Celebrate Pride with an Autostraddle Meet-Up

June is Pride month in the US — on June 28, 1969, the Stonewall Riot birthed the modern LGBT rights movement, and almost 50 years later, there’s likely a parade happening in a major city near you. The expanse between those two events is wide! There’s been a lot of good discussion about the dangers of increasingly corporatized Pride celebrations and iconography, from the bizarre surreality of rainbow-branded Doritos to straight celebrities being paid to make appearances to 8,000 Apple employees marching in San Francisco’s eight-hour parade in 2015. At the same time, many of us get a lot out of Pride — the joy of seeing our communities out in the streets, the opportunity to remember our history and look toward our future and also maybe meet someone cute at an afterparty.

What do you look for in a Pride celebration? What should a community Pride event look like? Well reader, YOU have the power to make that decision this year when you host or attend an Autostraddle Pride meet-up!

Your local Pride-related meetup can be what you want it to be — as simple as organizing a group of people to attend an already-existing event together, or as unique as creating your own queer craft circle or movie night. Do you want to put together a quiet introvert hangout as an alternative to big loud Pride parties? Does your Pride look like a protest, or a day of organizing wellness checks on LGBTQ incarcerated people? Are you ready to test-drive your recipe for a rainbow waffle tower for a big DIY queer brunch?

To create your event, just use this link to submit a meet-up, and it’ll get published to the official Upcoming Meet-Ups sidebar on the site! (You may want to also create a Facebook event or Eventbrite to allow people to RSVP.) We’ll also keep a list of meet-up events on this page and update them as more come in. Although technically June is Pride month, is anyone going to complain if your event(s) go into July? Let’s be honest: they are not. Want to talk about your rad meet-up and hear about others? Go ahead and post about it using the hashtag #ASPride2017 so we can all celebrate your celebrating!

Submit your meetup now!

Planned Meetups:

+ Chicago 6/4: Day at the Zoo
+ Indianapolis 6/11: Post-Pride Brunch
+ Shreveport 6/11: Equality March

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. Even though the Indianapolis event has been up officially for a couple weeks can it still get added to this post/list? :)

  2. My very straight cousin is getting very straight married during SF Pride, which I’m struggling to not call a low-key hate crime. V sad to be missing the Dyke March this year, which is one of my fave days annually, so if there are any Pittsburgh meetups going on the weekend of the 23rd I’d love be around at least one queer person that weekend.

    • i had a straight cousin get straight married on the same day as the parade once. it was great timing, because when they told me i couldn’t bring my girlfriend i had pretty affirming gay back-up plans.

  3. I really don’t have it in me to organize anything right now, But I’ll be in Tulsa OK this Saturday 6/3/17 at Pride and if anyone else from Autostraddle is there it would be great to meet up.

  4. I’m going to go out there on a limb and assume there are exactly 0 AS members in Greece right now? (Besides me that is).

  5. Okay, I completely failed at following through with last meet-up, but I’m here, I have a profile now, let’s do this! Edinburgh friends?

    • Ah I went to grad school in Edinburgh (4 yrs ago)! Would’ve loved an AS meetup while I was there.

  6. My only suggestion would be for next year to have this most at the beginning of May as a few places(some major) already had their pride events this week and last week(Long Beach for example).

  7. I will be eternally grateful if someone hosts a low key introvert pride meet up in London.

  8. Sacramento Pride is this Saturday! Is this the place where I ask for help w/a Pride sign?

    • And by “help with a Pride sign,” I mean “plz give me your awesome pride sign ideas!”

      • I’ll be a Sac Pride this Saturday for some amount of time with my doggo. Look for a super goofy border collie wearing a rainbow vest and feather boa!

        • My girlfriend and I will also be at Sac pride this Saturday! I will mull over the pride sign idea request, Erica. :)

  9. Not related to Pride but related to Meet-Ups, if there are any folks in western canada (or nearby states) interested in some kind of hiking meet up, or just want hiking buddies send me a message!

  10. I know there are a gazillion of you in Brooklyn so there better be a meetup out here!

  11. Nashville Pride is June 24th and 25th, so if anyone is around there is plenty of time to plan something.

  12. who’s going to be at san francisco pride/dyke march? as of now i have no one to go with :( let’s get something going! come hang with me at dolores park!

      • yay! i’d love to get an official event posted but i’m not entirely sure how best to organize it so i’m going to toss that responsibility to anyone who wants to take it on

  13. Ok I dont think I have time to actually organise anything because I’m gonna be volunteering but, if any of y’all are going to World Pride in Madrid and wanna hang out then HMU :)

  14. Anybody in the Netherlands going to Roze Zaterdag or Utrecht Pride? I would love to meet up!

  15. So Las Vegas Pride isn’t until October..but I’m thinking it might be fun to have a meet up anyway. If anyone is in or around LV in June and wants to, we can get something set up!

  16. Any in the Charlotte Area or Greensboro or Asheville area? I’m ready to travel and be queer as hell.

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