Brittani’s Team Pick:
Friend of cats and comedian Mo Welch has been steadily releasing a series called Live from Lombard via her Instagram for a couple of months. The comic is a simple one panel drawing of a depressed lesbian named Blair and arose from the month she spent living with her mom and stepdad in Lombard, Illinois. It’s infinitely relatable/funny and a welcome addition to my Instagram feed. It’s not too late to follow her @momowelch as there’s plenty more Blair on the way.

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Brittani Nichols is a Los Angeles based comedy person. When she's not tweeting about white people or watching television, she's probably eating pizza. Actually, she's probably doing all three of those things concurrently and when she's not doing THAT, she's sleeping. Brittani also went to Yale and feels weird about mentioning it but wants you to know.
Brittani has written 328 articles for us.
Just my kind of comic
Just followed her on Instagram..Haha her comics are great!
“is there a timeline on this “it gets better” thing?”
Too real.
The first one is SO TRUE. :)
Such truth in these.