Daily Fix: Someone’s Gonna Have to Have to Punch 55,000 People in the Face


Brooke lives in Miami and wants me to ask you where she should go out to meet other hot lesbians in the Fort Lauderdale area. In lieu of giving away the ending of Gimme Sugar: Miami (stay tuned for an interview with those ladies soon), please let us know where she can find the action. Apparently she ventured into the nightlife two weeks ago and found senior citizen’s poker night or something. We’re writing an article about lesbian nightlife in Miami, please email [email protected] if you have any valuable scoop!

This week we ask — is there a lesbian generation gap? We hope not, ’cause we all wanna be friends and help each other succeed. Anyhoo, special guests for this roundtable include Rising Star Actress/Singer/ASBFF Haviland Stillwell, celesbian superblogger Grace (Afterellen.com, Grace the Spot) and Riese’s Gay Mom!

Also check out some hot girls in swimwear in our latest Girl-on-Gallery (it actually is summer now, right? Can’t tell) and Stef takes the Beat on the Street to see Spinerette, wonders if the music lives on when the crazy is over and confirms that Brody Dalle is a badass woman.

double_linesCAR TALK: The best part of this article is that the GM Spokesman had been promoting these vids since they went live June 28th but hadn’t bothered to actually watch them ’til yesterday: General Motors ordered all the videos created in conjunction with its recent Chevrolet Gay Day at the Movies promotion be removed from You Tube today after the footage was revealed on Drive On. (@usa today)

JUST SAY YES: Someone asks Dan Savage Is Drug Use the next Civil Rights Frontier? and he says: if you stopped doing drugs today, DRUGS, you’d no longer be a drug user. If I stopped inhaling my boyfriend’s pheromones—and cock—today, DRUGS, I’d still be a big homo. (@villagevoice)

THE SKY IS FALLING: Outfest, the 27th iteration of L.A.’s seminal gay and lesbian film festival, is leaning lesbian this year. (@variety) Speaking of — is anyone who knows how to write a sentence going to Outfest and would want to cover it for Autostraddle? Email [email protected] for more details!

FASHION: “Every year some mainstream magazine that wants to seem edgy runs something about how lesbians are hot and they don’t all wear flannel … Why is that we are still stuck describing what we are by saying what we aren’t?” (@velvet park)

DANI CAMPBELL WANTS TO KNOW WHERE ARE THE FUTCHES: The Top 100 Butches List, this list is preluded with the standard Top 100 words about the reasons and theories explaining why the reasons and explaned words were chosen to represent and etc etc  for the words and labels and etc etc involved, I love lesbians, I love America, I love butches, I love genderqueers, I love everyone, even people that don’t love me or don’t believe in labels. Actually it’s interesting I haven’t heard of a lot of these people, it’s a really refreshing interesting list. (@sugarbutch)

SASSY: Dorothy geeks out over Daria, priceless clip included. (@dorothy surrenders)

WE LOVE LISTS: Stuntdouble does Top 11 Lesbian/Bi Sidekicks. Shane is included. I would like her to be by my side too preferably naked. (@afterellen)

HOT GIRL OF THE CENTURY: Mary Louise Parker bakes pies, reads Alice in Wonderland, is naked, in the latest issue of Esquire.

YOUR LOVE ISN’T BETTER THAN ICE CREAM: A new book examines what we really eat when we eat alone: Basically, it’s about comforting carbs and good salt,” she says. (@npr)

GAY BOYZ: Remember Jeffery Self & Cole Escola from the NewNowNext Awards? Regardless, we’ve been watching their show ’cause it’s on Logo now and we like it and you should too. (@logo online)

PICKY PICKY: The Advocate Editor in Chief responds to wide-spread criticism for featuring Perez Hilton on August cover. (@advocate)

WATCH: Reno 911 was a non-stop smash hit last night, with The Lynch doing couples therapy and the following song about having two Moms:

MOVIES: First photo of Drew Barrrymore & Ellen Page in Whip It:


So Massachusetts’ Attorney General Martha Coakley is suing something called the United States of America over the Defense of Marriage Act. (@queerty)

Wisconsin same-sex couples to be allowed to form legal partnerships: The 2010-2012 state budget signed last week by Gov. Jim Doyle includes a provision that allows same-sex partners to form a legal domestic partnership. (@greenbaypressgazette)

↑ Straight people want gay people in the military too and it’s not just ’cause we all get a little lonely sometimes:

55K signatures against gay marriage in Maine, 55,000 people I am going to have to punch in the face, sucks for them. (@advocate)

TODAY IN BLATANT DOUCHEBAGGERY: In one of the most blatant evidences of the political agenda of the Colorado gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered (GLBT) community and their allies, a new marketing campaign has been launched that is obviously aimed at children. (It involves cartoons! Ack! Those crafty gays!)

↓ In El Paso, two gay men are kicked out of a Chico’s Taco restaurant for kissing. (@el paso times)


Auto-straddler of the Day

jess-rothschild-iconfrom Jess: You know how people love to bitch on the internet about lots of random things? Project RANT! recreates anonymous posts & rants from around the web.
stef-iconfrom Stef: Cathy the cartoon + Kathy Acker = WIN.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. i really appreciate mary louise parker’s willingness to be naked nearly all of the time. also that photo made me even more excited about whip it! the other fabulous lady in that image is our girl kristen wiig!!

    • Thanks for identifying the woman on Ellen Page’s right. I thought it was Celine Dion and my brain exploded because I could not understand how Celine would end up in a movie with so much potential for fun and hotness.

    • I was hoping that was Kristen Wiig, but I couldn’t tell! Also, she’s totally our girl.

  2. at work my boss appointed me the director of punching people in the face since he legally can’t do it. if you’d like, i’d be happy to lend my expertise and tag team with you in maine.

  3. 1:30 and no one has emailed me any hot tips!

    And best comfort food = chocolate covered potato chips! carbs, salt, fat, yummy.

    • I reached out to some friends in that area a couple hours ago, so far, no such luck and I find nothing appealing about chocolate covered potato chips?

  4. I can’t wait for Whip It! Mainly because I love Ellen Page. I also love Drew’s gay socks in the still.

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