Guess what! You have an amazing opportunity today to make the world, and by “the world” I mean “this website,” even better than it already is! Yup. That’s because today is Autostraddle Reader Survey Day!
It’s a multi-page survey all about YOU and what you like or don’t like, what you read, what you need and what you’re thinking, and what you’re DOING. What are you doing, reader? Do you read Autostraddle through Facebook? Do you have a cat or a dog? Did you go to college? Have you been to camp? How are you living your life? In what ways can we make it better? We need to know, and we can’t know unless you tell us!
You’re damn right it does, Grape! You’re crucial to the success of this survey, actually. Grab your phone and take a picture of yourself reading this post. Now look at the person/produce in the picture you just took. THAT PERSON IS SUCH A BIG DEAL. That person is an integral part of the Autostraddle experience. We need that person to complete the Autostraddle Reader Survey, so we can know what that person is all about!
Whoa there Skeptical Carrot.
You’re raising some valid concerns, and some totes wacky ones, and I admire you for both. Survey responses are most definitely used for good and not evil. They help steer content, advertising and marketing! We’d never sell your answers to the US government because they don’t care. We do though! We care all the way. Plus, a lot of the questions are optional if you feel ethically opposed to telling us what you buy online. (But c’mon, it’s just little ‘ol us!)
So get in there and complete that survey!
Oh my god the happy little fruit faces made me cry actual tears (in a good way). I’M SO TIRED.
I will totally fill out the survey, but wanted you to know that I am specifically thanking in the acknowledgements section of my dissertation (it goes to the grad college and my committee tomorrow), which pretty much sums up all you know about how this reader feels about this website. <333 (and also why I'm crying over cartoon fruit this week).
Congratulations on your dissertation!
Thanks Sophia! I barely passed, but you know what they say, D for diploma!
I’m enjoying the idea of a bunch of uptight engineers on my committee reading about how a feminist website helped me navigate the patriarchy during grad school :^D :^D :^D
WHEN I SUBMITTED MY DISSERTATION I CRIED AT EVERYTHING. NOW I AM CRYING THINKING ABOUT CRYING. AND ALSO YELLING! I was seconds away from thanking Brandi Carlile, but at the last minute I decided against it.
Woop, congratulations! Go get some sleep!
Ok but now you are making me feel bad about eating cute little fresh produce, and as a vegetarian this is a problem.
I love Autostraddle and I love talking about myself, so this was a great lunch break today
This survey made me feel so seen!
I put it in the survey but it’s worth noting that I had only vaguely heard of Autostraddle and i used to read AE religiously but then one day the PLL recap that went up there wasn’t written by Heather Hogan! And I tweeted at her, where’d you go?!?! And she tweeted back, I’m at Autostraddle! And the rest is history.
Very smart hire <3 <3
Seconded! :D
Same here! So thank you Heather for bringing us here, and thank you Autostraddle for hiring her.
Thanks for that, Heather
filled it out <3
Me too! I was kinda disappointed at the end like, “Oh, is that all you want to know? ok then.”
Is there a reason the question about political affiliation said, “if you live in the US” rather than “if you’re a US citizen”? I am registered but live abroad…
LOL Rachel W. I had the same thought when I got to the last page!
me too. i could answer more survey questions!
All you need to know about me is that I’m the cat in the header picture.
i have met Monique She is as cute as that Cat. For reals.
Also for those wondering: the survey takes like 15 minutes to fill up TOPS
I have a strange love of filling out surveys. I took the A-Camp survey within like an 15 minutes of receiving it. Did this one too!
Done, and done … so, when do we get to see the results? “)
Btw I don’t mind but I was curious why you asked us about what we drink?
It’s part of their plan to take over the world by hosting the perfect cocktail party. ;)
that’s such a good plan. i am THERE.
(in all seriousness, i’d wonder if it wasn’t to do with advertising?)
Comment award
So they can buy us drinks next time we meet
but i really like the cocktail party theory the most
me too
I also like the theory that it’s for workshops at camp
it was a question left over from when the original reader survey was designed as more of a thing to get us info for advertisers — like we could say “50% of our readers drink scotch! you should tell them to drink your scotch!”
we’re less focused on advertisers nowadays but we left that in there anyhow, it’s still useful for a hypothetical advertiser, but also all of this info can be used to make infographics to tell you about yourself, which people really seem to enjoy
I love the infographics. And surveys. And talking about myself.
I love taking surveys! Is that weird? My girlfriend always forwards all the e-mails asking her to fill surveys so I take them for her.
I feel like before asking if we share stuff on (social thing) or follow AS on (social thing), maybe a baseline question of ‘do you use (here are some social things)??’ would be a good warmup? I’m not actually on some (most) of these sites and now I feel bad I have to say Nope Never Sorry for my answers :( WHERE IS SELF ESTEEM POTATO?
OH THERE IT IS AT THE END. Ok then! All better?
Just a note, as I felt bad during the survey and then didn’t put it in the final comments – but the ‘do you share articles’ is v much affected by being out or not. I’m unlikely to past on Facebook, because that’s all friends and family, but I have retweeted AS for work purposes/as part of political discussion. If I was out I imagine I’d share more widely. It’s not an issue of not being invested in the articles.
Agreed! I try to keep my Facebook posts pretty light hearted, non-gay and non-political because of the type of work I do and how my coworkers on Facebook may react. But I totally retweet everything.
Hate surveys but adore you guys. Completed :)
Done! I love surveys, I love you guys, love everything about it including the vodka Question
I love surveys too! I was happy to fill it out. Also hi everyone! I have come out of lurking to finally comment:-)
Hi! <3
HI TRIPLE O, may I call you OOO? Welcome to commenting
Yay surveys!
So I’ve been looking forward to friday night since I saw this, cause I knew I was doing a self love date night thing and would finally have enough time to dedicate myself to the survey! A good night!
Done and dusted.
Woo hoo! I always look forward to this survey. :)
I wish I’d had my shit together soon enough to do this survey! I was super pumped about it but just busy and not focused and I checked today and it’s closed. Ah well. My life and feelings will remain secret until next year’s survey, I guess.