Alice saunters into the theater with a new fit she has no right to look that good in, and the Mad Hatter completely fanboys out. Alice plays right into it and then asks him to stop what he’s doing. He starts to freak out and asks her if she thinks he’s crazy and she comforts him, so he tells the crowd to stop killing themselves and asks Alice for a hug. She agrees, quite literally stabs him in the back, and advises him never to meet his heroes. And y’all, Alice’s face when Mad Hatter calls her a monster. It is the face of someone who has heard that accusation so many times that she’s starting to believe it must be true.

“I want that hat though…”
With her mission complete, Alice tries to leave but is stopped by Luke and Ryan. Alice is confused because she did what they asked, and Ryan accuses her of assuming one good deed is enough to absolve her of her previous crimes. Alice calls bullshit and accuses Ryan of just wanting payback for Alice getting her to see that Ryan’s family might be as screwed up as the Kanes. Whew, chile.
Back at the loft, Mary gives her actual speech to an audience of her found family who looks on with pride and admiration. Mary acknowledges that while Mad Hatter’s methods could use some work, points were made. Ryan gives her own toast and Luke ducks out early to try and figure out what’s wrong with the suit. Ryan gives him the moniker Batwing and something tells me this nickname is gonna stick.

They’re so proud!!
Ryan and Soph head downstairs to The Hold Up to debrief about Ryan’s birth mom. Ry’s decided that she has the family she’s always wanted and doesn’t want to risk her birth mom not being the person Ryan needs her to be. She’s all set.

“With one look you’ll know..”

“All you need to know.”
Cut to a helicopter landing and MS. ROBIN GIVENS ABSOLUTELY SERVING AND MAKING MONEY MOVES IN THAT RED DRESS GO ‘HEAD MA’AM. Ahem. A member of her staff informs her that someone is looking into some very specific data about her. If y’all thought my all caps yelling was obnoxious before, just you wait, because this show really said “out with Jacob Kane and in with THE ICON, ROBIN GIVENS.”

She’s here.
Meanwhile, Luke finds a message from his dad in the Batwing helmet, and Mary opens a gift from Kate: her very own white coat.
Someone has set off the Batsignal and it’s none other than Renee Montoya. Batwoman joins her on the roof and demands to know how Montoya got the list of missing Batman trophies. Alice reveals herself as the culprit who provided the list in exchange for her freedom. Ryan tries to warn Montoya about teaming up with Alice, but Montoya brought these two together to use their strengths to find all of the items on the list. Montoya reveals she knows Batwoman’s identity and threatens to shut down their operation, so the three make a deal.

This photo is my sexuality. I don’t make the rules.
Whew! What a jam-packed premiere filled with everything that gives this show the heart we know and love. What did y’all think? Let me know in the comments!
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As Always Nic, EXCELLENT Recap and I CANNOT Wait To Go On Another Journey With You Because Last Season Was FUN!
I Enjoyed Your POV and Your Humor! I Think That This Was A Great Premiere Episode For S3, Literally Picking Up Where The Finale Left Us Hanging… And HUNGRY!
I Am A HUGE Poison Ivy Fan, Like I Cannot Wait For Her Greenery Touch Upon Gotham, Hopefully Moreso On Batwoman!
Loved The Article And Following You On Twitter As Well!
Thank the goddesses Batwoman is back! We got Montoya and Robin Givens introduced in the same dang episode?! We deserve nice things, and this show is certainly giving us queermos a lot of nice things.
P.S. Nic, I love your recaps almost as much as I love the show itself <3
P.P.S. I will be happily imagining that crossover game night idea for some time…
*shrieks abt Wildmoore*
Ahem. Yes, I am soooooooooooooo excited for Season 3!!!!!!!!!! This episode was jam-packed full of fanservice! I am super into this plot device to force Alice and Ryan to work together and WITH Renee Montoya!!!! Holyyyyyy shit this season could NOT have started on a better note!!!!
from your last picture caption, Nic, i would like to formally request that you make the rules, if you wouldn’t mind.
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The pure joy I felt today seeing a batwoman recap on Autostraddle!! So glad it’s back! I loved this episode. What a great start to the season!
ahhh, so glad batwoman is back. this show is so much fun and i’m really excited to see how the season plays out after this stellar opener. excellent recap and i hope we get more sophie moore heauxing scenes (on our journey to wildmoore ofc)
I’m so glad Batwoman is back! This episode set up so many things I’m interested in, but perhaps none more important and dear to me than Ryan trusting post-Crowphie Sophie with info that Ryan herself isn’t sure she ever wants to explore.
The WildMoore vibes are vibing and I would love to see them build into more, but I’m thrilled to see Sophie out in these streets having fun in the meantime. Truly beautiful that she quit the Crows and traded in state sanctioned violence for consensual roughness.
Also I would watch the hell out of a ladies game night between the Batwoman and Supergirl characters, but Iris West should be there too. Mainly I just love her, but also so Nia isn’t forced to either be a seventh wheel and so she doesn’t have to witness “that’s what friends are for” moments and gentle hand touches without having another knowing gaze to lock eyes with.
this episode was everything, and so was this recap. i too would not be upset to watch graphic detail of sophie’s ho phase while she and ryan softly trade secrets for like an entire season before wildmoore well and truly rises.
also can i just say…everyone appreciating mary…like she fuckin deserves…what a cupcake
oh. my. god! i had NO idea that was renee montoya from gotham!!
Love that this show is back and love that Nic is back with recaps! The bat crew’s treatment of Alice is still driving me crazy, though. I get Mary’s feelings. But Alice didn’t actually kill Ryan’s mom (or even seem to order it), and when the super villain is more reliably sticking to her word than the super heroes, there’s a problem. I was excited to see Montoya and that she busted Alice out.
Also, I could watch Sophie throw women up against walls all day. Swooning over here.