feature image via Susan Watts/NY Daily News
Welcome to Be The Change, a series on grassroots activism, community organizing, and the fundamentals of fighting for justice. Primarily instructional and sometimes theoretical, this series creates space to share tips, learn skills, and discuss “walking the walk” as intersectional queer feminists.
In the hours and days after Election Night, many of us turned to social media to find and support each other and to process our grief. Almost immediately, I began seeing people declaring that this is the time to organize and fight back. Absolutely, yes. It’s vital to our collective survival that we grow our movements to fight back against a Trump/Pence presidency.
However, I, like many, was in a dark post-election trauma fog. I was cycling between rage, depression, anxiety, and helplessness. Saturday was the first day I didn’t cry first thing upon waking up. I’m still a mess overall, but today, I’m ready to think about fighting back and organizing for change. Wednesday, I wasn’t there yet.
Many folks at the intersections of identities and communities who are under attack in the new and terrifying Trump-era are still trying just to breathe and to, quite literally, live. Many were already dealing with harassment and bigotry and fear and the ramifications of this election are further impacting everyday safety and survival. It’s OK to not be ready to organize or to not want to do so at all. As Audre Lorde famously said, “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”

via lowendtheory
If you are ready to mobilize and take action today, please do it! We need your words, dollars, support, ideas, brains, bodies, and time! If you’re not ready today, this information is here when and if you need it. Do what feels good and right to you. Maybe that’s going to a rally or taking a leadership role in your community. Maybe making a donation or connecting via social media is more your thing. There are lots of ways to engage in activist work, both in person and from your home, and we need every one of you.
Take care of yourself and your communities first and foremost, OK? I love and support you!
Welcome to Be the Change. We’re kicking off this series on grassroots activism and organizing today, though it’s been months in the making. It feels especially relevant in this nightmarish political and cultural shitshow that is the U.S. preparing to survive a Trump regime. I was originally going to write the first post about how to become a community organizer and different types of organizing, but it feels more important to start a discussion about what we can do as activists, right now in this moment, in the wake of the apocalypse/election.
Firstly, in addition to your local anti-Trump protests and rallies, make your plans for the Trump inauguration protest in D.C. on January 21st, the Women’s March on Washington. In the meantime, here are some things you can do this week.
1. Volunteer Where You Live

Clinic escort volunteers at a Planned Parenthood health center (via PlannedParenthood.tumblr.com
Whatever issue is most important to you, now is the time to volunteer your time and talent, to find a way to show up for the causes you care most about. Whether it’s volunteering at a food bank or as a clinic escort or with your local youth group or with a crisis hotline, every bit of good we put out into the world right now helps.
Some Places to Start:
- Planned Parenthood: Become a clinic escort at your local Planned Parenthood affiliate or sign up for the Planned Parenthood Action Fund here.
- Helpers Initiative: Sign up for the Helpers Initiative to be matched with someone who needs support, launched by Straddler and queer film director, Keely Weiss.
- Volunteer Match: Find all sorts of volunteer opportunities with nonprofits in your area. Or really just call up the local organization of your choice and see if there are opportunities to get involved.
- Help Elect a Local Candidate: Call your local party headquarters and see how you can help. Local elections in 2017 won’t be as glamorous, but they’ll have a huge impact on your community. Sign up to help out with phonebanking, canvassing, and getting out the vote next year.
2. Donate Funds or Time
If you have the spare funds, money is always scarce for grassroots movements and organizations. If you’re an ally to a group, often the best and most impactful thing you can do is help fund the work that directly impacted people are doing in their own communities. Even $1 helps and you can feel good about putting your money where your mouth is. If you don’t have the funds, donating things like rides, professional services, etc. can also be helpful.
Some Places to Start:
- Help a Trans Person: Donate to help a trans person who may not be able to access proper ID documents, medical care, or medicine after January 20th. Gifts of financial or non-financial support, as well as support from licensed health professionals accepted.
- Trans Lifeline: Give to Trans Lifeline, whose lines are being overwhelmed right now. They could really use your support!
- Subscribe to Your Rights: Ali dedicated last week’s Queer Your Tech to an excellent list of orgs accepting recurring monthly donations.
- Donate to a Nonprofit or Activist Group: There are a couple lists of organizations and groups you can donate to or contact at the end of this post.
3. Share and RT for Justice

via: Bloomicon / Shutterstock
Amplify the voices of individuals and activist organizations by following them on social media and sharing their campaigns, stories, and work. It may not seem like much, but social media is a powerful tool for organizing. Case in point, the Trump campaign used Twitter to recruit and rally the grossest corner of the white supremacist internet. However, social media can be used for good, too. #BlackLivesMatter became a national movement with a hashtag. Join in tweet-ups and social media campaigns. If engaging as an ally, RT and spread the work of folks doing the work.
Some Places to Start:
- #MomentofTruth: Hollaback! launched the #momentoftruth campaign to collect and share stories from people who are witnessing a rise in hate in their own lives in the wake of this election. Share, read, RT, amplify.
- #WeWontGoBack: Join Planned Parenthood in sending the message “that you reject hate and refuse to let the next president roll back the rights we’ve fought so hard to secure.”
- #NotMyPresident: Follow and RT protests around the world under the #NotMyPresident hashtag. Join in person if you can and virtually if you can’t.
4. Create Space for Community Care

via Shutterstock
Whether online or IRL, check in with your friends, especially those likely to be targeted with violence and harassment. Self-care is important, but it’s also hard to do when you feel isolated and alone. Call your friends. Invite them over for a movie night. Host a potluck or brunch. Go to the movies. Send them texts and messages that you have their back. Learn about issues others in your community may face. Be a resource. Hug each other, virtually if necessary and IRL if possible. Share information. Send love notes.
Some Places to Start:
- Wear a Safety Pin: Some people are wearing a safety pin to show you’re in solidarity with Muslims, immigrants, POC, and all those exposed to violence after the election. Remember that a safety pin on its own can’t keep people safe; think about ways to demonstrate concrete solidarity and stand up for people in tense or uncomfortable moments as well.
- Learn About Bystander Intervention:Start with How You Can Intervene When Witnessing Racist Assaults
by United Against Racism and What to Do If You Are Witnessing Islamophobic Harassment by maeril.tumblr.com - Oh Shit Guide: This is a living document with info on reproductive health, healthcare, housing, food access, safety, legal issues, etc. Share it and read it.
- Concrete Suggestions in Preparation for January 2017’s change in American Government: The is a living document with loads of info about LGBT issues, immigration issues, disability issues, civil rights issues, and criminal justice issues that are cause for concern under Trump’s leadership, and ways to support as an ally (in English and Spanish). Read and share.
- OH CRAP! WHAT NOW? SURVIVAL GUIDE: Another collaborative guide to health, digital security, money, food access, legal issues, self-defense, and other important matters of survival a.k.a. “Planning for a Trump Administration When You’re Not A Straight Rich White Dude”. Check out the TL:DR Things to Do Now Checklist.
- Create a Local Resource List/Network: Share and/or create a list of resources in your community for healthcare, legal aid, food access, LGBT issues, nonprofits, activist groups, etc. Create a local network for people to offer and find local support like rides, food, a couch to crash on, etc. from each other. It can be as simple as a secret Facebook group or a shareable Google Doc.
5. Educate Yourself

via Shutterstock
Spend meaningful time learning about intersectional social justice issues and histories. The internet and the library are treasure troves of self-learning.
Some Places to Start:
- Colorlines: Race, culture, and organizing
- Black Girl Dangerous: Amplifying the voices of queer & trans people of color
- The Root: Black news, opinions, politics and culture
- Annie Lainey’s Queer & Disabled Series
- The Queer Muslim Project
- The Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project
More Resources, Orgs to Support, Places to Make Change or Give Change:
- Ways to Organize for Activists by ShiShi Rose
- What Can I Give? What Do I Need? by Solidarity Houston
- The Official #GrabYourWallet Boycott List of Companies that Do Business with and/or Back the Trump Family
- Support black-owned businesses by shopping via Support Black Owned (SBO), a “free Black and African American owned business directory and blog filled with thousands of Black, Moorish, and African American owned businesses and members spread all over the world.”
- Surveillance Self-Defense for Activists and Protestors from the Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Stand with Standing Rock by making a donation to the Legal Fund for Defenders.
- A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support by Jezebel
- National & International Orgs to Join & Donate to if yr Scared (created and shared by a Straddler)
National Groups with Local Actions and Chapters
See if there’s a local group you can join or volunteer for:
- American Civil Liberties Union
- Black Lives Matter
- Planned Parenthood Action Fund
- Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURG)
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Have other resources, ideas, or feedback? Share them in the comments and I’ll update this list as appropriate. Also, tell me what you’re doing, what you can commit to today or in the future, to support your communities and stand up to Trump.
Thank you for the wide range of ideas in this piece. I’m not ready to go out and protest yet. I’m still struggling with staying positive and functional. But I can (and have) set up recurring donations. And I can amplify voices and join the conversations online. I hope that eventually I will be able to do more, but I appreciate the support here that for some that’s all we can manage right now. ?
Sending love and thanks for all you are doing!
Kaelyn this is an extraordinary list of things to do and to get it all up in the midst of this apocalyptic time is just to be congratulated. I’ve just read through the The Oh Shit List and I was shocked at the things you now have to think about and I have to say that I am grateful to live in Australia where we do have mostly free health care and a winter where it doesn’t snow everywhere. Whatever the mainstream media is saying we are with you. We may look laid back and nonchalant, surfing and faffing about, but when our friends are getting squashed, “when push comes to shove”, we get up off our arses and fight! Do what you can to get out to Australia for March 2017 – our pride month and the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, maybe it’s time for us all to donate to bank roll an international A Camp!!!!!
Please buy me a ticket to Sydney so I can make it to Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras. Please and thank you.
Also, thank you for standing in solidarity with us in the U.S.
Thanks for the list, KaeLyn. I have been keeping a close eye on social media and between that and talking with friends on a more personal level I am starting to come out of the shock. Still scared and as I see postings about the growing Anti-Semitism and painting of anti-semitic words on local campuses my fear increases. I am Jewish and have lived with words like”Kike” and “dirty Jew” leveled at me since a young age. It does not become easier to accept though. Your constant encouragement and to watch you come through is inspiring. I like the “wear a Safety Pin” and will start to do that today. Although not ready to be “out there” you have given me a starting point of things I can do from home and will be following up on them. Thanks again.
<3 to you, Sheila!
This is an amazing list, thank you! A question for anyone: I’ve seen the suggestion floating around that anyone who has the means should stock up on hormones, birth control, and Plan B and then donate them. This sounds like a great idea — do you know of any organizations that would accept these types of donations?
Would it be legal/wise for an organization to accept donations of prescription medicines from random strangers? I think it’s a nice idea, but you’re right to check into who might accept this as a donation. Donating $$ might be the better option.
Yeah, I don’t think any nonprofit could ethically collect donations of prescription medication. However, as an individual, you could certainly get extra for your friends or start a local effort to connect people with medication. Plan B has a very long shelf life, so you could at least stock up on that in your personal medicine cabinet since you can get it without a prescription.
At the end of the day, $$ is probably going to be what is most helpful, unless you know someone in particular who needs to be hooked up.
Thank you!
I would add, be active with your local democratic party! All the volunteering in the world can’t make up for turning out voters on election day.
I didn’t specify a party, but I definitely double-down on the recommendation to get involved in local elections. Next year matters a lot and 2018 is SUPER IMPORTANT. We’ve got to take back the Senate!
Basically a few things I’ve tried to throw out to the FB universe since Wednesday:
Trans Relief Project- We will Pay Legal Fees for Transgender Individuals- if you are trans & are in need of monetary help with name changes, birth certificates, updating passports/ IDs, please visit transrelief.com
These middle school kids are the biggest thing that’s given me hope: https://www.facebook.com/PauGonzalez/videos/vb.599517822/10153950705892823/?type=2&theater
The Oh Crap What Now? Survival Guide
Thanks so much for these!
I was going to add the Trans Relief Project, but it looks like they were overwhelmed with donations and support and are currently looking for a 501c3 nonprofit organization to partner with. I’ll add them when they get their donation site back up.
I added the Oh Crap guide.
I’m hearing lots of reports of ramped up bullying in schools, but I’m also seeing a lot of love from the youngest generation. I’m scared for their future, but they give me hope for the future.
Thank you KaeLyn! And Autostraddle, for being a crucial source of hope and inspiration. <3
I look forward to checking out the links here, but also wanted to Ask The Audience:
1) List of businesses to boycott that support Donald?
2) List of businesses to support? I've been hearing that 90% of African Americans voted Hillary, so the suggestion to switch to companies owned and operated by African Americans for my weekly staples like toiletries etc. is a great place to start.
3) Independent journalism? Great start up there with BGD and others. I'm interested also in hearing from conservatives that didn't vote for Donald, which is a viewpoint I don't get in my current news sources. It's important to understand more broadly and get out of my liberal socialist bubble now more than ever.
If there are links or apps for any of these, I'd be grateful to hear of them. Thank you Straddleverse.
I saw this tweet with a link to companies that do business with or supported Trump. Might be a good place to start re #1
Thank you!
For my fellow Arizonans, here are two excellent groups with very informed and inspiring leadership for community involvement:
Transcend Arizona: https://www.facebook.com/transcendarizona/
Legal and community assistance with immigration from refugees, esp. LGBT. You can donate, volunteer, be a pen pal, or visit in person at the Eloy detention center.
The Restoration Project: https://www.facebook.com/RestorationProjectPhoenix/
Similar as above but focused on all detainees. Lots of opportunity for volunteering, networking, hosting, pen pals, etc.
Shout out to the Phoenix Restoration Project from an Alitas Program volunteer in Tucson! Thanks for all the work you do in the Phoenix area :)
I loved your post down-thread! I really feel that refugees are among the groups most vulnerable to the regime change, and it was heartening to learn about the Alitas program in Tuscon doing such great work. Thank you Maggie! I only volunteered once with the Restoration project but I’ve been really impressed with what they’re doing since following them on fb. I will add and advertise Alitas as well.
Thank you! I’ll be sure to signal boost the Restoration Project as well. I didn’t know they had a Facebook page until today!
Hugs to everyone.
Thank you for these practical suggestions. I’ve been heartened somewhat by the widespread and intense outcry against the election results,even among people I didn’t realize cared that much (i.e. not here at Autostraddle, but other people and places who I thought would shrug it off and not be taking to the streets).
On the other hand, my brother volunteered as a Planned Parenthood escort in the 1980s and when “Operation Rescue” was blockading clinics and encouraging the murder of doctors who served them. It’s ridiculous that we still need this kind of help 30+ years later.
We need to be a more proactive movement, and not keep allowing things to get this bad before we finally mobilize en masse and change things for the better in a way that lasts.
I really hope now is that time.
“I really hope that time is now.”
It’s a shame people didn’t care more BEFORE Nov 8th. This bigotry and hatred and violence was happening before Trump won the election. It’s just amplified ten-fold now and people who were privileged enough to not have to see it before are actually paying attention.
A very helpful list! I didn’t know about the escort thing, and I might look into it soon.
I don’t think you should boost the safety pin idea, though. There are stories of white supremacists taking it for themselves, providing a danger instead of safety. Any people that aren’t on twitter probably won’t know what it means, fortunately.
I agree the safety pin thing isn’t a failsafe. Be careful out there. It also definitely isn’t enough to wear one and say, “I did the thing!” for white, straight allies.
This is so helpful, thank you KaeLyn
Just wanted to say how much I appreciate this and how I now consider Autostraddle my number one news source for politics. Y’all are more vital than ever in this climate. This is one of the few places that never normalized Trump’s campaign and isn’t giving him the benefit of the doubt now (because really, why should we?). Will be looking at how to reallocate some of my entertainment subscriptions to civil rights groups in the coming days, but I will keep the AS subscription for sure.
I’d like to add The Root to recommended independent media coverage; a wide range of viewpoints from the African American community.
The only thing I can think of doing is actually try to prevent my friends from turning into racists themselves and trying really really hard to not fall into the hate speech they are.
I am going to send certain people some of these links to make them fucking stop.
Don’t forget to volunteer to help get some hateful graffiti off of property too.There has been a lot of vandalism on cars and houses. It is to the point I am thinking about taking off the Puerto Rican flags off of my wife’s car just so she isn’t a target. Sadly racists don’t know the difference between my wife’s legal automatic guaranteed american citizenship Puerto Rican heritage and my dirty border crossing Mexican heritage. I am just glad she passes for half black to avoid the stuff I have to hear now.
I am so pissed/sorry that you have to be worried about your wife’s safety. Thinking of you both.
Definitely holding your friends accountable is super important, if you have the emotional capacity to do it. I hope anti-racist white people will make the effort, too.
I volunteer with the Alitas Program in Tucson, AZ https://www.facebook.com/Alitasprogram/. We provide a variety of services for migrants who have been released by Customs and Border Protection on humanitarian parole. We help them get tickets to the bus station, offer temporary shelter, a place to shower and do laundry, and put together travel bags with food, diapers, and toiletries. Our families are very greatful for the services we provide, and our services are extremely necessary. We and other grassroots organizations are the only ones providing services for this population. Without us, a lot of women and little children would be traveling across a foreign country where they don’t speak the language without food, water, or other necessities. I say this not to pat ourselves on the back, but to highlight how necessary our services are and how much support we need. These are very vulnerable folks who are fleeing violence and grinding poverty, and all of them have had to pass through the very dehumanizing and traumatic detention centers before coming to us. Most of our families are from Mexico and Central America, but we do occasionally get travelers from Haiti, Brazil, and Romania.
If you’d like to make a donation or get involved, please send me a direct message. And be sure to “like” our Facebook page! I’ve been working on a Go Fund Me campaign to raise funds. Kaelyn, would you be willing to share it on AS once we’ve completed the campaign page?
*grateful, not greatful (ugh, I wish you could edit your responses on here!)
Send me the info. I’ll do what I can. Do you do work just in Arizona or nationally?
Also, thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting and volunteering for this organization.
“Do you do work just in Arizona or nationally?” Good question. The Arizona border is on the front lines of immigration for many nationalities. Just in the most recent posts, refugees from Cameroon and Haiti have been helped by these AZ agencies. So, these are good organizations for ppl outside of AZ to support, too, with donations, correspondence, and raising awareness on social media.
Thank you so much, Kaelyn! I’ll contact you as soon as we have our Go Fund Me Campaign available. The Alitas Program and the Phoenix Restoration Project are currently only working in Arizona.
Something that I’ve decided to do for myself/my gf in the wake of the election is finding a self-defense class to take. It’s something all women should do, and I think it will make us feel less powerless, if briefly. I’m also going to acquire a stun gun in advance of a road trip we’re taking (would prefer a Taser, but it’s too much right now).
Great article. I’ve been thinking of that Audre Lorde quote over the past few days, and am happy to see it featured here.
I’ve been thinking along these lines, too
I have also been thinking about a self-defense class. Unfortunately it’s really hard to find one in my little hometown whose (inevitably male) instructors align with my values and don’t creep me out.
I took a RAD (Rape Aggression Defense) class in college. It was genuinely helpful and geared towards fighting off harassment or violent attack (not just martial arts, generally).
I took the class from an amazing female officer at my college with a bunch of my feminist gal pals from the campus women’s center. I can’t guarantee all the instructors will be that cool, but the course is worth it if you can find one near you.
Thanks, I will look into R.A.D.
Carry a pen at all times. Pens can stab and apply really good pressure on pressure points. Use your elbows. If someone grabs you and you can still move your lower arms, you can make a fist and rub the top of the assailant’s hands with your knuckles really fucking hard and they will let go. Just be sure to be aware of your surroundings and have a safe trip.
Oh and join a wrestling team. It will build your strength and you will actually learn how to read body movements instead of memorizing techniques.
Also learn the laws about self defense so you are not charged with aggravated assault or worse. You could end up using deadly force that is not authorized.
You make a good point about looking into self-defense laws and I will do so. I doubt that I would ever actually need to use the stun gun – it would just be for my peace of mind and an abundance of caution. And were I ever in a situation, its value to me would be mainly as a deterrent – that scary electricity crackling noise they make sends a clear signal for people to leave you alone.
One thing that I am concerned about is that so many of us are using Facebook as a means to organize. It’s not lost on me that we’re posting a lot of public data about our politics and actions, and that Facebook doesn’t have a great track record when it comes to privacy rights and stuff. I’m tempted to leave FB entirely, but a lot of friends are still posting about protests and events on there and I don’t want to miss that information. Very mindful that we now have someone in the White House who could actually use Facebook information against us, and conflicted about how to proceed. Does anyone have any informed thoughts about this?
Yeah, as a civil liberties activist, FB is concerning to me, too. On the other hand, it’s great for organizing. I don’t have the answer.
The EFF has this guide: https://ssd.eff.org/en/playlist/activist-or-protester#protecting-yourself-social-networks
Thanks, Kaelyn, I’ll check it out.
Ali mentioned this one in her Recurring Electronic Donations roundup. It looks like it’s mainly for messages and calls, but it’s worth checking out:
I got a text this morning informing me that some friends are fearing actual deportation. Was asked if I ran the risk of being deported myself. (I have a green card but I am hating that I have to accept the possibility that this is our new normal). Then it dawned on me, how many people are having this very conversation across the US?
Can anyone share resources or know where I can look to see if there is a way to prevent is or anything? I feel so useless. I have no idea where to begin.
To be honest, the process of making sure you are not deported is hard. Some of my friends are going to school and are Dreamers, so they were on a path to legality that was very expensive. Then I have other friends who are not supposed to be here until a certain year so they can be legally able to use their visa to work again. I also have friends who lost all their proof of legality and have to wait for documents from the mexican government.
My mom was one of the people that lost her green card (permanent resident) and just needs a replacement but it is still difficult. From what my mom told me, she had to speak to the Mexican consulate in our area on what exactly to do. She submitted lots of paperwork and had to wait for an appointment with the consulate for 2 years!!! She got rid of ALL warrants and tickets to avoid any detainment. After she took care of that and was given the green light to proceed in obtaining a new card, she had to get finger printed and prove her identity with the mexican documents that took forever to get. Now she still has to wait for an interview to even be approved for a replacement card. SHE I HERE LEGALLY AND STILL HAS TO BE APPROVED TO HAVE A GREEN CARD?!!!!! UGHHH! And she supported Trump……
There is one option that is rarely explored and that is actually asking your representative in congress to grant legal status to a person. It is hard and usually only done under certain circumstances.
Thanks, Avawn. I’ve had my own struggles with immigration and the Mexican consulates both here in CA and in Mexico. It was a huge pain in the ass obtaining a copy of my birth certificate from the city I was born in. Such a nightmare just to get my passport renewed. Finally got my green card after 10 years and thousands of dollars. It’s not easy, it takes ages and it’s not cheap. I wish more people knew this.
Thanks again.
You could join the army………..
or marry a citizen that is an ally………..
Check out LULAC for more resources too. They have plenty for our people.
Thank you for this amazingly comprehensive list KaeLyn!! I’ve been donating and protesting but want to do more, and this roundup covers seemingly everything. I’m going to share this with as many people in my circles as possible.
Volunteering is really great. You get to meet new people and feel like you’re contributing to something larger than yourself, which, as a person who battles depression (but is doing OK right now!) is very helpful.
I started volunteering at my local LGBTQ youth space called The Q Spot last September. It’s been a really great experience for me, not only because I’m meeting queer people my age but also because I’m getting to know more about issues that I didn’t have a good understanding of before, like youth homelessness, especially queer homelessness. It was also wonderful to have that community to fall back on when PULSE happened. I’m not sure how I would have felt or been able to cope with that without that community.
I also volunteer at a local no kill cat sanctuary once a week, which is mostly for my mental health (CATS! SO FLUFFY!), but I’ve also met some great people there who are very anti-Trump and ready to fight his BS.
Thank you!!!!! So excited for this series!!! Community care has been my focus the last few days, I’m constantly checking in with people on a few day rotation. Giving and receiving love and support has been very helpful. But I am scared that should work on getting a gender updated passport and just not sure how
Check out the guides above. There’s some info on getting a passport.
Here’s more info from the National Center for Transgender Equality: http://www.transequality.org/know-your-rights/passports
This is from the newly-formed Trans Relief Project on passport stuff:
Super easy win: have a protest march on date and time of his inauguration in every state capitol. It would remind both state and federal legislators of our numbers and commitment, de-legitimize any claims to a “mandate” for his administration, and it’s a lot more accessible than a trip to DC for a lot of people. As a bonus, it would forever stain his big moment in the spotlight.
Do not [email protected]. Org dedicated globally to saving our planet. 350=amount of carbon dioxide when we reach our planet’s limit, C dioxide cannot escape, planet cannot reverse damage we humans have done.
According to this we need to start flooding our representatives with phone calls. Lets use those phones for change and not just texting.
It is vitally important that we all subscribe to our local newspapers to support fact-based journalism.
Also, if you have 5 dollars to give, consider giving one dollar each to five organizations you believe in and make a commitment to yourself to read their emails, stay engaged, and when they ask you for another dollar, give it if you can.
What about when your local newspaper is conservative, outdated and amateur?
Another option for white people who are interested in tackling racial justice issues, but don’t want to take away from PoC voices in PoC-led groups: http://www.showingupforracialjustice.org/
Along with educating yourself as a white person you need to be educating as much as possible those around you aka white family friends. Call tr*mp a white supremacist whenever you can. Make sure they understand their privilege. Show them POC voices through social media and writing. There is no time to lose.
Thanks Kaelyn for putting together this guide. I am definitely going to be looking into local volunteer opportunities.
Also, I will be taking all the money that would have been going toward Christmas gifts for my family (who almost all voted for Trump) and I will now be making donations to organizations in this article with that money instead.
Thank you immensely for this, this really helps with the helplessness I’ve been feeling lately.
How about volunteering your time so inner city people can get jobs. How about volunteering your time talking to children about the dangers of drugs including heroin and prescription pills.
How about volunteering your time to save the family farm. Volunteer your time so an old farming couple doesn’t have to give up the land to a greedy developer because their kids don’t want to farm anymore.
You seem to think that unemployment is particularly endemic to inner cities. Why is that? After all, don’t people in suburbs and rural areas need jobs as well? What exactly do you mean when you say “inner city people”?
Now, now, now. I am sure that the comment was well intended but just poorly worded. Unemployment varies from state to state and city to city within those states.The issue of unemployment relates to poverty which is a problem in cities, however, it could be seen as a bigger problem just due to having a higher concentrated population. Poverty is more complex and is based on economic structure, population, characteristics, societal institutions, and location. It is easier to attempt to fix fractions of the problem like the economic structure and that means facilitating job growth.
Rural and suburban areas do face a problem with unemployment but the economies are smaller and lack the resources of the inner city, mainly human capital. What the suburbs and rural areas do have are land and potential cost savings from lower taxes. This can push jobs to areas of high population areas, to low population areas and cause smaller cities to expand economically. The city, though, suffers in the process and increases the demand for jobs when the supply is no longer meeting that demand. Cities also have more jobs for educated workers and there is more competition for jobs. It can work the other way around too. There are small towns where the human capital just moves to the city and causes the small town to lose money or jobs require skills. It is a very complex issue. Unemployment is an important issue everywhere not just in the inner cities. It’s just inner cities do have more rampant poverty and the problems that come with it.
Also, how are you guys so awesome all the time? How to you always manage to have everything I need in one place?
Here are some other organizations in Tucson that provide assistance to migrants. Please check out their respective Facebook pages:
The Colibri Center for Human Rights: Organizaiton that works to end migrant deaths on the border and to help the families of deceased migrants. http://www.colibricenter.org
The Florence Immigration & Refugee Rights Project: Provides legal and social services to migrant detainees http://www.firrp.org
Mariposas Sin Fronteras: Provides solidarity to LGBTQ migrant detainees with visitations, letters, bond fundraising, case support, advocacy, and post-detention hospitality http://www.mariposassinfronteras.org
The Kino Border Initiative: Provides advocacy and outreach on both sides of the border in Nogales kinoborderinitiative.org
Humane Borders: Maintains water stations in remote areas of the desert for migrants. They have literally saved the lives of travelers who would’ve otherwise died of heat stroke and dehydration http://www.humaneborders.org
Is anyone else having trouble finding volunteer opportunities? I’ve looked up various progressive organizations (the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, an LGBT community center, and a transgender advocacy organization) near me and it seems like everything is for students or retired people — the organizations are only open or only want people to work during standard business hours, which I can’t because I have a full-time job during those hours. Either that or they want people who are, like, lawyers or licensed clinical social workers, which I am not.
And I totally get that! I know volunteers can be a lot of work to manage, sometimes more trouble than they’re worth, and it’s only natural that specialized skill sets would be in demand, and of course I realize that the purpose of, say, Planned Parenthood, is to provide health care to people who need it, not to provide volunteer opportunities to me. But…do I just give up on civic engagement until I retire in forty years? I’m not looking to do impressive things for my resume, I’m happy to just stuff envelopes or help clean up after an event or something. I always vote, including on things like rent stabilization board and superior court judge, and I’ve set up recurring monthly donations to nonprofits I care about, but I was really hoping to get out and do something in meatspace.
Contact them and ask! Tell them about your situation and they may be able to give you something to do. I was an intern with Center for Sex and Culture for a couple of months despite not being a student – I just emailed them and said I’d be in town, can I help, and they were all “sure!”.
Would anyone be interested in marches/occupations on Black Friday? Me and my friend who came up with the idea are still new at organizing and could use some help please. <3
Organisations to support if you are in the Bay Area:
Center for Sex and Culture – gallery, library, community space around gender, sexuality, and culture. Cornerstone of the sex-positivity moment and a very important space for LGBTQ people and sex workers in particular.
TGI Justice Project – support and advocacy for incarcerated trans and gender-diverse people.
St. James Infirmary – peer-run sex worker clinic
San Francisco Sex Information – referrals and information line about sexual health
SF LGBTQ Speakers Bureau – trains LGBTQ community members to go to schools and community centers to speak about personal life experiences & field questions
Bay Area Solidarity Summer – summer camp training for radical & progressive South Asian Americans ages 18-23
Trikone – South Asian LGBTQ support & community group
Yoni Ki Baat – annual theater production by, for, and about South Asian women. The website is for the San Francisco show but there are other productions across the US. Best way to support is to attend a show (if not being part of the show directly!).
DeqH – Helpline for South Asian LGBTQ people
Oh and another couple sorry mods:
Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California – culture and community events for Muslims (and sometimes allies), often has a lot of art-related programming
SOMArts – art gallery that curates & produces a lot of community-oriented work and has also developed creative partnerships with international arts & cultural organisations
The Lilith Fund is a really good group in Texas that helps fund abortions for women who can’t afford them: https://www.lilithfund.org/
*women and otherwise-identified people who get pregnant
Ironically, you are protesting against democracy which is the opposite of tyranny.
Ironically, you feel that you can make comments about democracy in this country when you don’t seem to realize that protesting is our constitutional right,and an important way of expressing our views between elections. (And by the way, if the US were a true democracy, everyone gets an equal say in who would be president.)
I know Ivanka is a Trump, but she grew up with a father who has very openly sexually objectified her for most of her life. Her dad hits on her constantly and she grew up with that being normal. I would consider that an abusive relationship, and I have really mixed feelings about antagonizing her because of her father’s actions.
Thank you so, so, so much for posting this list! The first few days after Tuesday, I had intense anxiety and anger and just a feeling of where the hell do I go now, what’s up? It’s still unreal, but as I’ve looked back out on the world, I’ve met a lot of people who feel the same way. Be the change, one day at a time.
I donated to Trans Lifeline because of this article, but then I saw a thing on Tumblr with lots of likes say it is a scam and/or really badly run with untrained volunteers.
They are a legitimate nonprofit, definitely. They are staffed with volunteers and are open about that on their website. I can’t speak to whether their services are good or not. They are the only hotline run by and for trans people. That’s all I know. If others have more info, please share.
Thank you for the info. As a Brit (living in the UK) I don’t know much about charities in the US. I suppose it might have been a hoax on tumblr, someone I trust reblogged it but they might not know if it is a hoax.
Hi fellow straddlers! Joining a community group has been one of the things helping to pull me out of the depths of wallowing in my fears and despair re: everyone’s collective future. My colleagues and I have started Activist 911, which is a google group to organize, collaborate, and support each other through the next four years. I’d love for any/all members of the Straddleverse to join us! Especially if you’re part of an intersectional group (groups?). Let’s organize, lets amplify each others’ voices, lets support each other!!
The link to join is: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/activist-911
Or, if you feel weird about clicking a link, you can email me at heatherblanchard at mac.com
Whatever you do, stay safe, stay connected, and know we’re all in this together.
hi all thx for help