via CampTakota.com
Feature image via CampTakota.com
Howdy, campers! Friday was a big day for your imaginary Valentine slash A-Camp veteran slash My Drunk Kitchen sensation Hannah Hart because GUESS WHAT: she’s in a movie! Starring in Camp Takota alongside fellow YouTubers Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart, Hannah and the gang made a heck of a movie about three childhood friends at summer camp. From the official movie website:
With her personal and professional life in shambles, Elise (Grace Helbig) ends up having to take a job as a counselor at her old summer camp. There, she reunites with two estranged friends (Hannah Hart, Mamrie Hart) who attended camp and never left. When the future of the camp is put in jeopardy, the three friends must band together to save it, changing the course of their lives forever.
Hannah even plays a lesbian! Check that out. Queer representation. A girl after my own heart.
Look at this extended trailer!
You can watch the full movie right now, right this second over on the official Camp Takota website! In addition to the full-length movie, there’s also making-of documentary available, which is pretty cool in its own right, given that this movie was made and released without a major studio. It’s always interesting to see how movies with multiple women in lead roles are received, and because Camp Takota is being released directly to the internet (aka the three stars’ main audience), it will be even more interesting to see how well it does. Real talk, this movie is really good and funny in ways that I wasn’t expecting (although a few jokes rubbed me the wrong way), and I mean, besides the fact that it’s always a good idea to support queer people in film, I really think you’re going to like it a lot.
This is seriously the only thing in the whole world that will be able to tide me over until Orange and make up for the fact that Alex Vause is going to mostly absent from Orange.
Hannah Hart + Mamrie Hart + Grace Helbig 5eva
I LOVE Camp Takota! I would highly recommend it! Plus, if the movie does well, then there may be more opportunities for similar independent movie ventures etc., which is pretty awesome!
Watched it this weekend. It’s funny, sweet, touching, and just looks really good. Doesn’t hurt that I have Internet crushes on all three of the leads.
It’s worth the moolah, y’all!
After hearing about this movie for months on end, I was afraid of being disappointed, but it absolutely lived up to all the hype. I can’t wait for Mamrie to write another screenplay.
I bought the movie right away of course. It is great, but I have to say, to of the three leads in the movie, Mamrie and Grace get love interests, but when it comes to Hannah, she only gets to infer a love interest, by saying “Lindsay’s here!” and walks off camera! When will I finally get to see Hannah kissing a girl……. :(
Camp Takota 2?
Oh my god, I had the day off from school the day Camp Takota premiered and I was able to watch it as soon as it went live. BEST LUCKY DAY EVER! It was fantastic–and I agree, it is so great to see queer representation in a film! I actually really appreciated how Allison’s (Hannah’s character’s) storyline didn’t primarily revolve around her sexuality. It is this kind of representation that like “normalizes” LGBTQ characters in media and culture. The movie was all-around hilarious, too! :)
Yeeeeeees! Watching tonight!
i love camp
Camp Takota is really good, I definitely recommend it!
The characters are all well written and feel like real people. This is the first comedy in a long time that hasn’t made me want to throw things at the characters for doing obviously stupid things. Instead this movie has a really positive message.
downloading now
Anyone in Minneapolis wanna stream this tonight and have a big ol’ viewing party??
MAMRIE IS MY HART OF CHOICE. I still love Hannah but Mamrie is hilarious/babecity/bombshell and she knows I deserve a drink.
I really enjoyed this movie, it was great! I also am glad they seemed to go all out to make the movie look awsome.
Loved the film. Was worried that it would be awful , but it was so awesome I’ll be watching it with my brother and sister later.
Just a question, in the article it says there were a few jokes that rubber you up the wrong way. What were they?
I’m only asking because specifically, making a pun of retarded kind of hurt. And I don’t want to mention it anywhere else, because I want to be positive and nothing can be done about it now, but it just doesn’t sit well with me. What does everyone else think?
Yeah, it was that one and the off-color trans* joke Hannah makes toward the beginning. I want to see this movie do well for a long list of reasons, but I was pretty disappointed (and surprised) in those two moments.
That seems like two strikes too many!
Totally, but considering the overwhelmingly positive feel of the film, I don’t want to judge it by this alone. It is a good film, that is actually hilarious.
On a different note, I totally want to read the YA novel based on a boy who turns into the Loch Ness monster. Especially as in my brain the Loch Ness monster is female. I want to read that book so badly.
Really? Really? I expected better from Hannah. I was going to buy and watch it tonight (and I would rather know WHAT I’m going to fire off an email about before doing it) but I’m kind of tired of media made by people that know better pulling this kind of stuff.
Yeah, the centarded thing wasn’t cool at all. And the new boyfriend punching old boyfriend because women can’t stand up for themselves thing was a little bit awful.
But I also feel like we should be talking about Hannah’s bandanas because damn.
I did not make a bandana out of my scout necker and wear it round the house with shorts in celebration. No, not at all…