What Is The Meaning of This Dianna Agron Gay Smooching Instagram Photo?!

Exactly one hour ago, Dianna Agron posted a photo on Instagram of her smooching Megalyn Echikunwoke on the mouth with the caption “I love her, I love her, I love her :balloon emoji:” and I just want to know: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? What does this mean! DIANNA AGRON, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS PHOTO? Is it gay? Is it a gay photo? Is this a gay kiss? Is this a “friend” kiss? Are you coming out? Do people “come out” anymore? Did TikTok truly turn the entire planet into a queer mob? WHAT IS THIS PHOTO, DIANNA AGRON! TELL ME!

Dianna Agron is, of course, most famous for playing Quinn “Pink Hair Don’t Care” Fabray on Glee, and being one half of probably the most famous femslash ship of all time, a lil pairing you might have heard of called Faberry. Megalyn Echikunwoke has done a lot of voice acting, is most known for her role as Edie Palmer on Almost Family, and was seen canoodling with Olivia Wilde on Instagram as recently as two months ago. I am saying that last thing because Olivia Wilde has made a lot of people gay and that’s just a fact that seems relevant at this time.

If, like me, you are a gay elder, you remember the time in 2011 when Diana Agron wore a shirt that said “LIKES GIRLS” at one of those Glee live concerts and the internet lost its entire goddamn mind. Honestly, looking back, I think that was the moment that started the whole gay discourse. It was like, oh, she can’t wear that shirt, she’s not a lesbian! What a jerk! And oh, if she’s wearing it, she’s definitely a lesbian! Leave her alone! And, like, booo you troll! And, all hail our mighty homosexual monarch! Anyway it was such a Thing, Diana Agron had to go on Tumblr — Tumblr! — and be like, “I just picked it up off the merch table to show my love to gay people, my bad.”

Which I’m saying because I feel like you don’t live through being Quinn Fabray and come away not knowing what it’s gonna do to the internet when you POST A PHOTO OF YOU KISSING ANOTHER WOMAN ON THE MOUTH!

Listen, there is no precedent for this new world we’re living in. Nobody’s coming out on the cover of Time magazine, some queer people are using labels and some queer people are not using labels, some celebs are trolling with gay-looking lip-mash photos, Tessa Thompson is out here getting photographed kissing whoever the fuck she wants whenever the fuck she wants, sometimes even on boats. There was a time, like maybe a year ago, when the Autostraddle editors would be hand-wringing all night in Slack about what to call this and can we publish it. Tonight, though, I texted our Editor in Chief, Carmen Phillips, and I was like, “Come on.” And she was like, “COME on!” And I was like, “COME ON!” And she was like, “COME ON!!!!” and now this post exists.

Dianna Agron likes girls. 🎈

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. i AM a gay elder and i DO vividly remember that night in 2011. a lifetime has passed in that decade. a lifetime!!!!!!

  2. I was at that concert. Dianna used my photo for her Tumblr post about it.

    Holy fuck, I can’t believe it’s been 10 years.

  3. omg the mask dangling off the ear is the pinnacle of 2021 sex appeal.

    and am I seeing clearly or does dianna’s post say “I lover her”? Lover!

    • The “lover” is a reference to the movie IT, hence the balloon and makeup in the photo. But still like ahhhh

  4. am I a queer elder??? I’m only 23!!! I think the answer is that I was just on tumblr way too young… but I do deserve a veterans discount for enduring June 11, 2011

  5. heather i’m too gotdamn old for this when will the glee leave me be i spent 15 min down a rabbit hole after someone mentioned this on lex

    i need her to just let us go

    • 1. I am *delighted* people are talking about this on Lex.

      2. I KNOW! How much sleep over the course of a lifetime am I supposed to lose over this woman’s gay hijinks!

    • I was the person who made the post about Dianna on Lex! Sorry if it led anyone to a sleepless night. I was bored, it was raining and I’m in a house full of straights! Anyway all the messages I’ve gotten are from Taylor Swift fans who say Dianna is acting this way because Taylor is rereleasing 1989, is that the right album. I don’t follow Taylor.

  6. Honestly I feel like Dianna has been personally trolling me for 10 years and she needs to cut it out! When Likes Girls Gate happened I nearly had to take a full day off work! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, ENOUGH

  7. She posted a similar pic of them in October with the same makeup and the caption “my quarantine queen.” Interesting.

    Also, as someone else pointed out, the caption does say “I love her, I lover her, I love her”. TSwift reference?

  8. Um, can we please just talk about YOU Heather Hogan and your hilarious voice through your written words in this piece. I died at “I was like come on! And she was like COME ON. And I was like COME ON!!!” Dead.

  9. I’m glad you added the context, because I clearly wasn’t paying attention in 2011 and was over here thinking that the Instagram post was pretty clear 😂.

  10. I remember spending hours reading the comments under the video of Dianna dancing in THE shirt. And pages and pages and pages on some obscure message board about her and Lea Michele. I apparently had a lot of time.

  11. Megalyn was in 1 (1) episode of Supernatural in 2006 and the section of tumblr that I still associate with generally LOVES her and we have appropriately freaked out.

  12. (found comments poem for gay/notGay angst…)

    Holy Ground

    red balloons

    decade. a lifetime

    a nap


    dangling off

    “I lover her”? Lover!

    a veterans discount for enduring

    Fool me

    when will the glee leave

    over the course of a lifetime

    gay hijinks!

    making me giggle

    who knows

    Likes Girls Gate happened

    And I was like COME ON!!!

    context, because

    some obscure message

    appropriately freaked out

    always more

  13. and can we just all remember the outfits & presence she brought to that “Just Another Girl” video by the Killers in 2013… omg…

  14. can’t post the screenshot here but Megalyn’s response was also sapphic af (angel babyyy !!!! with lotsa cutie emojis)

    • I was at that show when Dianna wore The Shirt, and closeted me was screaming internally for the rest of time basically. Even non closeted me still isn’t over it. I’ll never be over it.

  15. As someone who is unfortunately back on their Supernatural bullshit I think it’s also important to point out that Megalyn Echikunwoke played Dean’s girlfriend in the episode about the racist ghost truck. Why is this important? beats me, but it feels important nonetheless.

  16. Hello there! I stumbled upon this article, and I must say it’s interesting to read about Dianna Agron and Megalyn Echikunwoke’s on-screen chemistry. It’s always fascinating to see how actors bring their characters to life.

    I do have a question that’s not directly related to the article but more about the industry itself. In recent years, there has been a significant push for better representation and diversity in film and television. How do you think this particular on-screen relationship contributes to those discussions, if at all?

    Also, while we’re here, I’d like to promote https://prcrehab.org/. They are involved in meaningful work, and I encourage everyone to visit their website and support their cause. Thanks for the intriguing article and the opportunity to discuss these important topics!

  17. Hey, amazing article! Dianna Agron and Megalyn Echikunwoke make such a beautiful couple. It’s refreshing to see love celebrated. I was curious, though, about how they first met and connected. Do you happen to have any insights on that? Also, just wanted to share this fantastic online store I came across recently – ecomilli.com. They’ve got a unique range of products, and I was wondering if anyone here has had a chance to check them out. Any favorites or recommendations? Always looking to discover cool new things!

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