Daily Fix: Oh, Iowa! E-I-E-I-IOWA! & Showtime Will Not Pick Up L Word Spinoff “The Farm.”

Hey hey hey! Not a bad day to be gay! Also, it’s TV with Carlytron Time! Read it here & now!

Speaking of TEEVEE TIME: Showtime will not be picking up L Word spinoff “The Farm.” If you want to read sections of the pilot script just for the hell of it, I posted them back in December, read those here. (@variety)

1. Iowa is now the third state where gay marriage is legal!:

“In a unanimous ruling issued Friday, the court upheld a 2007 Polk County District Court judge’s ruling that the law was unconstitutional. The case stems from a 2005 lawsuit filed by Lambda Legal, a New York-based gay-rights organization. The group filed a lawsuit on behalf of six gay and lesbian Iowa couples who were denied marriage licenses.”


2. In addition to endless access to fancy meatballs and banks, here’s another reason to date a Swedish girl: totes legal to marry the hell out of that woman!. (@nytimes)

3. Don’t get too excited. Today in genocidal, evil, vile, disgusting and inhumane douchebaggery: Iraqi Gays Sentenced to Death for Their Sexuality Face Execution (@ukgaynews)

4. Star Jones and Rosie O’Donnell to Have Lunch Together With the Highest Bidder. Please someone buy this for us, and report back. (@perez revenge)

5. Beth Ditto is reportedly unhappy with her cover picture on this month’s OUT magazine. I am reportedly unhappy with her cover story title: Big Love.”

Beth Ditto Should Know a Good Picture When She Sees One (@gawker)

6. I know this seems like a shameless plug, ’cause it’s for like, my other girlfriend Jessica Biel, but I would totally put this up even if she didn’t come over every night and give me a back massage. ‘Cause like regardless of how I feel about her? Or what it’s like when we’re together? She’s just really smokin’ hot talented:

7. Ha-ha! Ann Coulter fell for an April Fool’s Day story, wrote an outraged column about Obama’s alleged declaration that GM and Chrysler’s participation in NASCAR is an unnecessary expenditure. Obvs he didn’t say that. But AC looooves to talk about the JiHad. Hahahahaha Ann Coulter you suck! I’ll run you over with my go-cart! (@huffpo)
8. Out lesbian Wanda Sykes is getting her own Talk Show! (@shewired)team-picks-new

crystal-iconfrom Crystal: I’m not a huge fan of April Fools jokes, but Nine Inch Nails had me going for a few minutes with the announcement of their new album, ‘Strobe Light’. If you’re a NIN fan, the track listings and album cover, featuring Trent Reznor in Kanye-style shades, could be worth a quick look.

stef-iconfrom Stef: DUUUUUUDE. Lady Gaga is officially the first artist of the 21st cetury to score two #1 singles on the Billboard Top 100 chart (“Just Dance” and “Poker Face”). The last person to do this was Christina Aguilera in 1999 with “Genie in the Bottle” and “What A Girl Wants.” Only two other women have accomplished this feat in the last 25 years – Madonna and Tiffany. Girl is KILLING IT OMG.

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3303 articles for us.


  1. I knew I went to college in Iowa for a reason. This ruling only confirms what my mother thought all along about those crazy liberal Iowans. She always said, “That damn liberal Iowa college made you a lesbian!”

  2. I am from Iowa, though not currently living there, and went to school there as well. The news from today gives us hope that it can happen anywhere. California was sad, but hopefully other states pick up the slack and cause a wave around the country. Equality shouldn’t have to be fought so hard for, but let’s hope the right thing continues to be done.

  3. Yay Iowa! (However you USA’ers are wayyy behind us Canucks here in Canada…we’ve had gay marriage for awhile now all legal…yippee!) – but I blame Bush for all the anti-gay stuff, so……

    As for the Farm not getting picked up? LOL – gee, there’s a suprise? NOT! IFC ***cked up royally this season w/ lack of plot.

    Hence, I love Rose Rollins giving her 2 cents worth in her interview with “This Just Out’s” Liz Feldman about S. 6 – I *knew* I liked Tasha for a reason:


    Lol to Liz Feldman re: vagina slippers…

    • yes yes, i caught that interview last month when it came out. loved how real rose was with liz. hopefully there’ll be a few more interviews like that coming out over the next year now that the farm is no longer a possibility. I love the future!

  4. “The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades” (Timbuk 3) – ok 80’s flashback – and I have NO APOLOGIES! Yes, Rose Rollin’s interview was kick ass! And yes, she has an awesome laugh (*smile*) – I can only imagine Rose Rollins and Leisha Halley laughing hillariously off camera – they must have had so much fun! So it’s amazing to me that the “Tasha” character was so “moody” – like this is what PMS was on army time!

    But it would’ve been nice to see Tasha’s character developed a bit more before that whole “Jamie” incident…

    No farm – I guess Ilene “bought the farm” and it went to auction and she got done schooled! Oh damn, I’m funny when I’ve had no sleep… ; – )

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