Ali Liebert, who smashed her way into your hearts as soft butch factory worker Betty McRae in Bomb Girls and licked your heart as a sexy waitress on Lost Girl, has gone and gotten herself her very own soft butch Gal Pal.
Yup, it’s true: yesterday on Instagram, Ali Liebert posted a photograph of herself and her “babe” Charlie (who identifies on instagram as a “tomcat // soft butch”) (Is tomcat a gender identity now? I hope so) enjoying the lovers’ holiday together in apparent bliss with the caption “DESERT HEARTS <3 spending valentines day out in joshua tree with my babe. happy valentines day ya cuties xxx”
The two ladies have been enjoying each other’s company for what appears to be “quite some time.”
Furthermore, Charlie recently woke up from a dream “about seal pups using queers as hosts to start an epic carnival which would attract world leaders that we would then assassinate,” which means she pretty much has life 100% figured out at this point.

‘Cause it was early morning and I was hungry
When Bomb Girls first debuted, Ali explicitly identified as straight and very much in love with her boyfriend but was also a fantastic ally and supporter of LGBT rights. Then, as it has with so many of us, her perception of her own sexuality has evolved over the years. In December of 2013, Ali Liebert spoke to NYC Castings about playing gay, and had this to say about being attracted to women:
When I’m attracted to someone, I’m attracted to them and yes, I’ve definitely been attracted to women in real life. Doing research is one of my favorite parts of the job as an actor and luckily there are so many resources to draw from – books, the internet, real people. Talking to lesbians who lived through the war, or have lived in homes or places that were homophobic was especially helpful as I was creating and understanding Betty’s point of view of the world.
This is clearly the moment we’ve all been waiting for ever since episode 103 of The L Word, in which Kit Porter announced that Andrea would be next on the karaoke mike singing Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “I Like Big Butts” and this adorable human stepped onto the stage:

Because it was late night and you were thirsty, obviously
Regardless of her personal adventures, Ali Liebert is quite the rising star these days! The Canadian actress appears in the new queer-friendly series Strange Empire, a Western about the Jamestown women who band together for survival after a fateful encounter on the Alberta-Montana border leaves all the men in their town murdered. She recently starred in the Hallmark movie I Do, I Do, I Do and did a three-episode turn on Paranormal Solutions, Inc. Last year she won a Reel Canadian Indie Award for her film Afterparty. She was also named one of the 15 Hottest Canadian Talents Under 35 by The Hollywood Reporter (along with lesbian favorite Shay Mitchell).

So, you’re sure? We can sign up for A-Camp together and request each other as cabin-mates?
Ali’s babe Charlie appears to be a photographer and also a #1 cutie. I hope their Valentine’s Day turned out as splendidly as it did in your fan fic!
OMG is this real? Am I awake right now?
If this is a dream I never want to wake up
Totally cured my Monday blues. <3
Oh, Canada!
*incoherent yelling* !!!!!!!!!
I can’t handle this omg its so damn cute
Okay but actually Betty made me feel things that I have never felt before and I know a lot of that is due to the amazing Bomb Girls writing but also a lot of it is because of Ali Liebert and the things she can do to my heart with the slightest change in facial expression and dear god I am getting emotional but this just makes me so, so happy and I don’t know what to do with myself.
GAWD this is adorable.
Squee! They’re so cute,too!!
But…but I thought Ali and I were a thing.
i’m so sorry
Her “babe” looks almost exactly like a girl I once had a crush on, which means Ali Liebert and I want to sleep with the same people, which means we could totally be in a poly relationship any day now. Flawless logic on my part, I’m sure you’ll agree.
I choose to believe that when Zoie Palmer kissed (and more) her in “Lost Girl”, she just couldn’t handle it.
Whoa. – the only thing my sleep deprived mind came up with.
All the yes.
Also, can we have a conversation about “tomcat” being a thing?
“Tom” was totally 1890s slang for lesbian, see Tipping the Velvet. So really it just needs a revival.
It’s also an identity claimed in certain (South-East) Asian countries, so not really a revival if it’s currently being used in different cultures.
yasss. I have been binge watching bomb girls for a week because of sick days and gross weather. What a time to be alive. But those Instagram links don’t work and I’m wondering if they were taken down?
I stopped watching Bomb Girls because Betty’s story gave me too many feelings!!!! Will resume in time.
Skip the film. Trust me on this one. Skip the film and make up your own ending!
Usually Canada does not make sense to me (long story). In these beautiful moments of queerness, Canada makes sense like wearing a coat when one is cold.
Thank you Ali Liebert for making Canada make sense to me.
Also, I am identifying as a “tomcat femme” from this day on.
we need t-shirts i think
Impromptu customer review of AS products:
Yes and in a medium please, thanks, you’re the best!
Does that mean the “young ones” may be referred to as Tomkittens, then?
Okay, I think I’m gonna need to hear this long story.
omg. soooo jealous!!!
OMG I love this so much!
OMG dying!!!
guuyys it’s snowing a lot so I got drunk on the roof and then I remembered that I had an online math quiz due at midnight so I did it while intoxicated and got 54% and I was bummed about that because even though I suck at math I know that 54 is not very good. but moral of the story I remembered about Betty McBae and everything is grand so THANKS FOR BREAKING THIS IMPORTANT NEWS LOVE YOU i’ll stop yelling now. good night <3
Last night I decided to start watchingBomb Girls instead of studying, so this is highly relevant to me right now!
On a related note, 95% of my television watching comes from “I wanna be able to read the autostraddle recaps”
YES. This great news may call for a Bomb Girls rewatch.
Or for one to start watching “Strange Empire”.
“Because it was late night and you were thirsty, obviously”
Well played Riese. Well played.
What is this, in the olden days TV shows made the viewers gay. Now they make the writers and the actors gay. Soon they will make the TVs gay and we will all be living in a connected society called the internet of gay things.
I knew it. I had faith and the universe has rewarded me yet again. My gaydar stays on point, kids. Also, everyone should watch Strange Empire. I just watched 10 episodes in two days. I have three more to go. Great series so far. I am already obsessed with the Rebecca/Morgan relationship.
Hmmm, what does your gaydar say about Jessica Capshaw or Sara Ramirez?
OMG I KNEW IT! I KNEW my gaydar wouldn’t steer me wrong!
It also looks like they had a prettttty sexxxxxy christmas.