Autostraddle’s Ultimate Holigay Toolkit

Holigays 2019 Autostraddle

You’re in the thick of it! THE HOLIDAYS. Whether you’re jazzed or filled with dread (or both), we thought you’d appreciate this Ultimate Holigay Toolkit: a collection of our very best work that’s guaranteed to usher you safely and soundly into the coming new year. To say you’ve earned a stress-free, happiness-filled holigay season would be an understatement. You’ve earned the moon, but we can’t lasso it for you, so this assemblage of hand-selected Autostraddle content will have to do. We love you from the very bottom of our very hearts! You’re doing great!

Autostraddle’s Ultimate Holigay Toolkit

  1. You Might As Well Make Something Delicious and/or Cute!
  2. What to Wear When You Can’t Be Naked
  3. Traveling Hither and Yon Like a Pro
  4. How to Be Around Family and Live to Tell About It
  5. Isn’t It Great to Be Queer This Time of Year?
  6. The Bests Playlists for When You Need a Playlist
  7. Things to Read While You’re Hiding in the Upstairs Bathroom

You Might As Well Make Something Delicious and/or Cute!

Clementine Candles Light Up My Life

45 Festive Cookie Recipes to Kickstart Your Holiday Cheer

A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Gifts For Your Long-Distance Love

Epic Holigay Grab Bag: 100+ DIY Projects, Recipes, and Inspiration for the Season

I Reclaimed Christmas With DIY Gifting: Here’s 6 Ways You Can Too

How To Up Your Holigay Card Game

Make an Advent Calendar Using a Stick and Some Paper Sacks (and Other Things)

I Made Tamales With My Mom for Christmas; Here’s How You Can Too

Mom-Tested, Mom-Approved Holiday Crafts to Make with Kiddos

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7See entire article on one page

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auto has written 744 articles for us.


  1. Amazing. I’m glad AS has been around for long enough to generate enough top-quality holiday content for a master post like this one!

  2. Anyone else read the title and get their hopes up that this was going to be about a literal tool box and or power tools?

  3. There’s a snowglobe necklace on the 100 projects one! OMG it’s so cute! I feel like a 14-year old with how much I like it!

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