Happy Tuesday, apple pies! I’m sorry this week’s Boob(s On Your) Tube is a day later than usual. It was quite a week in the world of queer TV. Before we get started, I ran down all the lesbian TV shows that were renewed and cancelled last week on Broadcast Network Bloodbath Day. And Riese wants you to know Orange Is the New Black has released another trailer and some new promo photos.
Now, onto the Boobs!
Jane the Virgin
Mondays on The CW at 9:00 p.m.

Lesbian mud wrestling Wednesdays. Just think about it.
Luisa is back for the penultimate episode of Jane the Virgin‘s first season for just a minute. The Michael-Jane-Rafael love triangle zigs back in Michael’s direction, and so Rafael is feeling pretty heartbroken about it. At the end of the day, he confides to Luisa (and Juicy Jordan!) that he’s still in love with Jane and only broke up with her because he was trying to be chivalrous. It’s actually a really funny sight gag, the way it happens. The scenes with Luisa are filmed like she and Rafael are having an intimate conversation, and then JJ wanders into the frame and throws down some truths because she’s been listening in the whole time. And then she makes out with his sister. JJ and Luisa tell Rafael to suck up his pride and tell Jane how he feels. He agrees that’s what he should do.
Last night was the season one finale and (SPOILER ALERT!) Sin Rostro went on a kidnapping spree!
Here’s What Happened Live in Slack:
I actually really did shout.
but so so good like what a good telenovela twist
Heather: i know! i shouted and jumped up, and then i laughed and laughed. seals the deal on being tied with empire for my favorite new show of the season!
Gabby: yes totally like 100% ok i feel better now. you calmed my spirit.
Heather: i am so glad you had an all caps reaction! i felt unhinged for a minute!
Gabby: heather what the fuck!! (this is laura)
Heather: laura, hey!
Gabby: what if sin rostro is foxier than before?
Heather: how could that even be possible?!
Gabby: why does she want a baby?
Heather: ransom!
Look, if you didn’t watch this show in real-time, catch up over the summer, okay? Trust me and Gabby and Laura on this.
Wednesdays on The CW at 8:00 p.m.

Here comes the bullshit!
Remember last week when I told you about how Ra’s al Ghul decided to marry off his lesbian daughter, Nyssa, to the show’s hero, Oliver? Well, that is exactly what happens.
Early in the episode, Oliver is forced to break character and start revealing to people that he’s not brainwashed because his entire team gets captured and shackled and stashed away in Nanda Parbat, so he needs to assure everyone that he’s going to take care of everything and free them. Luckily, his sidekicks are all really good at being heroes, so they’re able to scheme and plot and fight for themselves. All of them except Nyssa, whose agency is completely stripped from her by both the writers and her dad. Ra’s does insist on the marriage between Oliver and her, which: fine. Totally believable al Ghul bullshit. And it’s not like Nyssa is going to fall in love with him. (She better not f*cking fall in love with him.) But unlike the other characters in the episode, she is completely impotent in fighting back against the League of Assassins, even though she grew up in the building where they’re all being held and has known the weaknesses of these baddies her whole entire life.
I hope she kills the hell out of Ra’s in the finale.
Tuesdays on TVLand at 10:00 p.m.

I don’t care if unicycles are the preferred method of Williamsburg transportation. I’m getting an Uber.
Younger is light on Maggie this week. She hangs out with Liza and Kelsey in a Brooklyn pub to watch Liza’s boyfriend play a washboard in his band. And then Maggie shows up later to give her blessing to Liza’s plan to raise $1,800 for her daughter’s tuition by selling her used panties on Craigslist. Maggie says she’s been around the block of the panty-trading world, and they don’t call the box seats at Lilith Fair “box seats” for nothin’. Mostly the episode focused on Liza’s relationship with Josh and how he’s getting suspicious that she keeps sneaking around and taking weird phone calls in the mornings and the middle of the night. She comes clean and says it’s because of her panty-selling business, and that’s true. But also: She has an ex-husband in New Jersey, and a daughter in college in India. She does’t reveal that, though, because it’s only season one.
Newlyweds: The First Year
Tuesdays on Bravo at 10:00 p.m.
Sam and Laura went back to the baby doctor this week, I think because Bravo is absolutely obsessed with making sure there are some common themes between all these couples. But the main event was a reading Laura did where she talked about how she spent two years without an ear and how it affected her self-esteem and physical health. Here’s a clip from the episode.
And BuzzFeed published the whole piece. It’s really good. Sam and Laura’s mom were so sweet and supportive when she was reading it. It warmed my heart.
Monday on NBC at 9:00 p.m.

Do you want a slice of strawberry rhubarb pie?
There is no love left in my heart for Gotham. None at all. After completely abandoning Renee Montoya in the middle of year, the show closes out its freshman season by turning Barbara Kean into a Bisexual Psychopath. On the outside, it appears that Barbara has unwittingly fallen into a relationship with The Ogre, who brainwashes her into requesting that he kill her parents — but in an eye-rolling twist of the cliched trope knife, it turns out Barbara is the one who killed her parents. She confesses this to Jim’s new girlfriend while pulling a cleaver on her and trying to stab her to death. The episode ends with Babs getting conked on the head and presumably checked into Arkham Asylum.
You will never convince me that the loss of Renee Montoya, the only queer character of color in Marvel or DC’s cinematic universes, and the sociopathic spiral of Barbara isn’t direct capitulation to straight white fanboy culture. The outcry when Barbara and Renee got together — when the bisexual woman chose a Latina lesbian over fanboy Mary Sue/future Commissioner Gordon — was swift and ferocious and supremely gross. Of all the things I’ve written about in my seven years of professional blogging, I have never experienced the kind of hate that was hurled my way for being vocally supportive of Renee.
So yeah, Gotham, I’m done with you unless you answer my anger with The Question. And in a major way.
Bold and the Beautiful
Weekdays on CBS

Have I unwittingly time-traveled to 50 years ago or what?
Welp, I am absolutely done writing about Bold and the Beautiful‘s trans storyline. This is the last week I’m going to watch it or talk about it because CBS doesn’t deserve the ratings of even one person. These writers have had plenty of time to understand how harmful and hurtful their writing is to the trans community, but they haven’t changed their course or tone even a little bit. On Friday, the show opened with this scene.
Maya: I will tell Rick when I’m ready.
Brooke: You will tell him today.
Maya: Yes. If Rick proposes, I will tell him today.
Brooke: This has gone on long enough. Rick needs to know the truth. He deserves to know who he’s proposing to. That Maya used to be … Myron.
Later on, Maya’s sister outs Maya to one of her co-workers like this: “Her real name is Myron. She’s transgender. She’s my brother, not my sister.” And so that co-worker says it’s time to get the PR machine going because “A scandal like this, you can’t even imagine.”
These are the same problems I wrote about on week one of this storyline: Using Maya’s birth name is an act of violence. Repeatedly referring to her as Nicole’s brother is an act of violence. Perpetuating the very false stereotype that trans women are conniving and duplicitous with their romantic partners is an act of violence. Treating the fact of a trans person coming out as scandalous is an act of violence. Even the coverage of this storyline on the soap blogs is horrible. They’re referring to Maya in headlines as “Myron” now. Black trans women suffer more violence than anyone in the queer community, and this kind of storytelling is reckless and destructive. I feel like I’m contributing to the problem by watching it and writing about it, so I’m going to stop.
Grey’s Anatomy
Thursdays on ABC at 8:00 p.m.

Do you think she could get me an autographed copy of Lez Girls?
Due to a death in her family, Jenn was unable to recap last week’s Grey’s Anatomy. There is nothing gay to report about the episode. Callie and Arizona are in it for a couple of minutes each, mostly just doing the kind of doctor things you do when a tunnel collapses during a morning commute. However, Heather Matarazzo plays a pregnant patient whose soon-to-be husband is trapped under the rubble. It’s a rough hour for her. She arrives yelling about how someone needs to dig out her boyfriend so they can get married, nearly loses her baby, doesn’t lose her baby, overhears some stupid new asshole interns talking about her soon-to-be-husband being trapped under his car under the tunnel with no feasible extraction plan to keep him alive, has a panic attack, gets paralyzed when one of the stupid new asshole interns takes off her neck brace because she can’t breathe (because they caused her to have a panic attack!), gets un-paralyzed, and goes into labor. Also her boyfriend is maybe saved. That part isn’t clear.
I’m talking about this for three reasons: 1) Heather Matarazzo is a lesbian lady, who 2) also played Stacy Merkin on The L Word, which means 3) I have a reason to link to this clip.
Law & Order: SVU
Wednesdays on NBC at 9:00 p.m.

Yes, hello, Olivia Benson and I are here to get married.
Samira Wiley guest starred on last week’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit as a woman named Michelle who came forward after 17 years to disavow the testimony she gave that sent her father to prison for rape and incest. The episode is based on the true story of Chaneya Kelly. It is heavy and moving and terrible and wonderful, and Samira just crushes it from every angle. You should watch. You’re going to cry.
The Good Wife
Sundays on CBS at 9:00 p.m.

What CGI?
Just a couple of years ago Kalinda Sharma was one of the most exciting, nuanced queer women on broadcast television. This week, she left The Good Wife forever, after several seasons of poorly written, out-of-character storylines that frankly derailed the entire show. No one knows what went on behind the scenes, but the heart of The Good Wife‘s first two seasons was the relationship between Kalinda and Alicia. Archie Panjabi and Julianna Margulies didn’t share the screen together in the last 56 episodes of the show. It’s obviously something that bothered Panjabi a whole lot, if only because cutting off her character’s access to the main protagonist severely limited the scope and range of Kalinda’s storylines.
Entertainment Weekly flat out asked her why Kalinda and Alicia stopped interacting, and she said, “I think that’s a question you need to ask the producers.” And when they asked her if she was happy with the way Kalinda was written off the show, she said, “Honestly speaking, I would’ve liked something that would have featured Kalinda a little more, but they have restrictions and I respect that. They did do a degree of justice to her in the last episode.”
The producers promised one last scene between Alicia and Kalinda before it was all said and done, and they gave us one — kind of. I had joked that Panjabi and Margulies would film their interaction with CGI trickery, but after watching the finale, I think that’s exactly what happened. And I’m not the only one. As soon as I finished the episode, I went on a Twitter dig to see if anyone else thought Kalinda and Alicia’s final scene was a split screen. Vox did. And Indiewire too. Like what is Alicia even looking at the whole time?
Panjabi is right that Kalinda did have a small triumph in her final exit, in the sense that she rejected a powerful alliance and left on her own terms, all sunglasses and swagger. I wish I could say I’ll miss her, but the writers and producers have watered her down so much, she’s unrecognizable. She was never going to rebound from that. I’m just glad Panjabi has already signed on to headline a new show where she can showcase her considerable talents.
Wednesdays on The CW at 9:00 p.m.

Rest with Tara, nerdy angel.
So. Women in Refrigerators. You know it, right? That superhero trope where a woman gets beaten, raped, mutilated, murdered, whatever to advance the plot of a male hero through the power of manpain? That’s exactly what Supernatural did to Charlie last week.
Sam ropes Charlie into helping him crack a codex that will hopefully rid Dean of the Mark of Cain. She bounces from Dean and Sam’s high security HQ to work out the codex in a seedy motel, and at the end of the episode, Sam and Dean find her murdered in a bathtub. And that’s it. A beloved fan favorite. One of the only women on the entire show. Definitely the only queer woman in the show’s history. (Rachel just reminded me there was another queer woman in the early seasons of this show … who also died.) No build-up, no scuffle, not even a death scene. Just a lifeless body in a bloody bathtub like a comic book from 1964.
And here’s what’s nuts: At a panel last week, executive producer Robbie Thompson said he begged the CW not to make them kill of Charlie. He said he texted, emailed, called, tried to set up in-person meetings, but to no avail. And another executive producer, Jim Michaels, said the same thing at a con in London. The decision to fridge Charlie came from the top.
This on the same week as Nyssa marrying Oliver. Keepin’ it classy, CW!
Weird Loners
Cancelled on Fox

Let’s get back together tonight and spend the next six months re-breaking up.
Fox pulled the plug on Weird Loners last week, but at least they aired the final episode of the six-ep first season, because in it, the gang spent a whole lot of time at Truck Stop and Zara revealed that she’s bisexual. It’s a cute episode even though the premise is kind of Kissing Jessica Stein-y. Zara’s ex-girlfriend is also bisexual, and so both Stosh and Caryn (who has decided to be gay because she’s not having luck dating men) go after her. It doesn’t work out for either of them. Stosh because he’s a narcissistic asshole. And Caryn because she’s straight. But, in true Truck Stop fashion, it is Zara who ends up making out with her ex at the end of the episode. No one is heartbroken and ladies kiss and everyone wins.
In the B-story, Eric is mistaken for a gay woman, and accidentally joins the Truck Stop’s lesbian dart league. I thought about being offended by it, but it was pretty funny.
Wednesdays on ABC at 9:30 p.m.

My mechanic and I have to go home to the one-bedroom apartment we share now, bye.
Raven-Symone guest starred as Dre’s lesbian sister on last week’s Black-ish, and Gabby has some thoughts on how the episode landed with her as a queer person of color.
I don’t make it a point to watch Black-ish; it’s funny as hell but I can’t get over Dre’s self-centeredness. It’s this ever-present thing that just makes me roll my eyes like is this what it’s really like to deal with men? Every sitcom dude suffers from the same myopia.
But, I’m really here to talk about Raven-Symone as his sister Rhonda and how this episode focused on her in the closet but still under the hood lesbianism. Dre explains how his family has a very polite don’t ask, don’t tell policy and the point is portrayed in a bunch of super funny running gags, like how his oldest son, Dre Jr., has absolutely no gaydar. Like had no idea Aunt Rhonda, Raven-Symone, is a lesbian even though she lives with her “mechanic roommate” in a one-bedroom and they have a cat name Kitty Lange. Drum roll snare.
I can’t speak about any family other than my own but let’s just say that these jokes really hit home. In my family, the abuelas and titis have refered to my girlfriends as mis amigas aka my friends. Always friends. Never novia which is girlfriend or esposa which is wife. It’s always la amiga de *insert your name here*. And it’s not like they don’t know what’s really good between me and whoever, it’s just easier to politely say friend so you don’t have to say dyke. So I really felt that joke on this show.
Also, twenty-three minutes isn’t enough time to tackle anything too in-depth but I appreciated how they covered Biblical condemnation and gay marriage in that amount of time. My family’s Christian too and my mom definitely had her struggles with scripture that considered my budding gayness an abomination. She didn’t flip the switch into loving and accepting me in twenty-three minutes but through communication and lots of tears/hugs, things definitely evolved. Despite Dre’s fixation on himself as the savior of all things, Rhonda and her Mom found their way to each other and made peace and wedding plans.
Maybe the portrayal of a Black mom coming to terms with their child’s sexuality on Black-ish wasn’t as nuanced as Kim Wayans excellent performance as the mother in Pariah but damn, Black-ish did its best. For what it is – a sitcom- and its time limitations, the episode and its stereotypes flowed with the vibe of the show and dealt with issues that have historically plagued many ethnic communities.
So I’m with it. This entire episode is worth a watch.
Black-ish has been renewed for a second season with a promise of more Raven!
Whew! That’s a lot! Let’s talk about your thoughts/feelings on the week in queer TV.
Yeah I liked the Black-ish episode well enough, but Dre was super obnoxious. Like usual. And there was that whole Blurred Lines bit. Nope. Nope nope nope.
yo yes. the blurred lines moment made me cringe a little. like how many degrees from feminist media/links/people are you to still have a soft spot for blurred lines/robin thicke? fail, dre, major fail.
i have never been more angry at supernatural than i was when i realized charlie was inevitably going to die in this episode.
Yep, me too. I’m not sure I’ve ever been more mad at The CW, and THAT is saying something.
I haven’t been this upset with/bothered by a character’s death (i.e. Charlie Bradbury) since they killed off Sweets on Bones.
Getting real tired of your shit, Supernatural.
I had stopped watching Bones by the time they killed Sweets and it still upset me. He was golden! A golden soul! :(
The CW’s treatment of Charlie and Nyssa has me very concerned now about where they are ultimately going with Nyssa’s storyline. The CW has a piss poor track record IMO when it comes to queer representation. Only slightly ahead of CBS.
My ultimate concern with them marrying off Nyssa to Oliver isn’t just the marriage. It’s that I get the feeling that the plan really is to either have her eventually fall in love with Oliver despite herself or worse kill her off at some point. I really don’t have high hopes for that character at all.
Oh jeez, if that really happens, you are going to hear the sound of something being set on fire and — SPOILER ALERT! — it will be me and a flamethrower at CW HQ.
I’m not worried yet about Nyssa. The story is obviously based on Ra’s al Ghul’s perpetual obsession with Batman and Talia, but I feel like it’s a cross between that and Vandal Savage’s attempts at forcing Scandal to pop out some heirs. So I guess I’m expecting Nyssa to win in the end, but if my optimism is unjustified I’m going to be pretty upset.
Oh, god, I just had a terrible thought.
What if they are going the Batman/Talia route. As in, Nyssa has a complete break from character and rapes Oliver for his sperm.
Ugh. No. Let’s hope that’s too obviously taken from Batman-canon for them to consider.
yeah, I didn’t believe it was even possible to make the character of Babs (Gotham) more awful. but I was wrong! I actually kept hate-watching Gotham, the way they fulfilled simplified and hurtful stereotypes / tropes about queer female characters was almost fascinating.
I kept being like, “I’ll catch up when Rene comes back. I’ll catch up when Rene comes back. I’ll catch up when — oh, it’s the finale? Guess I better catch up.”
I have this crazy idea for some (or most) TV shows that have queer, lesbian or bisexual characters (not gay because that seem to work out better), particularly when those characters are not the main roles.
It seems that most of these shows don’t have any idea what to do with queer characters, so you use them as leverage for other characters, by killing them.
My idea is to do what the Wachowskis did on Bound, you know, hired Susie Bright to choreograph the sex scenes? That worked out quite nicely.
So, if you have a queer character, hire a queer writer. It’s obvious that the ones you used regularly don’t have a freaking clue.
That would be a nice idea. But then, I’m afraid it’s not like they don’t know what to do with queer characters, it’s more like they just use those characters in a way that is really superficial. And also – it’s not like queer writers always do a good job. Just look at (in)famous Glee and some of its plot twists.
Arghh, Glee!!! I forgot about that crap… maybe it was sooo bad that my mind blocked out?
But, if I have my info right, you only had 2 women writers on Glee (Allison Adler and Marti Noxon), the rest were men.
I did make an exception to gay characters, because you don’t see the “killing-spree” in that case.
Oh yes, I think you are right about gay characters- but this is also the ‘women in refrigerators’ thing (http://lby3.com/wir/). so maybe ‘women in refrigerators’ met ‘we have no clue what to do with them queers’ and bang! here we are.
It’s seems like every writer has a Master on “copy and paste” regarding queer characters.
In honor of Charlie’s untimely and misogynistic demise, it seems like it’s finally time to get a tattoo of Princess Leia sitting on a 20-sided die (NOT in her bikini).
Oh, please do that. Please do that and send me a photo so I can live vicariously through your courage.
How can I link a picture to a comment? Cuz I have a pretty good one on Twitter is like to share here.
Here’s what you do:
Copy the URL of the photo and paste it into this HTML tag:
< img src="http://www.whateverurl.com" >
But lose the spaces between the <>
Does that make sense?
Thanks, I’ll give it a try!
Paste it where into the html?
inside the quotation marks, in place of the other stuff there.
Where it says “http://www.whateverurl.com” (but keep the quotation marks)
The way these other superheroey type shows treat their queer characters makes me almost glad that the Marvel shows don’t have any confirmed queer characters. As much as I’d like to see Peggy, Angie, Dottie, and any of the S.H.I.E.L.D ladies be as queer as I am, I guess I’m happier to just not see them treated like shit.
I agree, and that’s so sad. :(
Okay, but also: Peggy + Angie 5EVA
Speaking of Peggy + Angie, I just read that season 2 is taking place in Hollywood so if the producers have any sense at all, Angie will be taking her acting career westward along with Peggy (and obviously they should live together/sleep together/get married).
I really like the way you think!
I kind of hated Gotham from the get-go, because Renee Montoya and Barbara Kane? Come on, what the heck is that? Where is Kate?
Finally I did realized that all the time-lines in that show were screw, even if it’s based on several DC Comics.
Then it was obvious that James Gordon was the goody-two-shoes hero, and if put Renee opposite to him, you have 2 end results: she ends up dead or simply vanished from the show. Kinda what happened with this show.
So, I think we should start collecting money, some Kickstarter campaign, to make a Renee Montoya & Kate Kane webseries or something, with Victoria Cartagena as Renee, of course, because she’s hot as hell. I’m open to suggestions for Kate’s role.
No, she was Barbara Kean, who is Jim Gordon’s first wife canonically. Kate Kane would be quite young when Gotham is set.
Yeah, you’re right.
But in Gotham Central she has a relationship with Daria.
In 52 and Detective Comics she’s dealing with the loss of Daria and we have several numbers with the Renee/Batwoman arc.
So I don’t get the Barbara/Renee relationship outside of Gotham, the TV show.
Ugh, I had pretty much given up on Gotham and this just puts the final nail in the coffin. I was so freaking excited that Renee Montoya was going to be on TV, but they’ve let me down so, so much.
Also, Heather, thank you for watching and covering The Bold and the Beautiful instead of me. It sounds really, really horrifying and I’m glad that I didn’t have to watch it (but also sorry that you did).
Here’s a conversation I had with a white-heterosexual-male friend about what I have dubbed DDS (Dead Dyke Syndrome):
Him: Why shouldn’t the writers be able to kill off lesbian characters? Lesbians aren’t immortal. They do die in real life.
Me: That’s true. But that’s not ALL we do.
Next time you should explain to him that the reason that this is a big deal is because straight white male characters outnumber lesbians about 100 to 1. So when they are constantly killed off or de-gayed guess what happens. That leaves little to no more queer female representation on television. Killing off a few straight males isn’t going to effect anything because they take up the majority of television anyway so they are rarely missed. Visibility matters. The reason why it’s not a big deal to him is because he’s a straight white male so he doesn’t have to ever be concerned that their will ever be a shortage of straight white males on television. Believe me, if their were a shortage we would never hear the end of it.
I completely agree. It’s frustrating how unaware people are of their own privilege. White-heterosexual-male characters have been presidents, saviors, discoverers, adventurers, Moses, Jesus… Hell, they even go to Japan, learn the ways of the Samurai better than the Japanese in like 10 days, and defend the village against its Japanese oppressors and end up being the last remaining Samurai in the world. Ain’t that cool. Meanwhile, most we have to look for is to be kidnapped, raped, killed, saved (by a male of course) or otherwise ignored.
However, when I try to explain this to people, more often than not I get troll answers like “If you don’t like it why are you watching it” or “Isn’t it better than nothing”. You know how it goes.
At this moment in my like, I content myself with watching Orange is the New Black in repeat.
By the way, are you actually Turkish? If so, merhaba!
Nah. I’m named after a character from the movie Snatch. I went through a Jason Statham phase for a while. Glad that’s over. But I kept the name.
I am 4 or 5 seasons behind on the Good Wife and it sounds like instead of catching up on it I just need some good fanfics…. (hint hint :p)
I know someone who can do that for you. :)
man I am SO glad i stopped watching supernatural a long time ago. the 5-10 minutes of cool supernatural stuff each episode was super not worth it for all the fucked up shit you had to sit through. (if i remember correctly there was ONE other queer woman character — she was one of the people in that ghost demon town that Sam was trapped in for a while early in the show. she also — shocker — died.)
Oh, wow. I had totally forgotten about her. Jeez!
“So yeah, Gotham, I’m done with you unless you answer my anger with The Question.”
No, Heather Hogan, it is you who shall answer…the Question!
I was looking for a picture where the Question says, “Now you must answer the Question.” Found this instead, and I’ll post that.

Dammit I tried to post a picture. Well, it’s a thing I made about Barbra.
I fixed it!
Okay, but why would the executives at the CW force them to kill Charlie? (O_o) How does that make sense? ???
S1Ep1 of Supernatural, the kill-y motivation of the Winchesters starts with dead ladies in their lives. Also Murdocking and WIR syndrome. Heroes just aren’t angsty enough or properly motivated without the death of innocents close to them.
In case you can’t hear the thread of aggravated fed up sarcasm across the internets here’s some Judge Judy to emote for me:
Just wanted to point out (because Younger has accidentally become one of my must watch lighthearted shows) that her daughter is away in India, not Thailand
Oh, whoops! Thank you, Jess! Is Thailand where Liza keeps saying she traveled?
“I thought about being offended by it, but it was pretty funny.”
Oh man. This sums up a whole lot of my time on the internet.
If they make Nyssa “love” Ollie I might scream out loud, make audible sounds of despair different from the sounds of outrage when Shaw confessed her love to R00t and the writers made us think Bitchy Updo and Co killed R00t. Those sound were more you “bastards you fucking bastards how could you, you assholes giving us a thing and taking it away like that”
No I will make Westley sounds because of things in comic books that I read between the lines as Ra al Ghul leaving Nyssa to rot with her chosen family in a Nazi concentration camp because she was lesbian who couldn’t just suck it up and make him some heirs.
I can’t with Babs right now with my bisexual trophy game piece between lesbians and straightboy feelings. And bitch can’t pick a side of course she’s an unstable person comments from persons.
Need to go bathe in light of Cate Blanchett now….or have some B&Js maybe.
What happened in between this week and a few weeks ago??
Suddenly we’re circling back to the 1950’s?
The evil Bisexual, the refrigerated Lesbian AND a gay girl married off to a straight dude?
In one week? I thought we’d gotten over that?
Now I fear for Bisexual Clarke on the CW…
I also fear for my precious Shoot if networks really listen to horrible homophobic backlash..
I fear for all my ships.
In just one week? What happened??
Oh wow Jenn, My condolences
Virtual hug
So, nice little surprise on The Returned: Joanne Kelly (AKA Myka Bering).
The season finale was kind of a mess for my taste and very different from Les Revenants.
A day late (and a dollar short), but Archie Panjabi’s answer was…um, interesting, given that Julianna Margulies is one of the producers of the show. Anyway, one the speculation that’s been kicking around re: Kalinda and Alicia is that the actors got into some sort of feud and one or both of them has to refused to work with the other since. I really hate this trope of women hating and refusing to work with each other, and it’s fishy that there hasn’t been even a whiff of a fight from any of the number of people working on the show.
That being said, I legitimately can’t think of any other reason why they haven’t been in the same scene since Season 4. It’s especially disappointing given that this sort of behaviour (refusing to work with a colleague) would not fly in any other workplace, ever and I can’t remember another show where the co-stars (where one is a producer and the other won an Emmy for their role on the show) have just flat out refused to be in the same room together.
/rant. Aaaaanyway, I’m glad that Archie Panjabi is moving on to greener pastures, according to her twitter, she wasn’t even invited to speak at TGW’s PaleyFest panel this year.
I love this column every week, but I would really appreciate either a very clear heads-up/trigger warning before an image of a bloody scene like the bathtub picture or, ideally, the omission of those from posts altogether (maybe linking to them instead?)
Will do, Madeline. I’m sorry.
Thank you so much!
Gotham mis handling Montoya way before they dropped her. They had her acting in a way that would be considered undisputably creepy if it was a guy. I was glad to have Renee on the show, but they screwed themselves the moment they decided to have her be the romantic rival of the protagonist.
I’m pretty sure Nyssa was planning to kill Ollie if it ever came time to Consummate.
In November I’ll be watching SUpergirl #SuperSapphic