According to something called The Blast, everybody’s favorite bisexual dreamboat superhero Evan Rachel Wood has reportedly split from her fiancé and bandmate, musician Zach Villa. The story was picked up by People and appears to be gaining traction, despite no official confirmation from publicists and/or any actual participants in the aforementioned relationship. According to sources, the split took place roughly a month ago. Wood is currently filming Season 2 of the HBO series Westworld, while Villa appears to be working with a new band in Los Angeles.
The world of Vapid Fluff moves fast, and it’s tricky to stay ahead of stories like these. We would not have given this report a second thought if we had not noticed several weeks ago that Evan had unfollowed Zach on Instagram and Twitter, and seemed to have deleted photos of the two of them together from her feed. I flip through celebrity Instagram accounts every single week as part of my job so I mean, I’m just saying.

I brought receipts.
Villa and Wood met in 2015 when they were both participating in a John Hughes-themed cabaret; their band Rebel and a Basketcase is named after the Breakfast Club characters they played (respectively). They went public with their engagement this past January. Wood was previously ever-so-briefly linked to Kate Moennig, and before that she was married to Jamie Bell, with whom she shares a 4-year-old son.
A neat thing about being a bisexual (and a famous bisexual in particular) is that when you end a relationship, you have to explain all over again that you’re still bisexual. It was Wood’s 30th birthday yesterday, and she happened to innocently tweet, “all the single ladies!” for all the single ladies out there, as one does. While many single ladies certainly appreciated the romantic gesture, she was also met with this:
Why do you care? All you do is date men.
— jane doe (@gringa2504) September 7, 2017
Evan Rachel Wood has been an outspoken advocate for the bisexual community since coming out in 2011. In an eloquent video posted during Pride 2016, she detailed her struggle coming to terms with her sexuality and offered solidarity to others.
In November of 2016, she gave an interview to Rolling Stone in which she openly discussed her history of sexual assault and discussed how being so open about her orientation had affected her life. “It was always talked about like a phase or something stupid, or something you were doing for attention… You know, bisexuality is worthy of eye rolls. And I didn’t realize how damaging that was until I tried to have healthy relationships as an adult and realized that there was still all this shame and conditioning and stigma around my sexuality that was really affecting the way I related to people. I think I was taken advantage of because someone knew there was something about me that they could exploit.”
Earlier this year, she gave an impassioned speech at an HRC gala in her home state of North Carolina, detailing once again the journey she’d taken to understand and accept her queerness. She has often mentioned her keen awareness of her position as a role model for young girls, and it’s been refreshing to see such a successful actress providing thoughtful, much-needed visibility. Despite existing in a world that appears determined to pigeonhole human beings as either gay or straight based on the gender of their most recent partner(s), Wood patiently explains the concept of bisexuality to anonymous eggs on Twitter with astonishing regularity.
Here’s hoping for Kate Moennig to get back together with ERWB
Evan Rachel Wood Bisexual recently got back into your good graces, and all of a sudden she and her boyfriend have broken up?
I foresee a Banana Museum date in your near future, Stef.
I read this article four times to truly appreciate how not once were any of ERW’s partners gendered in writing and I just love it/you/Stef/AS <3
i honestly did not even notice i had done that but HEY I APPRECIATE YOU
Here is hoping she meets somebody nice, maybe Stef, or maybe another straddler, and they go to Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s together. Also, adopt dogs and cats that are really good with her son.
i’ve met her! we had a very nice conversation about bisexual representation and drank a lot of tequila. i’d go to trader joe’s with her any time.
Well here is hoping you meet her again, and have more drinks with, which leads to going to trader joe’s for food, snacks, and wine for the picnic you planned to have!
Happy birthday, ERWB. Here’s to a future free from biphobia.
Based on her Twitter handle, ERWB = Evan Rachel Would Bisexual. Yes, yes she would.
ERW and her fiancé were kind of morphing into looking alike; same hairstyle and all that on some of the more glamour Instagram shot of them I couldn’t who was who. Also I feel that celebrity exes tend to try to compete with one another as to who will move on first and Jamie got engaged (to Kate Mara) right around the same time ERW announced her engagement; Jamie and Kate have since gotten married so maybe ERW wasn’t really at that point yet so she broke things off.
ERW does that morphing into her current squeeze all the time.(see Marylin Manson era) she’s the female equivalent of Brad Pitt.
It means a lot to me that you cover bisexual people/celebs. Thanks, Autostraddle!