This time tomorrow, we will finally know who A is on Pretty Little Liars and I can hardly concentrate on anything else. Here are some other queer things that are happening on TV, though!
The Fosters
Mondays on ABC Family at 8:00 p.m.

We’re not going to egg Donald Trump’s house, Callie. That would be classless.
Stef and Lena are scaring me, y’all. They’re supposed to be the steady sun around which all these dramatic little teenage planets orbit, but they are falling apart! Stef can’t go to therapy until Callie gets adopted, and the chances of that happening are about as likely as me getting a pet Hippogriff. This week, after Stef shelved therapy, Lena made the HORRIFIC mistake of talking to Monty about how unhappy she is in her marriage. You do not talk to the woman who kissed you because she’s in love with you about the problems in your marriage! You do not do that, not now or ever! And when Lena went home to try to tell Stef her worries, Stef was busy accidentally flirting with the new lesbian plumber and watching and rewatching the surveillance footage from Jesus and Mariana’s car accident. Lena wanted to process, but Stef squeezed her shoulder and told her everything is okay.
It is not okay. :(
Chasing Life
Mondays on ABC Family at 9:00 p.m.

Gal Pal Week
Remember how I told you Brenna met a boy named Finn at her new school, and he has cancer, and she doesn’t know it but he’s totally going to be getting saved from her anonymous bone marrow and they’re going to fall in love? That’s still happening, but in the meantime, Ford and Brenna kissed right on the lips. They did it because they were hanging out with Finn and he can’t kiss either of them because he can’t risk getting their germs on him, so they kissed each other instead. Ford says she’s not into women sexualizing themselves for the male gaze, but you know she’s always wondered what it would be like to smooch on Brenna. And now she knows!
Tuesdays on TBS at 10:00 p.m.
Only two episodes left and still no queer storylines for Charmaine. #Dang
Tuesdays on MTV at 10:00 p.m.

For the last time, I don’t know who A is! Now can I please take my clue parrot and go??
Audrey was called in for questioning by the police on this week’s Scream. They’re working with a theory that she and Rachel killed Nina and Tyler because they’re the worst (Nina and Tyler, not Audrey and Rachel), and then Audrey killed Rachel (after making out with her face on camera) to make sure she didn’t dime Audrey out. One small problem is that there’s this video of Audrey raging out and threatening to murder Nina and chop her into tiny pieces and feed her to some ducks or something. So Audrey calls her pre-girlfriend, Emma, and asks her to please break into her house and find the SD card from the night Nina died and smash it with a hammer.
Emma does this. Well, she breaks into the house. She does not smash the SD card. She watches it and then thinks about how it’s terrifying that A hasn’t called her since Audrey’s been in jail. But then she realizes she loves Emma like lesbians do and there’s no way all this evidence means anything this early in the season, so she gives Audrey and alibi and a hug and promises her everything’s going to be okay — until they probably also die.
Thursdays on USA at 9:00 p.m.

Batwoman? No, never heard of her. Why do you ask?
There’s only one more episode of Complications left before the season finale, and Gretchen has firmly taken root as my favorite new lesbian TV character of the summer. This week, her sister — Ingrid, the one from rehab — gets kicked out of rehab because she let a recovering buddy crash on her couch. Gretchen can’t be mad about it because Jed is strung out on her couch while she’s on the phone with her sister. Ingrid comes on over and agrees to take care of Jed and not take any of the pills Gretchen leaves behind, and she follows through on her promise. Sister stories. I love sister stories.
In her work life, Gretchen accompanies John to prison to talk to the gang leader who’s been keeping his thumb on John all season. On the way there, Gretchen opens up to John a little and explains that she grew up in the rougher part of town with some shitty foster parents, so that’s how come she knows you have to work outside the system sometimes to be a real hero, and also why she can’t stop saving everyone and everything.
Rookie Blue
Thursdays on ABC at 10:00 p.m.
Not much Gail to report on this week’s Rookie Blue, just normal police procedural stuff and no lesbianing.
Fridays on Syfy at 8:00 p.m.
Blarg, the queerness on this show has almost disappeared completely, and without it, Defiance just isn’t worth it anymore. Queerness was so woven into the fabric of the town in the first season it felt revolutionary watching it. Now it’s just another low budget sci-fi first-person shooter tie-in. Brainwashed Doc Yewll helped Kindzi beat up her dad and begin her own personal mission for global domination this week. It should have been awesome. It was just whatever.
I Am Cait
Sundays on E! at 8:00 p.m.

I wonder if Kanye would play in a roller derby league with me.
This show continues to blow my mind in the best way. This week’s episode picks up where last week’s left off, with Caitlyn talking to a group of trans women at the San Francisco Human Rights Campaign’s office. She is shocked and visibly shaken to hear stories about so much violence and discrimination perpetrated against these women. In an overwhelmed monologue, she cries and says she had no idea how much privilege she enjoyed. She also asked a producer to please help her get on Ellen to give a scholarship to one of the trans women she met, Blossom, who cannot get into nursing school because she’s trans.
She goes skating with her new friends and motorcycle-riding, where Candis Cayne teaches everyone the perfect hair flip. Over dinner, the women talk about who they’re attracted to. Caitlyn says she’s never been with a man, but is interested in it. She says she has bigger problems to worry about right now than an orgasm. Just a gentle reminder on E! that gender identity and sexuality are two separate things, NBD.
Last week, Jenny asked her if she’d gone swimming in her own bathing suit yet, and she said no. So this week, she decides to join her friends in the pool. She says she’s as nervous as she can be, but ultimately finds it very freeing.
Are you watching this yet? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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“This time tomorrow, we will finally know who A is on Pretty Little Liars and I can hardly concentrate on anything else.”
I was going to say “I’ll believe it when I see it,” but then I realized that’s not even true. Maybe I’ll believe if after the series finale airs. Maybe.
The Foster’s plumber:The L Word’s carpenter?
But really, how cute was that EmmAudrey hug on “Scream”?
And then Bex Taylor-Klaus tweeted this:

“And Audrey finally lets Emma touch her”
Man, I feel the exact same way about Defiance and it is breaking my heart! I love Jaime Murray, and her personal assistant, Julie Benz :P, so much and have been trying my best to keep up with this show, but it’s been really hard to stay focused. I find myself distracted by something else far too quickly and easily.
I have picked up a few new shows this summer though that have been great so far… Proof, Dark Matter, and Unreal. All very different but compelling so far in their own ways.
The Fosters’ writers are playing too many fucking games with me and I don’t like it. Their is no way they aren’t going to have one or both of them cheat. Every episode has been one big build-up to the inevitable.
It was bad. I was angry.
Just wait until last night’s Fosters. I was yelling and throwing things and just so. upset. Ugh.
i am so afraid to watch.
I just watched it. And now I am angry. I knew this was coming though. I hate heartbroken Stef face. That is the worst face in existence. How could you, Lena? I was rooting for you. We were all for you.
I was SO MAD that Stef had to hear about this from someone else
And Brallie, ugh. The worst.
I screamed, screamed, screamed at the TV during the Brallie debacle. OH GOD THE AGONY. I can’t unsee it.
I felt like I was watching abuse or something akin to it. I felt like I was watching something that was just THAT wrong. It was super upsetting.
I remember when The Fosters used to be my warm and fuzzy, happy place. I can’t even watch it anymore! The drama is just too intense. Before I gave up on it, I was having to pause it just to take breaks from my secondhand awkwardness.
Okay guys this is it! Final, no take backs, who is your guess for who Charles is? :D
I’m going to say Wren. He was in the very first episode when all this shit started!
Body or no body, I’m going with Wilden, also in the first ep ;)
anybody here watch masters of sex still? betty mentioned helen in passing today which gives me hope that they’re still together somehow.
I’m really surprised by how much I’m enjoying I Am Cait. I’ve been surprised and delighted that she and the show’s producers are allowing us to see the process of Cait being confronted about her privilege and sometimes saying the wrong things and appearing kind of naive about a lot of things. Caitlyn has been pretty great in her public statements thus far and it is interesting to watch her journey to getting to that place of empathy and understanding. Like, is she on the path from conservative Republican to feminist Democrat?