Bi Trivia Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Bisexual Women On Television?

How well do you know your bisexual television characters? There is only one way to find out, and it’s right here right now. There’s no other way, I’m sorry this is it. You better take this quiz!!!! Also you should read Celebrate Bisexuality Day 2018: Why We Love Being Bisexual and So Can You. That’s unrelated to the quiz, it’s just a general life tip.

Bisexual TV History

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3303 articles for us.


    • That one was v tricky! It could have described so many seemingly duplicitous but actually wonderful & heroic female bisexual Severus Snapes (which should be a category of person now, thank you).

  1. I got a 70%. I am actually really proud of myself and my ability to read context cues, because I have only watched Orphan Black and Supergirl.

  2. 80%! Not bad considering I didn’t get to watch TV when I was a kid. The benefits of being a Autostraddle reader obviously. :D

  3. 85!

    I missed the soap one cause I don’t know about soaps and another one I forgot and then I mixed up piper and Alex cause I erased that show from my memory after they killed Poussey ?

  4. Good job!
    Quiz Grade: D
    Score: 12
    Percentage: 60%

    Some of the ones that I missed, I really shouldn’t have missed.

  5. Good job!
    Quiz Grade: D
    Score: 12
    Percentage: 60%

    Pretty damn pleased with myself considering that I guessed on most of them – I knew 2 or 3 for sure. But I absolutely got the LA Law one – that story line made a big impression on baby-bi me watching LA Law in my dorm tv lounge.

  6. Lol I got a C (70%). But it was very enjoyable (and informative, and occasionally salty), so I’m still happy!

  7. My score was:
    Quiz Grade: D
    Score: 13
    Percentage: 65%

    I gotta say as someone who hasn’t seen very many of the shows listed I didn’t do that bad.

  8. I got an 85/B which might have set my perfectionist brain ablaze except it’s obviously B for Bisexual soooo it’s all good!

    Also I should have remembered that the QAF Mel/Lindsay/Brian triangle was never consumated on screen

  9. I got a D grade.

    Also, I was once challenged by a lesbian at an LGBT networking event for not being queer enough (I know). We were both drunk so I allowed her to subject me to a verbal quiz (I know). I half-jokingly passed all her tests.

    Her last question was “favourite L Word character?”

    Now, I’ve never watched the L Word, but I knew from the grapevine that Alice was the bisexual character, so I trotted out “Alice, of course.”

    She gave me a weird look, but I still left the conversation pleased with myself for proving my gayness.

    And now honestly I feel betrayed by Alice.

    And still pissed off at that lesbian.

    Great quiz though!

  10. Wow. I definitely don’t watch as much TV as you AS folks do. The only ones I really knew about were Rosa from B99 and even though I watched ALL OF TRUE BLOOD (god help me) I couldn’t remember some of the characters so I got that one wrong.

  11. i got 1 wrong, because i don’t know anything about soap operas #crushedit

    the alex question is my favorite though for sure. i’m glad that even the overwhelmingly hetero people who write most tv shows recognize that alex is a gay name

  12. I got an E … Good excuse to watch more TV, I need to know more bi characters obviously.

    But I have to say I got confused by question 14 because the love triangle in You, Me, Her is between Emma/Izzy/Jack, not Greg ! Greg is the name of the actor playing Jack

  13. i always took what Alice said as a joke? like i always make ironic biphobic jokes cuz im allowed, so i thought she was too?

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