Daily Fix: Three Rivers Spoilers, Jill Sobule Kissed a Girl First & Some Lovely Lovely Bones


What’s today on Autostraddle? Only the most important thing we’ve ever published! It’s from Laneia, and it’s here, in our first round of “When I Knew I Was a Gay” stories, in honor of Gayiversary week, which we just invented! Also, our incredible interview & photoshoot with Nicole Pacent & Rachael Hip-Flores of Anyone But Me.

Also, it’s Shark Week – time for our Tuesday Wednesday Televisionary!

If you think you have the cutest, most clever, briefest “When I Knew” story tweet it to @autostraddle with hash tag #wheniknew and you could win a prize and you will defo see your  name in lights on AS!

Announcement: We’ve been getting a LOT of interest from people wanting to be Autostraddle Interns! Although we’re not actively seeking new interns right now, there’s certainly upcoming work to be done in the army so let me give you the scoop: if you do want to be an intern, please email riese [at] autostraddle dot com AND brooke [at] autostraddle dot com with a resumè and a paragraph explaining why the hell you want to do this and how much time you can devote. Also! At this time we are only accepting interns who possses one or all of the following: 1) Impeccable spelling, grammar and copy-editing abilities, 2) marketing or business experience, 3) a huge pile of money, 4) incredible internet savvy — you know html, understand blogging platforms, read 10,000 websites a day and understand the psychology of Web 2.0.

For “1” or anyone who wants to be involved in the editorial side of things rather than business, marketing, giving us your money or web/design stuff, please also include two writing samples!


THREE RIVERS SPOILERS: Let’s play a game called Shane or Miranda (Kate Moennig’s new role in new CBS show Three Rivers), shall we? Here’s the speech: “I know you don’t want to talk, but I’ll tell you something about myself. When I was young, I had all sorts of problems with my parents. And I did some crazy stuff to get them to notice me. It didn’t change much, but a lot of what I did ended up hurting me … I don’t think you’re a freak. But I do think you need to talk to somebody about this.” (The giveaway here is that she’s not about to fuck the pain away from some hot young lady … she’s talking to a little boy in Three Rivers Episode #102, “Place of Life.” Git your head out of the gutter!)

GAGA: Beyonce And Lady Gaga Lead 2009 MTV VMA Nominees and Lady Gaga says: ”We believe in the immensity and the promise of ‘showbiz’ and will continue to give it mouth-to-mouth, till its vomiting return. All you need is a camcorder, a flashlight and one truly great idea. Thank you, MTV, for being our video flagship, and for supporting this bunch of inspired kids, who love to get wasted and make art together.” (@mtv)

HOPE WE CAN BELIEVE IN???: Hope and History: As a candidate Obama promised us a lot; as president he’s delivered very little—and many gay people are getting impatient. Does the outcry unmask this president’s indifference, or reveal our own impotence as a movement? (@advocate)

THEY CAN HAVE THEIR DIAMONDS AND WE’LL HAVE OUR “GIRLS“: I have been waiting for two years for Jill Sobule to raise some hell about the fact that she wrote “I Kissed a Girl” first. At last she lets loose in  The Rumpus Interview with Jill Sobule:

“So here goes, for the first time in an interview: Fuck you Katy Perry, you fucking stupid, maybe “not good for the gays,” title thieving, haven’t heard much else, so not quite sure if you’re talented, fucking little slut. God that felt good.”

IT’S THE LAW PEOPLE: Bar group urges equal benefits for same-sex pairs: The ABA House of Delegates approved Monday on a voice vote a resolution urging repeal of a portion of the federal Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman. (@chicagotribune)

GAGA: Lady Gaga ‘Very Obsessed With Monsters And Playgirls,’ Not Feminism: She makes a great comment about sexuality and then follows that up with: ”I’m not a feminist – I, I hail men, I love men. I celebrate American male culture, and beer, and bars and muscle cars…”

WEINERDOG: Young Teens are proud about their sexuality … but they’re not safe in schools. Despite greater cultural acceptance, middle school remains, sadly … middle f*cking school. (@abcnews)

COURTNEY LOVE: “Courtney Love is moving to New York City. At least that’s what she told us in the bathroom last night.”: New York Magazine goes to the bathroom with Courtney Love. (@nymag)

WATCH: The new trailer for Lovely Bones, based on the book by Alice Sebold, adapted for the screen by Peter “Heavenly Creature” Jackson.

GOOD NEWS TO ME: I can’t figure out if the statistics about the Gayby Boom are gonna be used for us or against us, but apparently just under one percent of all couples in the U.S. — or 594,391 people — identify themselves as gay, lesbian or transgender and about 20% of them are raising children under the age of 18.  (@abc)

WATCH: New British lesbian web series Far Out releases trailer: I don’t really know what to make of it, but chances are we’ll watch it. (@eurOut)


Now that the trailers for the film version of The Lovely Bones have been released (the film’s release date is in December), time is running out for you to be one of those “I liked the book better” people. Oh and? You will. It’s a lovely book, really, the kind that puts you underwater or in a wind-tunnel when you read it. In fact, there’s even a little lesbian action in there … although with all that magical prose and complicated, compelling, multi-layered story, that’s really the icing on the storytelling cake. (Sebold also wrote a great piece in The Atlantic recently, called “Eyes on the Prize.”


Auto-Straddler of the Day



from Intern Vashti:
If you haven’t heard the name Jamie Livingston, I suggest you google him ASAP. He took a picture everyday starting on March 31, 1979 until the day he died October 25, 1997. Every picture is posted here but you should also check out this article that covers some of the more prominent pictures in the collection. It’s truly amazing.

alex-iconfrom Alex:
Adorable and probs totally delicious: Pies on sticks! Check out how to make these yummy looking stick-pies with glorious step-by-step photos.


Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. here’s the thing about mr. obama (and every single politician in the free world), campaigning isn’t governing. i think many are learning that lesson the hard way.

    in other news, now i want pie.

    • she basically describes her feminist ideals explicitly and perfectly … and then immediately declares she is not a feminist. it made me feel weird like she must not know the definition of feminist, or else is fucking wth us.

  2. I like Lady Gaga because she is inventive and a welcome break from most PR gagged popstars but her reluctance to align herself with feminism is a bit annoying. Also her friendship with perez! She loves the gays so much but is BFF’s with our worst enemy.

  3. Also riese, if you read this, who is coming up (and out) next in the ‘When I knew’ feature?

  4. oh god far out looks completely bollocks. british (esp scottish) people aren’t like that, for reals.
    also 100% going to make pie lollipops. best idea ever.

    • i will take your authority on british-ness since you just said “bollocks.” adorable.
      and re: the pie lollipops, seriously! not only do they look delicious, those pictures are awesome.

  5. ok im the first to admit that i super love lady gaga, but sometimes i seriously think shes crazy.

  6. Three Rivers is going to be great! I really can’t wait for the season premiere. I just heard of this show the other day when I saw a promo video, which was set to “Swim” by Jack’s Mannequin (a fantastic song by the way). This really looks like an interesting concept for a show, and I loved Alex O’Laughlin in Moonlight, so I’m excited.

    FYI you can watch the promo video at : http://modestcomplexity.blogspot.com/2009/08/three-rivers.html

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