Autostraddle Makes Refinery29’s “24 Best Websites For Women”

Vanessa’s Team Pick:

We’re big fans of Refinery29, “the cornerstone of fashion, beauty, and shopping for a new generation” and a site that has recently evolved from a fashion website to a lifestyle platform (Inc. magazine ranked it second among the 100 fastest growing media companies!), so we’re super honored to be featured in their list of the 24 Best Websites For Women (Our Version!).

Refinery29 news editor Lexi Nisita explained that the R29 list was created as a counterpoint to ForbesThe 100 Best Websites For Women, 2013, which was published last week but didn’t include all the popular, influential, smart, important women’s websites (run by and for women) that we’re all fans of. We love that Refinery29 took the time to put together a response, and we love what they have to say about us, too:

Though it defines itself as a website for lesbian, queer, and bisexual women, we know plenty of straight chicks who experimented with Autostraddle in college — and they’re still regular readers today.

We strongly encourage you to head over to Refinery29 and check out the other sites that made their impeccably curated cut. Some of our favorites are on there, like Bust, io9, and The Toast, and we’re excited to add some new titles to our RSS feeds too. We’re thrilled to be listed in such good company!

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Vanessa is a writer, a teacher, and the community editor at Autostraddle. Very hot, very fun, very weird. Find her on twitter and instagram.

Vanessa has written 404 articles for us.


  1. Because if its not relevant to straight people, then sure its probably not worth anything anyway….

  2. pretty sure the reason my car died and I couldn’t get to work today was so I could stay home and peruse this list

    • destiny <3

      (but i hope you’re okay and that your work was okay with you not being able to come in)

      • AWW thanks i didn’t see this til just now
        i still haven’t made it in so i don’t know yet eheh but i won’t worry about it (much) <3

  3. i think we should make a list of all the lists we are on

    and then someone should teampick that list

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