Daily Misfits: NYC Street Style with More Fun, Less Pretentiousness

‘Daily Misfits’ is a daily observation journal showcasing unique, versatile, culturally diverse and nonconforming queer fashion. It’s a visual observation journal recording fashion choices made by the author and other folks in daily life that hold a common theme of cultural/gender diversity, originality, non-pretentious fun and or just gorgeous dapperness. ‘Daily Misfits’ is a project by New York City-based artist Yao Xiao, a native of China and a professional illustrator, collector of odd objects, lover of cats, fashion and beautiful people. 

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Yao Xiao

Yao Xiao is a China-born illustrator based in New York City. Yao Xiao creates artwork depicting a poetic visual world where complex concepts and human emotions are examined, amplified, and given physical form. Her work has helped people all over the globe connect at unique moments, from the celebration of the 20 Year Anniversary of the SXSW Interactive Festival, to the grand release of pop singer Katy Perry's single 'Dark Horse.' She has created deeply emotional and beautiful graphics for editorial print publications, pop music record covers, concert posters and book covers. Yao Xiao's serialized comic Baopu currently runs monthly on Autostraddle. It is an original comic exploring the nuances in searching for identities, connections and friendships through the fictional life of a young, queer emigrant. Baopu stands for 'holding simplicity,' a Taoist ideal of wishing to return to a simpler state. Find her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Etsy or her website.

Yao has written 138 articles for us.


  1. This is absolutely gorgeous wow. That is exactly the kind of fashion I appreciate. (Also, this gave me sewing ideas for taking some of the old clothes I don’t wear anymore and turning them into something new. Which is what I’m doing now instead of chemistry and history homework oops.)

  2. I love your drawings and how there is so much going on for each person at any time, that is life, right? I love that you have drawn this and various things in their environment and kind of made each image a person, and their internal and external environment, and how each interacts. Im blabbing. Keep on doing what you are doing, I love it.

  3. I just spent waaay too long staring at all of these. Absolutely love your style (artwork- and fashion-wise!)

  4. This is my favorite post ever. I can FEEL the NYC air and hear the sounds of the street. This is just amazing.

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