Autostraddle Presents: “The L Word WTF?!” Video Part #1

A few weeks ago while pounding away at the 608 Recap I had this brilliant idea to make a spectacular video encompassing every ridiculous WTF moment of TFS (this fucking show), The L Word. I described it with such enthusiasm “THE MUSIC BEGINS! And THEN! Bam!! -Max feels the baby kick BAM! – it’s Henry’s back fucking Tina – the music rises and BAM-BAM – The Nanny gives Angus a Blow Job BAM! Jenny with the paper dolls–” that I completely convinced myself it was the best idea I’d ever had. Now that I’ve actually begun this endless undertaking, I’m more on the fence. Anyhow.

Obviously there will be a part two, as one cannot get all the worst moments into one five minute piece. I put this video on a new vimeo account so if it gets taken down I won’t lose EVERYTHING! The art of losing is not hard to master, don’t forget that.

ALSO! Guess who went to the GLAAD Media Awards [Red Carpet]? Carlytron & Robin. Wanna read about it and see their pictures of all the famous homos smiling with their eyes? This is your chance! ALSO! Look at our L Word photo gallery, it’s hot.


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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3303 articles for us.


  1. This was absolutely fabulous. AbFab, if you will. Fucking hilarious and you, my dear Riese, are awesome for composing it!

  2. This made me tear up just a little, from laughing of course. Oh, IC how do you do the things you?

  3. this was the best thing for a monday morning at work. can we do a montage next time of people saying “computer search”? or better yet, “ourchart”?

  4. Just. Amazing! Brought back a great number of bad-bad-BAD TLW moments, which, of course, could be written by the one n’ only IC!…

  5. I’m pretty sure you just found yourself a job for pretty much the rest of your life. Fabulous.

  6. this is the best thing i’ve ever seen on a computer! this is why the internet was invented!
    Waterfalls FTW

  7. haha Riese, you effing rock!! seriously this was so funny, even though the video displayed all these moments I repressed from my memory and never wanted to see again…except in this way! I hope IFC will see it and think to herself that she really fucked it up..Best part def “computer search” ROFL! how do does anyone come up with a line like that??

  8. i’m being the worst person ever because i just woke my roommate up from laughing so loud, but i will make it up to her by making her watch this.

  9. Riese –
    Can we just have more of this?
    I mean, it would eradicate all of the bad karma season 6… I’m just sayin’…

    You could help us remember why we loved the L Word from the start and how good it was before Dana died…

    Love It Girl!
    Need More! Must Have More!(Said in best Cookie Monster voice)

  10. Really EZgirl? Really?

    Cancer’s ravaging effects on the body = “I’m down with that” and “Party on, Dana.” WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

      • You people are horrible. Karma? Are you serious? I was going through breast cancer at the very same time Dana was going through hers. I didn’t know one other person with cancer let alone breast cancer and having this show was great and seeing her have friends and be generally loved was awesome.

        And you think cancer and being “BALD!” is karma for saying “party on” in loving kindness instead of just looking at her weird and avoiding her because it can be uncomfortable? Kiss my ass.

        Of course, your ridiculous comment was made nearly 3.5 years ago. Maybe you’ve grown up since.


    I haven’t laughed this hard in weeks. Can you add Max whining “you don’t understand” in part two? That always makes me laugh til I pee! You ladies rock on this wesite. It’s my new fav I have to visit EVERY day!!!

  12. “Party on, Dana!” Omg wtf? I don’t remember that exchange with EZgirl, I must have blocked it out, lols. I loved this, really amazing. “Party on, Riese!” ;)

  13. Oh my god Riese.. that was epic. Even in the middle of the episode some of that stuff was like, a seriously big WTF. But OUT of context? Oh wow. Well done, you. I look forward to part two.

  14. VERY cool! Keep em coming…You could probably do 34958733458 WTF moments. Once a week! Great job!

  15. you know…. if you would have put this up on youtube, it would have been taken down in a half second. also…. uh i think we should all become bald like dana and see if people really say things like that….just an idea

  16. “I’m down with that doo” umm the horror… THE HORROR! Who would say that?

    Good work, can’t wait for episode 2

  17. great job! the papi-kit scene is bad! almost as bad as henry’s toenails scene (the worst of all the series)

  18. I wish I could bask in the enjoyment of this…
    But it isn’t working for some reason.
    Stupid computer.
    Will it ever be on youtube?

    • Hmmm! I hope you got it to work.

      No, it won’t ever be on youtube. They’ve really started cracking down and it’s almost impossible to get any content up there with any music or footage you didn’t create yourself. I uploaded it but they identified copyrighted material and it never even went up, so — phooey on youtube. sigh.

      • Pfftt! Oh well…

        I’m determined.
        I’ll get it to work somehow.
        Hopefully in the near future.

  19. This shit made me laugh. Jenny’s carnival, Henry cutting his toenails, bearded knocked up Max … the photos were awesome. I loved the one of Pam Grier in her “Foxy Brown” days. I started getting nostalgic as hell. I will miss Kate Moennig as Shane. The writing sucked, but I loved the show. Riese, didn’t you used to do recaps for the Lwordonline?

    • Thanks!!

      Yes, I was the recapper for The L Word Online for Seasons 4, 5 and 6, which is/has been awesome. So all those recaps are on TLW and on Autostraddle.

      Pam Grier as Foxy Brown = HOT.

      It’s weird that it’s mad me kinda nostalgic even going through the bad parts. Well, one of these days me and carlytron will get around to recapping the first two seasons, perhapsssss!

  20. I’m away from AS for a week and THIS is what I come back too? I come back to an overwhelming pile of AWESOMENESS!! This is amazing! I srsly can’t wait for part 2…

  21. Totally frickin’-fan tastic! Genius on a stick! Looooove it! OK this has been buggin’ me – Riese et al – did I know any of you from miRC’s #dyke-tv channel?

    Any1? That’s the only way I could even get dyke related content or the L Word in the 1st 2.5 seasons due to being in Canuckville (apparently Showtime didn’t think Canadians watched gay stuff – LOL – you know we Canadians – where GAY MARRIAGE IS LEGAL?? *smacks Showtime in the head*)….

    Ah….#dyke-tv & mIRC – what people used b4 youtube was avail…before torrents….
    Actually met my g/f thru burning her some L Word eps. – 4.5 years and counting – she lives with me now and every once & awhile goes: “Where’s my damned L Word DVD?” – Me: “On my harddrive, honey”….

    Anyway…bad moments to include (on my list): That stupid Mark guy and his video camera in Jenny & Shane’s house; the male lesbian with Alice? WTF?; Kit and the fat married lecturer dude; Helena’s mom suddenly becoming a lesbian (where did the chicka go?, and why wasn’t she there at the deathbed?); anything involving f’ing Tonya…; and last but not least: Phyllis hitting on Bette? and anything else that was the bad crap in Season 6, 3 & 4.

    “Crissssspy” – loved it!

    I STILL wanna know why Dana’s ghost did not make an appearance in S6! IFC I am so p’o’ed.

  22. Pingback: L Word Video I WTF?! Moments I Lesbian & Bisexual Women I Girl-on-Girl Culture | Autostraddle Video

    • I don’t know! Eeek. It says it will be available later, maybe vimeo is doing site maintenance?

  23. Um. I’d really like to watch but I can’t! There’s a blank, over here and on vimeo… is there a region restriction on the vid? Perhaps you could also upload it on youtube?

    Pretty please?


    • There’s definitely no region restriction — I’m trying to figure this out on vimeo ’cause there’s no trouble with it here.

      I’ve tried uploading it to youtube and they rejected it based on copyrighted content, I tried several times. So that’s not an option. I’m sorry, I’m totally baffled — remind me where you live?

      • have you tried a different web browser? I can’t ask vimeo directly, because there is copyrighted content in the video obvs and to bring it to their attention would mean it would be taken down since that’s against the rules. It might be a problem with your browser?

  24. Two years later, but im glad someone else wtfed at Jodis art piece, the piece was a sound piece… and Jodi’s deaf wtf.

  25. I finally watched the last 2 season this month. There was a lot of WTF!? moments in it. I’m glad you got the “HE’s pregnant” in there. lol

    By the way, Jenny was so much cuter with her short hair. I’m not the woman who always nitpicks about appearances, so this is a rarity for me, but her long hair was really bothering me in the last 2 seasons. It made her look sloppy and frumpy. I forgot until I saw the older clips she was so much cuter.

    • By the way, the Saved By The Bell woman was a WTF?! every time she came on. And that happy dance at Bette’s was way weird to watch. lol

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