karma says okay, because Amy’s more important than pouring hot wax on Liam Booker.
So, that’s that. For an extensive rundown of how I feel about this “you’re not a lesbian” business, please see last week’s recap! Next week on Faking It, Intern Zita takes everybody to Los Angeles on her private jet and Lauren and Amy go on a stakeout!
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This is my favorite Faking It recap you’ve ever written. I kept copying and pasting my favorite lines to paste into this comment box, but ended up with like half the recap copied. (Reagan WOULD ship Emison.)
If they’re going to completely destroy Reagan’s character I’m kind of glad she’s gone. Now maybe Amy can find a girlfriend her own age, who is not a biphobic, controlling, stage 5 clinger.
Or, more likely, she’ll make out with Felix for a while (and then hopefully come to the conclusion that making out with girls is better than making out with boys). I’m actually okay with Amy taking a while to figure her shit out (as I think that’s what most of us did, especially those of us who started figuring shit out so young) as long as her ultimate answer is “lesbian”.
I think if she now started making out with felix i would feel like she is only doing it because karma was like “no- Reagan is wrong, you’re bi and you like felix.” Because now Amy’s sexuality is part of the Karma v. Reagan battle to know Amy better. Also, if this show started out with two girls “pretending” to be lesbians, one of them better be a fucking lesbian. They cannot both have boyfriends and have the writer of this show not be the worst.
Can I comment on the show if I only read the recaps? This is what I think based on an assessment of the recaps of a show I don’t watch.
“I think if she now started making out with felix i would feel like she is only doing it because karma was like “no- Reagan is wrong, you’re bi and you like felix.” Because now Amy’s sexuality is part of the Karma v. Reagan battle to know Amy better. “
yeah exactly. the more karma insists to amy that she still likes guys, the more I don’t want amy to like guys! which is saying a lot, because the degree to which i want amy to like guys is currently a solid 0%
Honestly, though, why was the implication on the episode “either you’re a lesbian or you like guys?” I’ve seen all the episodes and it’s possibly something slipped by me but has anyone even used the word “bisexual” as a possibility? Because right now they’re presenting it as lesbian-vs-sexually confused, which are not the only two options.
On the upside. it was nice to learn some major art dude was not ACTUALLY enchanted by Liam’s genius, but just his connections.
Oh agreed. If Amy does go out with Felix (as I think the previews and trailers have implied will eventually happen) I think it WILL be because Karma pushed it so hard. BUUUT my hope is then that Amy will realize she’s only with Felix because Karma wanted it, not because SHE wanted it. One can hope, right? As I said, I really don’t mind if Amy does get with Felix at some point, as long as her ultimate decisions is “Nope. 100% homo.”
Well, I know the answer what’s Amy’s sexual orientation. How, I explain below (don’t read if you don’t want to get spoiled).
The whole season accidentally leaked online. You probably noticed how on Tumblr there were lots of pics from scenes that weren’t in aired episodes. I personally didn’t watch the leaked episodes, but have read the synopsis. Amy is confirmed to be bisexual since later she is genuinely into Felix (Carter Covington said before we’re going to find out this season if she’s 2,5 or 5 on Kinsey Scale, so apparently it’s supposed to be 2.5), but from what I get the great guy suggests she should sort out her stuff with Karma, since she starts obsessing over her again, so for this moment it didn’t really go anywhere, but TBH, it looks to me like they’re probably going to re-use him in the next season.
Ugh. Thanks for letting us know.
I actually watched the episodes, and I didn’t hate it? I mean, taking time to reflect, it definitely seems that Karma was forcing Amy to consider being attracted to guys way more than Amy wanted to entertain, but with the way things ended for the finale, I’m really really thinking that Karma is harping on Amy’s potential bisexuality because she’s projecting her own confused feelings for Amy.
It was also nice to see bisexuality be a HEAVILY emphasized theme for the rest of the episodes, and all the biphobia was challenged (by Karma, no less, which just amps up my speculation for her) so even though I really didn’t want Amy to be not-lesbian, I didn’t hate how the story turned. Probably had to do with my finding Felix amusing. I don’t know, I’m sure I’ll eventually settle on a better reflection of the episode but let’s just say that despite everything feeling forced and contrived, I didn’t hate Amy and Felix as much as Amy sleeping with Liam.
I disagree that Felix will be back next season. The last episode made it pretty clear that his story-arch had finished, and Amy’s reaction was pretty much “Oh. Okay. Well. Bye?”
1. Lauren continues to be the light of my light.
2. The Amy storyline gives me too much anxiety to sit through live so I usually just steamroll over it and just read about it here. They sure ran Reagan’s character into the ground didn’t they?
3. “Reagan just wants Amy all to herself, all the time, at any cost, even if the cost is Amy’s future” — Hmm, I feel this way about Karma a lot of the time as well.
4. Speaking of Karma, like Riese the more she insists on trying to force boys down Amy’s throat the more I don’t want it to happen.
5. This show isn’t subtle at all so it’s definitely going to happen so I’m exercising my fast-forward finger to get ready.
6. I agree with Abby that given this show’s premise that both of these main characters cannot have boyfriends and the writer not be the worst.
7. And now here is my weekly dose of …. But Carter Covington IS the absolute fucking worst! I can’t with him. He hasn’t reached Ryan Murphy levels of THE WORST yet but he is definitely reading from that playbook and taking thorough notes.
I actually think he’s worse than RM. For all the shit he’s pulled, he committed to Santana being a lesbian and Brittany being bi. I would be ok with bi Amy if a) they didn’t already tell us she was going to be a lesbian and b) it didn’t seem like they were doing this for straight girl viewers, which is so patronizing.
Good points, Marie.
There seems to be a good portion of the straight viewers who ship Amy with Liam so that may be who Carter is trying is to please by making Amy bi. He never should have had her sleep with Liam in the first place. I’m still not over that bullshit.
I didn’t know that straight shipping of queer characters was a thing, but I’m very much against that as a motivation for anything.
And yeah, Amy should not have had sex with Liam.
It seems like he has an incredibly low opinion of straight girls, if that’s the case. Straight girls can be invested in femmeslash pairings. Some of the most passionate femmeslashers I’ve encountered are straight!
Anyway, those girls knew going into it what the show was about. And there’s plenty of straight pairings for them to enjoy on Faking It, and every other television show in history, except maybe the L Word or QAF. There’s a reason queer girls pretty much all watch the same shows, even if they’re stupid. For the girl-on-girl relationships. If they do it well, we’ll be loyal, but for some reason so many shows mess it up, because I guess it doesn’t seem like a good market. Well, if they value the straight girls viewership more, they should’ve marketed the show differently, and not gotten my hopes up. I’m glad I’ve chosen just to read the recaps, but even the descriptions of what is happening is infuriating.
I have no idea but I can tell you that I’ve got younger siblings and young nieces who read teen magazines and the way this show is marketed in those mags you would think Amy/Liam/Karma was a legitimate triangle.
Yeah, unfortunately @turkish is right. “Faking it” is, despite its gaf premise, kinda marketed as a legitimate love-triangle between Amy/Liam/Karma :/
There is a small group that claim they have chemistry but saying a good portion is overreacting no one is catering to Liam and Amy shippers they are hardly a blimp on the radar
And honestly I don’t know what can be said or not and if its too spoilers just delete the comment, season 2B as a whole is fantastic it starts getting way better people should really give it a chance
If you know what I know in terms of spoilers, I have no idea how can you think 2B is fantastic.
No, Ryoko, I totally agree.
I know some are not big fans of them here but that last scene with karma and Amy sounded more like forshowding for them than for Reagan and Amy.
Not too sad about Reagan, she clingy and tries to get Amy from her life long education plan hopefully get next love ontrest will be more on her level and a better actor no offense. Also not at all worried about Felix
I do think Karma was talking to Amy about Reagan and Amy, but the comment was also meant to us, the audience, about Karmy. That one day, Karma will be ready, we just have to wait it out.
I still firmly stand in the camp that believes Karma has feelings for Amy; she just hasn’t realized it or has and is severely pushing them down.
She’s clingy because Carter made that only lesbian character this show ever had a negative stereotype of a lesbian – clingy, possessive and biphobic. He deliberately commited character assassination. Don’t expect any lesbian characters anymore.
“Prove it!”
Ouch. That happened a lot to me in my first year of being out. Usually not in so many words, but nonetheless. It eats at your soul.
I’m starting to think that maybe these characters on an MTV teen drama are not very good people.
The only thing I have to say about the “amy is maybe a lesbian maybe not (but we’ll never say the word bisexual cause the universe might explode)” storyline is
Thank God for Lauren and these recaps (and the captions! Gold.).
Noooooo I was trying to post an image but I failed.
If I can’t do it on the second try, I’m quitting the internet.
Here it is:
Just post the link.
alice i salute your valiant effort
I can’t even begin to express how uncomfortable this episode made me. Yikes. Why does a 15/16 year old have to be involved with an adult cop? Why does the one reoccurring black character have to be an adult dating a young teenager? Why do so many of the main characters have to be 15/16 and sexually involved with adults?
They all deserve better.
I wish they would tell us how old the characters are. I think that Liam and Shane are seniors, while Amy, Karma, and Lauren are sophomores. So for Shane it’s not that big of a deal. He’s either 17 or 18, dating someone around 20.
Yep, just looked at Lauren’s business card, and it states that she’s sophomore class president.
Oh wow I thought they were all seniors! But also it feels like their school situation is not really real to begin with, in the same way that like, Pretty Little Liars has spent six television seasons and zero weather-based seasons on the same year of high school. Like they never seem to actually go to class, for example.
Except for when Fitz had to teach them about To Kill a Mockingbird for what seemed like an eternity.
At least this show is in Texas, which is a better explanation for why it’s always warm. PLL is in Pennsylvania! Never more than a cute, light jacket.
I feel like I’m being bait-and-switched with this show. We were led to believe that one of the girls would be a lesbian, something that seems more and more remote as the show goes on. It was originally about Amy and Karma, but Liam seems to be shoehorning more and more into the show. Also it seems like with everything he does his character touches, not matter how f***ked up, just turns to gold. He’s slept with both Amy and Karma, Karma is forgiving him for cheating, the people at Skwerkle are worshiping him, the girl at Skwerkle is falling for him, and the art community is beating at his door. Honestly, Lauren is the only thing that I think this TV show is doing right. Her struggle has felt honest the whole way through.
mmm mmm parts of this hit me in all the feels.
in general i am inclined to question the way reagan’s character has been written this season and much of the shit she was pulling was level 5 clingy.
i also appreciate the way you drew out the confusion of trying to figure out what the fuck is going in your relationship when the other person in it is a) constantly lying intentionally or unintentionally b) has no fucking idea of what they actually want and c) regularly communicates totally contradictory statements re: what they want and need depending on who they are proximate to at the time. i just dealt with the end of a (non romantic/sexual) relationship with such a person, and it was constant whiplash.
the way you drew that out gives me lots of feelings.
YES well put I think it’s definitely a combo of the two
The video essay scene was really funny.
Lauren is the best.
I am so sad/disappointed with what the show has done with
its only lesbian character on the show. They made Reagan into a clingy, manipulative,
possessive, angry person. Like I am still disturbed about last week when she
roofied Liam’s water. That was extremely weird and creepy. Also I don’t understand
why they made her so biphobic or at least I don’t understand why they didn’t
eventually have her mature and realize she was being biphobic. But to be fair I’ve
seen a couple of shows where the lesbian character is biphoic, so there must be
some truth to it- which makes me sad. lastly, it would be nice to see a lesbian character who isn’t biphoic.
I think it would be cool if karma is bi and Amy is a lesbian.
I must say though I would be fine with Amy being bi if the show was honest about it from the beginning. I just think the way the show portrayed Amy in the first season was defiantly in a way of her eventually coming out as a lesbian and somewhere along the way they changed their minds which is messed up. Like I still think in the end Amy will be gay but for story telling purposes they are going to make her date guys which is annoying.
*I’m posting this again because it was posted weird the first time.
The video essay scene was really funny.
Lauren is the best.
I am so sad/disappointed with what the show has done with
its only lesbian character on the show. They made Reagan into a clingy, manipulative, possessive, angry person. Like I am still disturbed about last week when she roofied Liam’s water. That was extremely weird and creepy. Also I don’t understand why they made her so biphobic or at least I don’t understand why they didn’t eventually have her mature and realize she was being biphobic. But to be fair I’ve seen a couple of shows where the lesbian character is biphoic, so there must be some truth to it- which makes me sad. lastly, it would be nice to see a lesbian character who isn’t biphoic.
I think it would be cool if karma is bi and Amy is a lesbian.
I must say though I would be okay with Amy is bi if the show was honest about it from the beginning. I just think the way the show portrayed Amy in the first season was defiantly in a way of her eventually coming out as a lesbian and somewhere along the way they changed their minds which is messed up. Like I still think in the end Amy will be gay but for story telling purposes they are going to make her date guys which is annoying.
“But to be fair I’ve seen a couple of shows where the lesbian character is biphoic, so there must be some truth to it”
I’ve seen a couple of shows where lesbian character had sex with a man and loved it – 7 just last year. Most be some truth to it?
While there is biphobia in lesbian community, I think lesbians are just easy and acceptable targets for television, and a gay man running a show that did nothing but exploiting lesbianism and even straight up lying and leading fans on with promises of delivering lesbian lead (yup, they lied that Amy is a lesbian and that they wouldn’t give us such representation only to take it away, but they did as Rita Volk admitted that they lied), is really not in a position allowing him to criticize the lesbian community.
Preach, Amelia
I would really really like it if Amy took a leaf out of Lauren’s book and stood up for HERSELF for once. Also I almost feel sorry for Shane finally realising that outing people can actually have consequences but I don’t think he really properly regrets it yet.
Lauren is still my favourite and awesome and I love her so much. I’m so disappointed they destroyed Reagan’s character, though.
Just binged the rest of the season and I liked the episodes a lot, though I think it helps binge-watching them. Too bad it’s a couple of months until your recaps hit the web, I am so curious on your take on things. Been hours since I watched the finale and I can’t stop thinking about show.
You and me both. I think the last episode really opens the door for Karmy and for Amy to be predominantly dating women, so I think the show did a pretty decent job of recovering from the storyline’s incredibly questionable direction.
How old is Theo? Is it legal for him to be dating Lauren? (You’re 15/16 when you’re a sophomore, right? What’s the age of consent in Texas?)
Things that are okay:
–Amy being confused about what label feels right to her
–Amy eventually identifying as bi, pan, lesbian, queer, fluid, saying that she doesn’t need a label, or something else
Things that are not okay:
–The show not calling out Reagan’s biphobia
–No one saying “bisexual”
–Not speaking to the fact that she could still claim lesbian as a label even while having some undefined attraction to guys