I’ll be honest with you! I recognize that the intros to our ‘lil twice-a-week time together haven’t been their best lately! But I promise that as soon as we get past Thanksgiving, I will re-double my efforts!
Until then, may your water be cool and refreshing, may you remember to spend some time away from your screen, and may we all make it to Saturday in one piece.
And here’s a few readings, smart and fun both, to help with that last part!
Queer as in F*ck You
May I please present to you, a love story.
sigh. i did everything i was supposed to, and still can't seem to get an ivy park order to go through. bummer. i know this is a non problem
— roxane gay (@rgay) October 29, 2020
And then…
The new ivy park which I found on a bootleg website because I’m washed, well, it absolutely slaps.
— roxane gay (@rgay) November 5, 2020
Guys. I’m not even going to open it. I am just going to stare at it and marvel at the power of Beyoncé. pic.twitter.com/QkMYFzy9es
— roxane gay (@rgay) November 19, 2020
And, in Epilogue: None of us may love Beyoncé as much as Roxane Gay loves Beyoné, but no one loves Roxane Gay as much as her wife Debbie Millman
Look how happy you look!
Thank you for your generosity and style @Beyonce!
— debbie millman (@debbiemillman) November 19, 2020
With that little serotonin boost out of the way, here’s some other supremely excellent gay ass news:
Cara Delevingne Is Now Co-Owner of a Sex Technology Brand. We can say it, this feels right.
‘A Story That Hadn’t Been Told’: Inside a Groundbreaking Trans Surgery Center. In a moving new documentary Born to Be, the work of pioneering surgeon Dr. Jess Ting and the lives of his patients are brought to the screen with sensitivity.
How Much Bisexual Energy Do You Radiate? (It’s Thursday night, have a little fun quiz!)
Saw This, Thought of You
What if Instead of Calling People Out, We Called Them In?
Our Healthcare System Is Completely Unprepared for Long COVID. Am I going to use this opportunity to once again plug the absolutely perfect essay The Soft Butch That Couldn’t (Or: I Got COVID-19 in March and Never Got Better) that I still think of all time, to this very day? Yes, I sure am.
Want To Defund The Police? Start On Campus
Whitewashing the Great Depression. How the preeminent photographic record of the period excluded people of color from the nation’s self-image.
Let’s Talk About That Reconciliation During The “Fresh Prince Reunion Special”
We Need To Know Who The “Ethereal Bisexual” Woman Was In Barack Obama’s Memoir
This brings me to one of my favorite jokes of the week!
— whembley (@whembleysewell) November 18, 2020
Zillow Surfing Is the Escape We All Need Right Now. After nearly a decade away, I spent no less than four hours last week plotting my return to New York City.
Political Snacks
The People Who Lie to Family and Friends About Whom They Voted For.
Stacey Abrams On Finishing the Job In Georgia. I know you’re tired of me talking about it, I know it, but seriously y’all — 52 Days Left!!
And Also.Also.Also, this feature ^^ is legitimately great. Read it.
So it turns out that Barack Obama and I have more in common than I thought – I too had a crush on an ethereal bisexual in college.
But it’s such a weird way to describe someone – I wouldn’t refer to her as that in my (completely hypothetical) memoir.
The ethereal bisexual I had a crush on in college (we are friends now) has explicitly requested she only be referred to as such henceforth so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
100% bisexual, I knew it. *weird sitting on sofa intensifies*
I got 0% bi energy which is annoying since I am actually bi – 100% bi and 100% scornful of buzzfeed quizzes.
When I first read this comment I thought you were referring to picking up 100% bisexual vibes from our boy Barack…and THAT was fun to think about :)
The laugh I got from this has made up for my eyerolling at Buzzfeed who informed me I am merely an “honorary bi” at 80%. What. Ever. I’m gonna go do something ethereal while sitting sideways in a chair.
i got 0%??? am considering taking legal action against buzzfeed
I’ve never seen Roxanne Gay smile with such pure joy and it makes me so happy this bright fall morning