Editor’s Team Pick: Typical Incendiary Blog Post

Here, read this: This is the title of a typical incendiary blog post

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  1. This comment sarcastically suggests the inferiority of previous commenter for not agreeing wholly with original comment. Then further suggests the ability to hold original commenter’s viewpoint while maintaining intelligence in a very condescending manner.

  2. This comment falls hopelesly short of being witty and is all but laden with mispelt words. It aspires to impart some sort of unviversal truth, while mentioning what Nelson Madela would do in the situation.

    ** Brilliant waist of time or should I say at least I might actually get back to the books. (Just what I needed ^^, to induce laughter).That was the typical role-up of the posts that would appear – I’m guilty too. Witty, insightful…..

    … wait, there I go again.

    Cheers pretty manamal’s. Stoked coz I got my dose of Autostaddle – 12hrs pretest :)

  3. Why am I seeing an ad on this page that says “Women who only want men 35+?” That kind of defeats the purpose of me looking at them…

    • This comment, written by the editor of the website with a ‘aggravated awareness of the fact that she is overreacting, and subsequent self-loathing for continuing to write this comment anyhow,’ reminds the commenter that the website does not interact personally with every advertiser who works with the ad network which feeds ads into certain areas of our site, but that said ad network is controlled by other gay people who do their very best to ensure completely appropriate advertising but it’s not a perfect system. This comment makes a joke to lighten the mood of the conversation, but this joke fools nobody. This comment then asks the commenter to direct concerns about advertising towards the ‘contact’ form, rather than on an unrelated post. This comment then considers the possibility that the original post was either ‘kidding’ or ‘meta’, makes a crack about that being hard to discern when other world tragedies of note are occurring, and ends with an insecure, but jovial send-off which references the subject matter of the original conflict, like ‘i only want men 35+’. this comment projects worlds of the website owner’s pent-up frustration regarding persons who complain publicly about ads. this comment is not concerned that the original comment was not necessarily a complaint.

      (this sentence notes that the author is tired/overworked, and therefore absolves the author of responsibility for this comment while endearing, ideally, love)

      • This comment expresses love and appreciation for the above commenter for their wit but mostly their hard work. Indicating it is “for all that you do” which is indented to make the above commenter feel good about themselves and not under appreciated. This comment ends with a series of a sideways and digitally expressed human vital organ in order to indicate said love and appreciation even further.

        • this comment expresses affirmation to the above commenter IN ALL CAPS, intended to ensure above commenter will continue to make comments like above comment when it is clear that the author of this comment needs her to

          • This comment expresses frustration that a similar comment was posted while she was in the process of typing her post, thus making her appear redundant.

        • This comment does nothing to further the discussion but rather uses a single word in all caps to denote emphatic agreement with/appreciation of the previous comment.


    • This comment would like to hug other comments in a non-platonic, let’s not just be friends kind of way while validating each comment as unique, snowflake-esk comments.

      Because frankly, this comment may or may not be drunk and wants other comments to feel it’s undying love and sloppy affection.

  5. This comment agrees with the post and makes a joke to disguise it’s insecure about it’s intelligence.

  6. This comment won’t appear until the author gets round to posting it in three weeks’ time, by which point the fervour surrounding the initial post will have completely died.

  7. This comment is desperately trying to be something funny or witty to reply with but all the author of said comment can think about is the fact the author of the comment is watching a DVR’d episode of Beverly Hills 90210 and debating whether or not to use a thesaurus for some of the words in said comment because the author of the comment feels threatened by big words with tiny meanings.

  8. This comment is an expression of the deep, squishy love I have for this whole thread. Therefore, it should be interpreted to be covered with chocolate and accessorized with glitter!

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