Jamie’s Team Pick:
If you Google “lesbian films,” the first link Google will hand you is this list of the Greatest Lesbian Movies. #1 on the list is this rom com:

Look at all this romance..
What films would top your list? Would “Imagine Me & You” make it at all? Bitch Flicks has put out an open call for LGBTQI submissions welcoming all proposals examining LGBTQI themes in film and television should you be motivated to share your opinions on queer representation in film, rank your favorite queer television characters or create your own list of lesbian films.
In case you aren’t familiar, Bitch Flicks is:
…a website devoted to reviewing films through a feminist lens. We’re interested in conversation about movies—good and bad—and the roles that women play in them. We strongly believe that movies both shape and reflect social values, and that the post-feminist leanings of many women today are misguided.
Do you think they’d accept a personal essay on the emotional scarring caused by repeated exposure to high-waisted jeans in Nicole Conn films?
No, you’re right, there’s no way I could keep that under two thousand words.
Sally, I just laughed STARTLINGLY loudly while at work. So thank you for that.
2,000 words is so long.
I just want to be like: I came. I saw queers. It was good.
I can’t believe that Imagine me and you did not make the Autostraddle top 10. It should be number 9, at least….
Now excuse me while I go watch Saving Face again.
actually… it kinda did:
Why, oh why is the deadline for this the same day as my final exam of exam season? I have so many thoughts and feelings on lesbian representation on TV it isn’t even funny, guys. I could do 2000 words on just Glee’s I Kissed a Girl. They would mostly be ‘OH GOD, IT’S JUST SO HORRIBLE’ over and over again, but still.
Why, oh why is the deadline for this the same day as my final exam of exam season? I have so many thoughts and feelings on queer representation on TV it isn’t even funny, guys. I could do 2000 words on just Glee’s I Kissed a Girl. They would mostly be ‘OH GOD, IT’S JUST SO HORRIBLE’ over and over again, but still.
Embarrassing double post is embarrassing…
Imagine me & you is my favourite film… have watched it a million and one time <3
In the three days after I first saw Imagine Me & You, I watched it roughly 10 times. I fully admitted to myself that I was a lesbian about 15 minutes after I realized how corny and cliche that movie is.
the one that sticks with me the most is Show me love. I watched it when i was fifteen and loved it. Still took me a looooong time to realise why i fell so hard for that film.
I saw just the thumbnail of Imagine Me and You and started bawling. Didn’t even read the article.
If perhaps you are not sure of your favorite LGBTQI film, a friend and I have a queer dinner-date blog thing going on where you can also get more movie thoughts (and recipes!)
check us out maybe? It is kind of new but we want to make it awesooome.
I loved Imagine Me and You like no other. I spent days afterward thinking about that film. :D
was wondering about the word count. can we go slightly over to save the integrity of the story and fully develope our characters?
Imagine Me & You is my ‘feel better when you’re ill’ film, my ‘watch it at Christmas’ film, my ‘fuck it, just watch it BECAUSE YOU CAN’ film, it’s basically my everything.
If I had the time, I’d submit a piece about Circumstance, aka the reason my heart sits pickled in a jar on my desk since I ripped out right after watch that film. (It’s really good and you should watch it).
You should write something about it! That film is amazing.