Feature Image via thinkprogress.org
After getting into a dispute with editors at DC Comics about several long-planned storylines for Batwoman, co-writers J.H. Williams III and W. Haden Blackman have decided to leave the comic after Issue 26. These two had been one of the best creative teams in the New 52 and many readers had been looking forward to where they were going to take the character next, especially regarding her relationship with her girlfriend, lesbian cop Maggie Sawyer. One of the main reasons they’re leaving, they say, is because they’ve been specifically “prohibited from ever showing Kate and Maggie actually getting married.”
Batwoman has consistently been one of the critically acclaimed, groundbreaking, and best written and drawn characters in the DC universe since she took over Detective Comics in 2009. When she got her own title with the launch of DC’s New 52 universe, Batwoman became the only lesbian to have her own title in either DC or Marvel comics. J.H. Williams III’s work writing and especially artwork in Batwoman and Detective Comics has won many awards, including two Eisners, an Inkwell, and two GLAAD awards in just the past three years. Recently, Williams stepped down from drawing interiors for the comic so that he can work on Neil Gaiman’s upcoming Sandman sequel, but has continued to draw covers and co-write the book. Despite all of the awards and praise from critics and the queer community, this isn’t the first time that Williams has had trouble with the editorial team while working on the title. Back in February, DC went with the very confusing decision to not publicize the fact that Batwoman was asking her girlfriend, Maggie Sawyer to marry her in Batwoman 17. This is despite the fact that Marvel saw huge sales after the enormous lead-up to their own superhero gay marriage back in 2012. Now, with their decision to prohibit not only Batwoman’s marriage, but also several other character developments, it seems like DC has gone too far.

W. Haden Blackman and J.H. Williams III
Williams and Blackman made a combined post on each of their websites explaining in detail why they decided to leave. They say they feel these new editorial decisions prevent them from doing their best work and being true to the character.
Unfortunately, in recent months, DC has asked us to alter or completely discard many long-standing storylines in ways that we feel compromise the character and the series. We were told to ditch plans for Killer Croc’s origins; forced to drastically alter the original ending of our current arc, which would have defined Batwoman’s heroic future in bold new ways; and, most crushingly, prohibited from ever showing Kate and Maggie actually getting married. All of these editorial decisions came at the last minute, and always after a year or more of planning and plotting on our end.
We’ve always understood that, as much as we love the character, Batwoman ultimately belongs to DC. However, the eleventh-hour nature of these changes left us frustrated and angry — because they prevent us from telling the best stories we can. So, after a lot of soul-searching, we’ve decided to leave the book after Issue 26.
Several websites are pointing out that rather than it being an issue of Batwoman being a lesbian, this could be indicative of DC not wanting any of its characters getting married, regardless of orientation. Most of the highest profile long-term relationships in the DC universe from Clark Kent and Lois Lane, to Barry Allen and Iris West have been very notably broken up with other couples not even existing in the new universe. When asked to clarify about the ban on Batwoman getting married, Williams said “not wanting to be inflammatory, only factual – we fought to get them engaged, but were told emphatically no marriage can result.” Clarifying further, he said that the issue “was never put to (us) as being anti-gay marriage.”
This isn’t the first time DC has alienated its writers and artists, and by extension its readers, since the launch of the New 52. Several creators, including Andy Diggle, Joshua Hale Fialkov and Rob Liefeld (although this last one isn’t so much of a tragedy) have all left DC recently after disputes with the editorial team. Additionally, Gail Simone, DC’s most popular female writer was fired off of Batgirl only to be re-hired after a huge outcry from fans. DC hasn’t fully explained why it keeps on pushing its writers and artists away . So far their only response to Williams and Blackman quitting has been to say that “as acknowledged by the creators involved, the editorial differences with the writers of BATWOMAN had nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the character.”

via comics66.com
Even though it looks like this isn’t a case of specifically anti-lesbian bias, it still has several consequences for queer comic book fans. First of all, we lose out on the opportunity to see a lesbian wedding in a high-profile comic. While there have been some very notable gay weddings in comics lately (Northstar in Astonishing X-Men #51 and Kevin Keller in the Archie Comics), there haven’t really been any lesbian weddings of the same caliber. Visibility matters, and while it’s nice seeing queer male characters getting married, it would be extremely refreshing to see queer women having the same opportunity. Furthermore, this level of editorial meddling has left Batwoman without one of the most well-respected creators in comics. J.H. Williams III’s work on Batwoman, and especially his art, has hugely shaped the character into the queer and comic book icon that she is rapidly becoming. Her character design and the art in her books are unlike any other in the DC universe, and we have Williams to thank for that. With Williams and Blackman, Batwoman was in great hands. They knew how to tell great stories with her and despite being less than ten years old, she was becoming one of the most popular women in the DC universe.
By meddling too much with the creators, DC has prevented Williams and Blackman from doing what they do best. Not only that, but they have denied readers the chance to see the development of a high-profile queer superhero written by those, who have so far, been writing her the best. Surely they must have been aware that no matter what their motivation, banning one of comic’s most beloved queer characters from getting married was going to cause a lot of controversy. DC was already treading on thin ice with their queer readers, from their benching of queer characters like Scandal Savage, Catman and Renee Montoya, to the debacle that was their hiring of noted homophobe Orson Scott Card to write Superman, and this news will certainly not help. But by stifling their writers and artists like this, they are hurting their relationship with all of their readers, not just the queer ones who look to Batwoman as a hero and a role model. It’s sad to see Williams and Blackman go, but hopefully the controversy it causes will wake DC up and get them to start making some serious changes with how they treat their writers, artists and characters.
After being a long time fan of the batfamily I stopped buying DC Comics after the Harley Quinn reveal in Batman Beyond. This, along with the new “talent search” has reassured me that my decision was the right one.
trigger warning for suicide in this link
You’ve got to be kidding me. What kind of story are they even trying to write with that?
Maybe they’re trying to only hire douchebags to replace the amazing artists that we’re losing.
God, and this was the upcoming title I was most excited for. I know context is everything but oh my goddd.
I have always been a diehard batgirl. Marvel may be where most of my loyalty resides, but the whole Batfamily and their respective villains and allies have always been among my favorites so this really upsets me. It’s not just the queer marriage thing, it’s the way the writers and illustrators get treated by DC. They are the talent, and they are creating something amazing and groundbreaking and yet they are treated badly and forced to change to make their product more “traditional” or “palatable” and it really makes me sad.
This has a lot less to do with DC axing a good end storyline for a homosexual character and a lot more to do with editorial meddling at DC preventing any meaningful progression for any of their characters.
The New 52, while prime fodder for people who have trouble appreciating the beautiful world of alternative comics, is utter garbage. They’re selling and making gobs of cash in the comics world rehashing characters that have been fixations in the comic world, which is fine, but not interesting. Kind of a shame, when talented writers could instead be experimenting with new stories, as these guys seemed to have at least tried to do.
In other words, I’m not remotely surprised, but good on these two writers for being so righteous. I hope to see them succeed elsewhere, other than the imploding world of DC/Vertigo.
I’m really enjoying the new 52 and I don’t have trouble appreciating alternative comics. don’t be a snob dude.
I think you’re a rare breed then, but fair enough.
I dunno, I like some of the New 52. I loved Batwoman. And what do you mean by alternative? I read some of Dark Horse’s titles and I’m halfway through The Sandman, as well as others.
but, ugh, this makes me so mad. things like these remind me why I have such a love/hate relationship with the comics world. I’ve never been really into DC (more of a darkhorse girl) but I was seriously considering putting some time and money into getting into the Batgirl series, but after this, probably won’t bother buying the comics. DC YOU JUST LOST A POTENTIAL CUSTOMER, CONGRATS!
I love all things Batfamily but I’ve been a little behind on my Batwoman issues. I will probably buy up until #26 then it’s a matter of seeing who they get to write issues after that. Gail Simone would be ideal. The wedding thing I might be able to get over but if they de-gay Batwoman after this in any way then I will stop buying DC comics. And I mean that.
I think you all know how I feel about all of this… :'(
Unless they fix this and get JHW III back I’m done reading after 26. There’s no way you could trust that she’d be handled well ever again.
DC’s made a loooooot of bad decisions lately. They had to have an off-site with their writers back in March, and getting rid of “toxic” characters really hasn’t done them any favors. Plus, the creative roster looks kind of like a revolving door. Dan Didio’s response was… um. Not so good:
Whiiiiiiich is why I’m mostly getting Marvel stuff right now. Mighty Avengers is out next Wednesday (featuring Monica Rambeau, <333, and a majority-PoC cast) and the adjectiveless X-Men continues to be amazing.
It’s so ridiculous you might even say it was… comical. (Heh heh heh).
When are those cowards in suits going to learn? By trying not to offend the comic’s readership the end up doing exactly just that. Talk about clueless.
Dc comics just lost another reader. Batwoman was the one book I truly, whole heartedly loved from DC. But I guess they don’t want my money. Then I’ll just read Northwest Press’s awesome Bold Riley, Image comics Witchblade and Artifacts. But, it doesn’t make this hurt any less since Kate Kane is truly an inspiration.
JH won’t even be able to finish his run.:http://dcwomenkickingass.tumblr.com/post/60583393172/williams-and-blackman-off-batwoman-early-have-we-seen#disqus_thread