Baopu #101: Effortlessly High Expectations

In a five panel  comic drawing of Yao (an Asian person with red hair and a pointy black hat) using a green watering can to water a large lower with pink petals against a blue sky. Underneath the drawing it explains that Yao has to keep putting in effort (the water) for their expectation to come to fruition (the flower) as the flower keeps growing.

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Yao Xiao

Yao Xiao is a China-born illustrator based in New York City. Yao Xiao creates artwork depicting a poetic visual world where complex concepts and human emotions are examined, amplified, and given physical form. Her work has helped people all over the globe connect at unique moments, from the celebration of the 20 Year Anniversary of the SXSW Interactive Festival, to the grand release of pop singer Katy Perry's single 'Dark Horse.' She has created deeply emotional and beautiful graphics for editorial print publications, pop music record covers, concert posters and book covers. Yao Xiao's serialized comic Baopu currently runs monthly on Autostraddle. It is an original comic exploring the nuances in searching for identities, connections and friendships through the fictional life of a young, queer emigrant. Baopu stands for 'holding simplicity,' a Taoist ideal of wishing to return to a simpler state. Find her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Etsy or her website.

Yao has written 139 articles for us.


  1. I could swear I saw a Yao Xiao graphic story in the online version of The New Yorker just in the last week or so. I think it was a series of panels that contrasted N.Y.C and L.A. I thought I would read some notice of that work on these pages.

    If I do some quick Google work, I see she has a whole list of credits with them. I guess I just hadn’t made the connection before this month. I was thrilled for her but maybe it’s just ordinary by now to have her work part of The New Yorker. I still think it’s a neat thing…

  2. Yes, I believe that the closer I get to anything while driving, the higher my expectations will be for it. I appreciate you giving me your information. Your facial expression and diction are fantastic.

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