Autostraddle’s Giving Away a FREE Caribbean Cruise from Sweet Lesbian Travel

mayan-ruins-retIt’s an exciting day here on Autostraddle, as we’re officially announcing our Win a FREE Caribbean Cruise for 2 from SweetContest, in which you and a friend (or your hot girlfriend? or your Mom?) could join all the loving laughing licking lesbians on a 7-day cruise to Costa Maya, Mexico, Belize City, Belize, Cozumel, Mexico, and Roatan, Honduras! You know who will be there besides the likes of Erin Foley, Kate McKinnon, and Dani Campbell? Us, silly!

The prize package is worth a total value of $2,998 and includes all of your accommodations, meals, port taxes, gratuities and fuel surcharges.

Wanna know more? (and there’s so much more…)

Head over to our contest page to learn more about Sweet, the cruise, and how to win!


Did You See That Comment?Ulterior Motive Award goes to Paper on National Equality March Inspires Solidarity, Provides Attractive Lesbian Activists: “This almost makes me wish we didn’t have the right to marry here, just so we could have marches and Lady Gagas.”

So Beautiful It Hurts To Look At You Award to mindy on Lindsay Lohan Unlocks the Dark Secret of Sam Ronson’s Twitter Silence: “Jordan Catalano can read now! Substitute teachers FTW.”

Famous Last Words Award to Sapphicsass on Strap-Ons, Sugar-Laden Lesbian Sex & Brazillian Butts – It Must Be NSFW Sexy Sunday!: “I’ve always wondered how I was going to die, and I think over-ass-exposure is just the way to do it.”

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  1. So do you have to be gay to enter the contest? If yes, if I bring my bi-sexual sister will that count?

  2. It’s so tempting to just say “Screw education!” and enter this contest. But alas, that is not practical for my long-term goals.

      • My long-term goals are to graduate college.

        LOL, Jen, are you saying Canadians don’t have long-term goals? Since I want to be a writer of some sort, it seems to be my destiny to be poor so I should probably just enter the contest and go on the cruise. But there’s always the chance that I’ll actually turn out to be a good writer and I’ll make a lot of money and then donate it all to Autostraddle. In conclusion, you should encourage me to go to school.

        • You have reached the wrong conclusion Emily. I have goals, but they are so far in the future that one week on a boat will probably push me ahead rather than put me behind. My midterms are the last week of November. When are yours? and also who cares, lets just go.

  3. WHO WANTS TWO REALLY CUTE KIDS FOR ONE WEEK IN NOVEMBER? i’ll also throw in an old dog and an overweight cat. TAKERS?

    • If they wont cost anything and like college art classes, you can drop the kids here on your way ;)

  4. Damn, there sure are a lot of excuses for not being able to go in these comments. Too bad I have excuses too. But this is an amazing thing Autostraddle is doing for you! So those of you that do not have kids or big school exams must enter and go and give us all the details when you get back. By the way, that mask in my picture, it is in Belize. Just sayin.

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