Gay Student Pres Chris Armstrong’s Protection Order Against Homophobe Andrew Shirvell: Not So Much

In a confusing and frustrating case, UMich student president Chris Armstrong’s protection order suit against Andrew Shirvell has been denied. It would appear that the judge did not agree with Armstrong’s contention that his personal safety was in danger, and so for now Shirvell seems to have come out on top. However, because of a complicated legal situation which I don’t fully understand and which has something to do with the fact that the judge ruled “without prejudice” or possibly the fact that the judge’s sister once attacked Shirvell, Armstrong is able to refile. But, according to unsubstantiated sources, is maybe not going to? The facts are unclear, but also not promising. (@queerty)

What is actually even worse is the fact that Shirvell is apparently threatening to sue the University of Michigan for banning him from campus.

On Sept. 14, the day after Armstrong filed for an order or protection, campus police warned Shirvell against stepping foot on campus. With Armstrong being denied the order, and formally withdrawing it, Shirvell wants back on the Ann Arbor campus — but that decision, says the university, can only be made upon a meeting between Department of Public Safety chief Ken Magee and Shirvell. (Shirvell has requested a meeting several times; he has yet to have one scheduled.)

Because yeah, Shirvell was really disadvantaged and injured by this whole saga. It’s been really hard on HIM. Jesus H. Christ. It’s as if there are no real consequences for stalking, harassing and threatening complete strangers solely on the basis of their sexual orientation! If there are any consequences for Shirvell, they will probably happen on November 5th, when he returns to work at the Attorney General’s office and also faces disciplinary hearings for his behavior. We’ll keep you posted!

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


  1. normally i do not condone violence…but i just want to punch this guy in the nuts. what a creep.

    also i can’t fathom why a judge would rule in his favor. what kind of fuckery is this?!?

  2. DAMMIT. Why don’t they just be logical and take care of this problem! Fucking Andrew Shirvell needs to stay away from campus. Shit’s going down if he doesn’t.

  3. The story in the Detroit News was that the PPO request was withdrawn, not ruled on, after assurances that Shirvell will no longer attempt to contact Chris Armstrong in any way. Furthermore the blog has, according to Shirvell’s attorney, been shut down completely, not just set to private.

  4. I feel like stalking is stalking… like, there really isn’t a gray area here. Am I the only one?

  5. i just wanna say I agree with everyone really hard/am flabbergasted and disgusted, am going to get WTF tattooed across my forehead, because WTF

  6. I’d very much like to know whether or not Chris was bullied into that decision. Also, why aren’t people running, yelling, and screaming about how this is not okay (whether he withdrew the petition or not)!? Excuse me. Have you seen the news lately? People are killing themselves, because the world is so mean and scary. Don’t they know that anyone who is already feeling vulnerable and unaccepted sees this as an affirmation? Actually, scratch that. It kind of IS an affirmation.


    I have all the feelings right now. I can’t even…

  7. Love the post!

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    have a nice weekend!

  8. I’m a student here on campus in Ann Arbor, and there has been craaaazy support for Armstrong, which has most definitely given me the warm and fuzzies.

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