For me, and many other trans women, A-Camp is one of the few spaces where we can feel safe and welcome and affirmed as the queer women that we are. It’s a really great place where you can take a break from the often tedious and exhausting, and sometimes frightening and depressing world that likes to beat us up. It’s a place that refreshes you and reminds you that there are good things, places and people in the world, and that there are people willing to fight for your right to be happy and safe in women’s spaces. If this kind of break up in the California mountains with a few hundred other queer women and folks sounds like something you could use, than I’ve got some super great news for you!

As Paige says, it never gets easier for girls like us, but we do get stronger, and we do find communities that love us.
A trans woman, member of the Autostraddle community and former A-Camper would like to send one lucky trans woman to A-Camp this year! This is seriously amazing and she’s amazing (not just for doing this, she’s a really cool person) and I’m so thankful that she’s giving a trans woman the chance to go to camp. It’s not just that she’s giving one trans woman the chance to go to camp for free, but she’s also paying for them to get there. We ask that you apply for this campership only if you otherwise wouldn’t be able to go to camp. This contest is open until next Friday, April 15th, and we’ll pick the winner over the weekend and announce it on Monday, April 18th.

Enter this contest and you can win like Paige from Her Story
What You’ll Win
- Airfare or other travel expenses to Los Angeles (this is even open to international travellers!)
- Full paid tuition, including meals and lodging
- A wonderful, unforgettable experience
How to Win This Campership
- Be a trans woman (non-binary trans women count)
- Be available to go to A-Camp in California from May 29 – June 3
- Write one paragraph on who you are and one paragraph on why you could use this break from the world or from your every day life and send them to mey (at) autostraddle (dot) com by next Friday, April 15
- That’s it!
this is awesome and i’m gonna share it everywhere!!!
AHHH SO AMAZING! I can’t wait to share this around! <3 <3 thank you to whomever donated this campership!
So very cool that this opportunity has been donated!
Sending love & respect to whomever is sponsoring this opportunity…what a wonderful thing to do.
I thought about applying for this, but given that I could pay my way to A-Camp on my own, I figure I’ll leave it to someone who really does need a break.
(Plus, I have to be on the East Coast for a funeral on June 4th, which would complicate going this year anyway).
This is really exciting – and such a wonderful display of generosity! Thank you, whoever donated this :)
This is wonderful!
I tried to send in a submission but it doesn’t show up on my sent mail folder. I don’t want to send it in again unless I know it didn’t go through so I don’t spam your inbox. I don’t believe that would be helpful. Please help. Thanks!
Hi Rose, yes, your submission went through!
Awesome. Thanks again.
you’re welcome!
I would be all over this had I not already been to camp before. :) I’m sharing this with all the trans women I know though!
I would like to chip in visa costs (US$160 for a tourist visa, $14 for ESTA/Visa Waiver) if your scholarship winner needs one, because I know that can be a barrier to entry for many people. This doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get one, that’s up to Immigration, but it’ll help a great deal. Who do I need to talk to to make this happen?
aww this is awesome! this is why i love autostraddle.
For people to win this campership, do they also need to be not-straight? I wanted to post this in a fb group (Transcend Arizona, an immigration/refugee advocate group) that supports many transgender ppl but isn’t queer-women specific, and also probably not familiar with AS. The nice write-up here doesn’t include sexual orientation criterion either way, and some people read transgender of any orientation as part of the queer label, so I wanted to make sure before I post. Thank you! And thank you for this amazing donation; what a great act of generosity and caring.
well, camp is a place for lady lovers, so this is really open to trans women who love other women.
@kearnsjosie, someday we’re gonna a-camp it up together. It’s gonna be magical.
also, this campership is the best thing ever ever ever.
This community is wonderful
This is wonderful so thanks to the people that made it happen. I really wish I could apply but that’s finals week for my spring quarter. Someday I will actually graduate school and then I really hope I can come to A-camp
this is awesome!!! I’m so excited to share this!
Will you announce the winner on here or via e-mail? Also, did e-mail get to you?
Both, and yes! i got your email!