Hi weirdos! It’s time for your Wednesday Arts & Entertainment / Pop Culture news brief starring me, Riese. Next week, Heather will be doing for you what I’m doing for you right now. We’re your part-time lovers. If you’d like to read about our new plan for delivering the news to your doorstep like a milkman, that’s right here.
So! This week everybody is talking about Glee and One Big Happy, mostly. Just kidding everybody is talking about The Jinx. Including me. His EYES, y’all. They haunt.
Where is Boob(s on Your) Tube though
Next week is the last week of Glee, The Fosters and Pretty Little Liars, which means Heather will be able to start Boob(s on Your) Tube back up again and give you little mini-caps of all the queer storylines. So put that on your f*cking clip-board.
Glee‘s ending on Friday with a two-hour finale and there’s a lot of stuff out there about that. Honestly I’m enjoying this excuse to re-smash my face into a bucket of Glee pudding. It’s kinda gross but I can’t help it. The finale will feature an original song, This Time, that Darren Criss wrote for Lea, Mercedes will sing Diana Ross’s “Someday (We’ll Be Together),” and we can expect to see the original cast back on screen (including Finn, somehow). Remember Matt Rutherford? He was in the Glee Club for Season One and then he disappeared. HE WILL RETURN ON FRIDAY NIGHT. Just keep your eyes peeled for that.
Last Friday night, the cast did a Paleyfest panel you can watch on Yahoo, but not at the YMCA, because the wi-fi is not strong enough there. That’s a pro tip from me to you. The panel features Jane Lynch, Lea Michele, Chris Colfer, Amber Riley, Heather Morris, Darren Criss, Chord Overstreet, Dot-Marie Jones and Mark Salling. Darren Criss talks about the popularity of Blaine, Heather Morris says it’s great to play a character who has meant so much to young queer women, and Chris Colfer says he had his first drink with Kevin McHale and Amber Riley. It’s very cute and very funny and Jane Lynch is on point.
Vulture has 14 Times Glee Could’ve Ended (But Didn’t), People has the original cast’s first auditions and Glamour has Glee’s 10 Most Moving Musical Numbers. OUT Magazine is running a Glee Oral History, and Part One: Casting Call is up.
The 100:
So The 100‘s second season ended last week and in The CW’s First Post-Apocalypse Bisexual: How The 100 Treats Gender and Sexuality, The Daily Beast says that “The 100 has proved to be one of the most revolutionary shows on television when it comes to gender and sexuality.” Furthermore, “The chemistry between Clarke and Lexa is palpable in their scenes together. And Clarke is a nuanced character. None of her traits—whether it’s being a leader or being bisexual—ultimately define her. ”
Here’s the thing about this show: over two weeks ago The Mary Sue kindly informed you that The CW’s The 100 Now Has A 17-Year-Old Female Canon Bisexual Protagonist. And you should be watching it and you know what I did, folks? You wanna know what I did about that? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I didn’t watch it. Even though I was told that The 100 is “continuing the theme of genre shows and science fiction being a beacon for those who consider themselves a little odd or out of place, offering places of escapism while also allowing depictions of ourselves who feel a little weird to live and breathe onscreen,” I did not watch it! On the positive side, I’m almost done with The First Bad Man and it’s super-weird but I love it, and Rachel’s gonna watch The 100 and then write about it. I’m gonna watch it too because I’m building a few encyclopedias in my head.
Just Some Other Things You Might Want To Know:
Liz Feldman‘s sitcom One Big Happy premiered last night and Heather wrote about it so we could all talk about it. Elsewhere on the internet, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette finds no joy in it, Entertainment Weekly finds it to be very one-note, The Times Union says it’s a mess and The Guardian calls it an “excruciating sitcom.” The ratings weren’t super good or super bad, really.
If you watched One Big Happy or any canned laughter sitcom ever, you probably will find THE PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND LAUGH TRACKS as fascinating as I did.
My best friend Ilene Chaiken is the show-runner for Empire, which is the first bad thing I’ve heard about Empire. JUST KIDDING obviously she’s doing a great job and she hasn’t killed the gay character or anything. Over at The Vulture, she’s got some words about the show’s finale and it’s status as a breakout hit. Regarding how it feels to do this versus doing her own show (The L Word), Chaiken said, “I love doing my own work. Who wouldn’t? But more than that, the thing that excites me is doing game-changing television.” Also, Buzzfeed has a real good thing about What Empire means for blackness on television, which includes input from Saeed Jones, Buzzfeed News’ LGBT Editor. Also! Also. Also! Empire actor Jusssie Smollett recently spoke to Variety about his decision to come out.
Jenji Kohan‘s new WITCH TRIALS show looks pretty awesome.
Queen Latifah‘s starring as bisexual blues singer Bessie Smith in the HBO biopic and the trailer is hot hot hot.
Indiewire has highlights from lesbian “indie icon” Christine Vachon‘s Keynote at SXSW, including her feelings about the uphill battle to get female-driven dramas made.
Big news: Clea Duvall was on “This Just Out”! By the way, Clea Duvall is queer, but sometimes when we mention this really commonly accepted truth, someone will be like “BUT DID SHE EVER OFFICIALLY COME OUT?” and now I can say, “yes, she did, and then she kissed her mom,” and you’ll be like “what are you talking about?” and I’ll be like “watch this video and then you’ll know.”
Azealia Banks was on the cover of Playboy Magazine and gave a really interesting interview. She’s got some very compelling things to say about race in America, gender and bisexuality. I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t know how to talk about her, in general, because she says a lot of things and I’m not completely up on it!
You’re bisexual. Do women hit on you often?
No, most women are scared of me. People have always been scared of me. I punched my teacher in the face one time when I was in preschool. We were playing house, and the lady was like, “I’m a monster! I’m gonna eat your family!” I punched her right in the eye. [laughs] It was a Head Start program, so I was three.
Pitchfork developed a Bechdel test for music, I guess.
Janelle Monae is building a music empire that will spark ‘a Revolution in Your Head.” It’s true I read it in Adweek.
I Wish I’d Written This Article But Instead Somebody Else Did, Dammit
Seven True-Crime Documentaries to Cure “The Jinx” Hangover
74 Essential Books For Your Personal Library: A List Curated By Female Creatives
11 Female Characters Who Were So Traumatized They Needed A Haircut
In These Parts
Our Comedy Editor Brittani Nichols writes for The Xperiment for BET and yesterday she was ON THE SHOW being super-gay talking about being gay in a segment about being gay. I would embed it here but it auto-played, so definitely make the effort to click out.
DJ Carlytron directed this video about what happens when you don’t follow the golden rule of getting laid and going out to eat: fuck first, and THEN eat.
This past week we’ve published some funny L Word reviews, a list of the 17 most heartbreaking breakups in lesbian teevee history, Buffy fan fic, interviewed Hurray For The Riff Raff, and recaps of Glee 611, Grey’s Anatomy 1115, The Fosters 219 and Pretty Little Liars 522. Also, heads up: Jazz Jennings is taking over the world, “Steven Universe” is awesome, Scandal had an episode with Jasika Nicole and an elderly lesbian storyline and Broad City Swan-Dived Off A Sapphic Cliff Into A Sea Of Sexual Fluidity.
I’m putting The 100 on my TV to-do list. I’ve heard about it from so many people that I’m convinced I should at least try it.
The Jussie/Ellen interview was really uncomfortable for me to watch, but also really interesting because it feels like a significant moment. What does it mean for an openly gay actor who plays a gay character on an incredibly popular new show to tell a woman who came out on her show and whose career suffered that there is no closet? I am intrigued and not really sure what to think.
I watched The 100 out of curiosity since it was ALL over my tumblr and I was so pleased.
I think Jussie Smolette was just pointing out that there’s a difference between choosing not to talk about your personal life in interviews and being closeted. Also he gave Ellen credit for being out and talked about how important she was to the LGBT community so I didn’t get the impression he takes the sacrifices she made for granted. I took his “there is no closet” comments as only applying to himself not all Queer people.
There is SO MUCH HERE it’s gonna take me a full week to get through it and then it will be Wednesday and it’ll happen all over again.
I will check out The 100. I need to get to shows before suddenly they’re 10 seasons long and i’m too intimidated to start.
I don’t know how I feel about the whole Bechdel test for music. Something is just weird about it to me. Maybe it’s the part about the song having to be meant for women. Idk, man.
I do know that The 100 is absolutely amazing. Queer characters(3 on my count), women in leadership positions, women of color in leadership positions. It’s just the bomb and I’m glad we are talking about it on here.
I’m definitely liking the daily fix!!
I loooooooove The 100. I need to go back and start from the beginning because where it starts in Season 1 is so different from where it ends in Season 2. It’s so fast-paced and intense and gripping! <3 <3 <3
This was great! Also the psychology of laugh tracks thing was interesting/reassuring.
I tend to give Lee Daniels more of the credit for Empire not being awful than I do Ilene Chaiken. It’s his baby really. Besides, all of Ilene’s other work isn’t all that great(remember Black Book or virtually any season of the L Word?) and I think if this show really were all her idea it would be awful, probably star a white family anyway and be written by her girlfriend.
yes bless us all that this show was not her idea!
also little known fact is that ilene chaiken is responsible for the razzie-award winning film barb wire starring pamela anderson, considered one of the worst movies of all time
I had no idea about Barb Wire! That’s actually almost endearing.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first season of the 100, looking forward to binging the second season!
I am SO excited Rachel is going to be writing about the 100. It’s loads of good. BUT! I just want to warn everyone that the first two episodes…they’re a rough ol’ time. But hang in there, I swear it gets so good.
That’s exactly me right now!!! Having a rough old time with the first episode- trying to convince my girlfriend (and myself) to hang in there for future queerplot!
It is going to get SO GOOD. Just hang in there, I promise. Clarke is amazing. And I think she’s Australian irl, which is loads of fantastic.
I think both the actresses playing Clarke and Lexa are from Aus.
OK, fine, I’ll watch the 100! Just as soon as I catch up to the rest of the universe on Orphan Black.
As much as I’m smitten with “The 100”, Orphan Black comes first.
Wise decision.
Yes! You won’t be sorry. Then we can talk about a show we watch because it’s great, not because we hate it and can’t stop watching.
I’m into it! That’d be a nice change of pace.
On the topic of hate-watching, Once Upon a Time is about to start up again, tho. And it looks like Regina is getting back to her roots and I’m kind of OK wiht that.
“My dessert stomach wasn’t full.” Words to live by.
I’ve been waiting for autostraddle to pick up on HOW GREAT clarke/lexa is. I genuinely didn’t see it coming, I felt the chemistry and I thought it was my femslash goggles.
One could say they’ve been putting out clues since season 1:

Clarke’s reaction to Octavia’s undressing at the river
Planning to binge watch this show in the next few weeks. Very excited for this.
Yes! I have started watching and noticed that look as well (as it mirrored my own lol)
You guys, did you see the latest round of that zimbio March Madness thing?
The Lady Loving representation on there makes me very, very happy.
Also, because I stopped watching Once because I just couldn’t handle the male love interests anymore.
It’s like watching my short haired, sporty, flannel loving friend go through her pink dress phase when she realized she might be and didn’t want to be gay.
Thankfully my friend got over that quickly, but Emma…where was I?
While y’all are catching up on Space and Earth related matters, I’ll see how my head will explode regarding the Carmen/Fred situation on Person of Interest and check out Empire after.
Knowing Ilene Chaiken is anywhere near that show, would probably have put me off it immediately, but everyone seems very excited about it.
Just remember, that we don’t just have the Chaiken when you think of Hollywood.
Jodie Foster is also one of ours.
I like the Daily Fix. A lot.
just started watching the 100 (as in 3.4 min ago), and you all need to know that Desmond from Lost in it! I lovveeeddd his character.
And another thing about Empire. It was bugging me so I looked it up. Lee Daniels and Danny Strong(yes Jonathan from Buffy/Doyle from Gilmore Girls) are the main writers and co-creators of Empire. They have writing credits on all of the episodes. They have also directed episodes. Outside of the stars, it is Daniels who does the majority of the press for Empire. So what is Ilene’s exact role on the show? I assume she is just one of the executive producers much the same way Shonda’s shows have a bunch of producers. In any case, Daniels and Strong still deserve the brunt of the praise for Empire so people shouldn’t give Ilene too much credit for not being awful THIS TIME. This is not her show in the same way that the L Word was. If left to her own devices I’m sure Empire would be a total mess if she were the only on in charge. I pray that never happens. The L Word got worse and worse after it’s first season.
I loved the article on the laugh tracks. I have found that simply listening to laughter makes me laugh, which in turn lifts my mood, even if there’s absolutely nothing funny going on.
I also appreciated the article on the music Bechdel test, which made me scour my musical library for songs that might pass. I want to give a shout out to Monsters and Men – although the band is mostly men, one of the lead singers is Nanna Bryndís Hilmarsdóttir, who has a beautiful voice and an entirely charming personality from what I can tell. I instantly developed a celebrity crush on her after seeing her in concert (see photo below). I don’t know if the band’s songs would pass the Bechdel test, since they aren’t about women per se, but they aren’t about men either (or romance at all, actually), but folk songs about fantastical adventures.

I am ALL IN on Bessie. Especially since Dee Rees wrote and directed it, which is just so fantastic. A black queer woman making a movie about a black queer woman. On HBO. So great.
And I hadn’t paid too much attention to The 100, being woefully behind on tv as it is, but Javi Grillo-Marxuach (of The Middleman!) will be writing with them next season, so this may tip the scales.
I binge-watched the 100 after this post, and it’s pretty good. I’m only on episode 9 thus far, but I’m planning on finishing season one later today. I like how kill-happy they are, although it’s going to start losing it’s punch soon.
been reading autostraddle for YEARS (ever since my dykely neophyte youth) never commenting, yet i now feel compelled to do so. VERY much enjoying all the linkages in the daily fixes; i feel so informed!
The 100 is a must see. The show is going through a 7 month hiatus right now, so now is the perfect time to binge-watch the 2 season show! Bring tissues and comfort though, The 100 happens to be a very dark show for the CW.