Y’all, I can’t go to Camp this year and it is KILLING ME. And you know what’s killing me the most? I’m not gonna get to meet the rad human who wins this Outplay Campership (last year it was Fiona and she totally attended our whiskey tasting and it was really rad).

Left: Rip-Current Sweatpants with Pampatar Tank // Right: Tux Pants with Tux Crest Sports Bra
Outplay makes swimsuits for all sorts of genders and bodies, and specifically they’re best known for their compression swimsuit tops. It’s a binder and a swimsuit all in one! My mom got me one for Christmas a while back. Red bottoms, grey Flatsea top! They’ve got ones that show your midriff if you’re one o’ them butch-crop-top-wearing folks, and they’ve got swimsuits for me, whose beach style veers more toward Butch Nun. They’ve even got tops with sleeves, bless them! And they’re all stylish, with fun bright colors and the ability to mix and match to get your desired look. Ugh, I love Outplay. I love that I don’t have to worry about my giant boobs in the water. I love that there’s a place I can go where I don’t have to try on a million things to find one thing that sort of works — instead, I can get anything I want and it makes me look and feel awesome. And if I flub it on the size? Ship that sucker back and exchange, it’s super easy.
Turns out, Outplay loves A-Camp as much as I love them. They’re sending one Camper to Wisconsin, suit in hand. Or suit in suitcase. Anyone can win! Here’s whatcha gotta do to enter:
- Follow Outplay on Instagram.
- Find the Instagram photo all about this A-Camp Campership
- Like the photo, AND
- Comment on the photo telling them what your fave Outplay product is
- When you comment on the photo, use the hashtag #daretooutplay
- That is it! That is all. Maybe you come to Camp for zero dollars and take hella hot Instagram photos in your Outplay swimsuit while you’re there.
Deadline is Friday, April 21st.
This contest begins today on Monday, April 17th and runs through Friday, April 21st. All entries must be received by 11:59pm PST on Friday, April 21st to be considered eligible. The winner will be notified on Monday, April 24th!
Please be advised that you’ve gotta be able to get there yourself, by plane, train or automobile; transport to and from camp is on you. And also, when you get there, SEND ME A PHOTO OF EVERYONE’S POOL FASHIONS PLEASE UGH I CAN’T BELIEVE I’M MISSING CAMP. But my wife is graduating law school, so. I guess that’s fine. I guess.
Oh, and about that swimsuit. In case you need some inspiration for what your favorite Outplay sitch is, they’re specifically giving away the Campership winner’s choice of Flatsea or Swimmee top (low or high compression!) and then to cover your bum, a choice of Tombois, Bois or Todasana shorts. You can mix and match colors!
So get in there and get this Campership! When you’re chilling round the pool being the babeliest of babes at the gayest of places, you’ll be glad you did.
Camp without you?!?! I’m not sure that is possible! My adult self wants to congratulate Abby on graduating law school because wow. But my toddler brain is having a tantrum.
I might browse swimwear until im less grumpy.
YES! I love this company and I love their swim suits.
Crazy timing! Last night, some girlfriends kidnapped me to go swimsuit shopping for my first time ever. It was a big accomplishment! Needless to say, I am now emotionally scared for life…
Finally (4 hours later) we found something super cute! I have never felt so amazing in my life. So what started as a traumatic experience, turned out to be one of the best days I can remember. Now I’m ready to rock this bod at the lap pool next week.
Omg these swimsuits look like all my dreams come true. No giant boobs to squash, but butch nun sounds like my swimsuit vibe. Hoping they ship to the UK ?
“All sorts of genders and bodies” but most items only go up to an x-large or sometimes only large? :(
oops. so easy to do better, Outplay!
? thanks for the shoutout! you and Alex’s whiskey tasting was definitely one of the highlights of camp and I’m sad these campers are gonna miss out!
p.s. I’ve honestly never felt more confident in a bathing suit before. would def recommend folks apply to this!
Oh my godddd! I want to camp so bad AND I want to wear a fabulous swimsuit.